Oak Island Women’s Golf Association

General Meeting

DECEMBER 3, 2017

I. Call to Order:

The meeting was called to order at11:10by President, Denise Pacula, At the Flying Fish Restaurant on Oak Island, since our course, Duffer’s restaurant, is currently closed. There were 38 members present.

II. Approval of minutes – September 17, 2017:

A motion was made and secondedand the minutes were approved by the members present

III Reports:

President: Denise Paculathanked all the committee heads for their work during the past year. She announced the favors on the tables for each member are from Hippie Chick with an emphasis on shopping local. President Pacula called for reports.

  1. Vice President: Deb Sullivanannounced there is a wish list being passed around asking for preferences for tee times for the upcoming year.
  1. Secretary: Deborah Schoch, no report
  1. Treasurer: Linda Trentis traveling. Denise reported currentlywe have $4,534 but after expenses the carry over to the new year is expected to be $1,347.

IV/ Reports of Committees

  1. Ladybirds: Michelle Taylorreported a great season. In review: there were 107 golfers at the March Ladybirds event hosted by Oak Island. Throughout the season we had 19 golfers participate in Lady Birds with 15 eligible for the cup. We were permitted to field only 8 players for the season ending cup competition. Oak Island came in third for the final cup competition losing by only 8 strokes. Deborah Schoch was the Oak Island Ladybirds’ winner.
  1. Publicity: Present Denise reported for Anita Dubois that all play date stats have been reported to the Pilot newspaper after being compiled by Sue Wood.

C/D. Sunshine/Member Care: Judy Reidasks all members to continue to share information about our members to enable this committee to be successful.

  1. Birdie Tree: Betty Ingold was not present; Cori Booth reported the birdie board has been secured during the present closing of the club house.
  1. Linksters/Lakes: Cori Booth: no report
  1. Social: DeVota Vereen: no report
  1. Sadie Hawkins: Sara Burton: no report
  1. Club Championship: no report
  1. Roster: Susan Morrison reported the roster information is being passed around and asked all members please make any necessary changes or initial that all information is correct.
  1. Play Days: Susan Morrison and Sue Wood made the following year end winner presentations: Handicap Twenty Nine and under Most Wins – low gross: Deb Sullivan, low net: Linda Hampton. Over Thirty Most Wins – low gross: Joyce Rommel, low net: Michelle Taylor. Most birdies: Detta Cutright, Most chip-ins: Michelle Taylor. State Play Day of the Year: Sara Burton, Trophy Day Winner: Deb Sullivan, Most improved: Janice Ramieh. Significant scores reported during the year are: broke 90: Linda Hampton, broke 100: Janice Ramieh, Brenda Schell, Joyce Rommel and Sara Burton. The Club Champion is Denise Pacula.
  1. Historian: Sara Burtonmade the announcement for all to stay after lunch to take a group photo for the web site.
  1. Rules: No report
  1. Memorial Garden: no report

V. Old Business: No report

VI. New Business: President Paculaannounced that memorials will be made to the family of Joan Van Noordt, deceased member, and to Jim Parker, spouse of member Ellen Parker. Denise opened the floor for discussion regarding distribution of remaining allocated yearly monies tocharities. She asked if anyone present was a board member of a local charity and/or does any member volunteered at a particular charity that they wished to announce to the group for consideration. Deb Sullivan described her involvement with the juvenile court system operated by the Waves for Kids program. Judy Reid spoke of the Beach Preservation group on Oak Island. DettaCutright spoke of her connection with Paws Ability and Grace’s Hope for animals. Michelle Taylor spoke of her prior work with Special Olympics; Cori Booth mentioned her former work with Hope Chest along with DettaCutrightadding Providence Hope. Sara Burton made a motion that available monies be distributed to these organizations which was seconded by Cori Booth. The motion passed.

Cindy Powell reported for the nominating committee and presented the following slate of officers for 2018: President: Deb Sullivan, Vice President: Michelle Taylor, Secretary: Judy Reid, Treasurer: Linda Trent. A motion was made by Joyce Rommel and seconded by Carolyn Kascher to approve the new slate of officers. The aye vote was unanimous.

Sue Morrison made an announcement of the upcoming North vs South golf tournament to be held at Oak Island.

Deb Sullivan presented outgoing president, Denise Pacula, a gift with appreciation for her year of service.

VII. Adjournment:Denise asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting. A motion was made and seconded. All were in favor and the meeting was adjourned at11:45, followed by the members’ annual Christmas luncheon.

Respectfully submitted,

Deborah Schoch, Secretary