Occupancy Management Module Guide
An occupancy is a building or portion of a building that has to be identified and/or inspected.
1. Single Stand alone buildings
Single stand alone business will be a single occupancy. They will have a unique Occupancy ID and no Property ID.
Office and Professional buildings that have only (1) basic use type, will have a single Occupancy ID for the building. If there is a separate occupancy within the building that needs to be inspected for a specific reason (frequecy, permits, etc), list these using the Multiple occupancy rules, but don’t create a spereate master occupancy.
2. Multiple Occupancies
Multiple Occupancies will have an individual Occupancy ID for each section, and possibly (1) Occupancy ID for the whole plaza. They will also have a Property ID.
Occupancy Name: For Business Occupancies, use the actual name of the business (McDonalds). For Primary Occupancies of Multiple Occupancy buildings, use the plaza name (Stratfield Plaza). For single family dwellings, use the address (111 Main Street). For multi family dwellings, use thee address range (111-115 Main Street)
Occupancy ID: This is the unique number which identifies each occupancy, They should be formated as follows. Street Number + Street Prefix + (6) Letters of the street name + Street Type + Street Suffix + Apt/Rm/Suite. There aere NO SPACES OR SPECIAL CHARACTERS.
Example # 100 Reef Road would be 100REEFRD.
If the street has a directional prefix such as North, South, etc. Insert the first letter before the three street letters.
Example: # 1160 East Kings Highway would be 1160EKINGSHWY.
If the Occupancy has a unique identifier beyond the street address, such as Suite, room, building, etc. This is placed at the end.
Example # 1073 North Benson Road – Barone Campus Center would be 1073NBENSONRDBC
Multiple Occupancies, same address:
There will be record for each individual occupancy, as well as the building
itself. If the address for each occupancy are the same, a unit or tenant
number can be used.
Example # 222 Post Road unit “A” would be 222POSTRDA.
Additional Examples:
8645 Big Bend Lane–8645BIGBENLN
222 West Cedar St—222WCEDARST
30 North Gore Ave, Office A—30NGOREAVEA
Address: Use the lookup box to choose the Street Address, City State and Zip.
Response District / Inspection District / Station: Enter these as they are determined by your departments needs.
Unit: Use this filed as the Unit (Company) that is responsible for the inspections for this occupancy. This field carries through to the FH Inspector App.
Phone Numbers: This is where you would list the main Office numbers, and Fax Numbers.
E-mail / Internet: List the main e-mail address or website.
Stories: List the number of stories above and below ground.
Property use, ownership, construction etc: Fill in each space with the appropriate choice from the lookup table.
Detectors: Note presence, type, and power supply. Choose from lookup table.
Automatic Extinguishing System: Note Presence and Type, choose from lookup table.
Building Classification: Select the appropriate value from the list.
Owners and Contacts Tab:
This is where we gather information reguarding, Owners, emergency contacts, after hour contacts, key holders, alarm companies etc.
Click the ADD button to add a new contact. Fill in as much information for each contact as you can get. You can have multiple phone numbers for each one.
Date occupied and Date out. Use for new occupancies or occupancies that move or close. If unknown leave blank.
Owner (OWNER), Business Owner (BOWN), Property Manager (PM) are the main types of contacts we use for printing inspection reports.
Inspection and Activities Tab:
This is where all inspections and responses will be listed automatically when you enter them in the other modules.
Chemical Inventory: Record any chemicals stored or used on site in quantities greater than Fourty-Nine Gallons, or Twenty-four pounds.
You can look chemicals up in the system database by Name, UN Number, or CAS Number.
You will also need to note the following:
Maximum quantity, and number of days on site.
Physical State: Solid, Liquid, or Gas, and is it pure or a mixture.
How is it stored: Barells, bags, etc. At, above, or below ambient pressure and temperature.
Nearest hydrant Locations: List at least two hydrants, note number from hydrant module.
Storage Tanks: Note any large storage tanks.
On-Site Materials or Products: Note if any applicable in lookup Table
Needed Fire Flow: Note Length and Width on inspection. You will also need to note any exposures within 100 feet, and the construction type.
Additional Preplan Information and Alerts: Click add to enter details of any you noted on inspection. These will include Knox Box information.
Use this area to add additional information you feel is important, that has not been identified in any other area.