Supplementary material to:
Heinsbroeket al. Patterns of injecting and non-injecting drug use by sexual behaviour in people who inject drugs attending services in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, 2013-2016, International Journal on Drug Policy.
n (%) / Heterosexual men n (%) / OR*, 95%CI / AOR**, 95%CI
Number of participants
Total / 299 / 3,215 / - / -
Total who injected in last month / 242 (81%) / 2,473 (77%) / - / -
Total with information on injected drug use*** / 237 (79%) / 2,391 (74%) / - / -
Injected drug use
Heroin / 196 (83%) / 2,227 (91%) / 0.45 (0.31-0.65) / 0.44 (0.30-0.65)
Methadone / 12 (5%) / 32 (1%) / 4.01 (2.04-7.89) / 4.49 (2.24-9.00)
Crack / 108 (46%) / 1,088 (45%) / 1.04 (0.79-1.36) / 1.02 (0.76-1.38)
Cocaine / 27 (11%) / 249 (10%) / 1.13 (0.74-1.72) / 1.19 (0.77-1.84)
Amphetamine (speed) / 49 (21%) / 538 (22%) / 0.92 (0.66-1.28) / 1.06 (0.74-1.52)
Mephedrone / 28 (12%) / 112 (5%) / 2.78 (1.79-4.30) / 3.00 (1.90-4.74)
Ketamine / 13 (6%) / 54 (2%) / 2.56 (1.37-4.76) / 2.17 (1.12-4.21)
Other / 25 (11%) / 159 (7%) / 1.69 (1.08-2.64) / 1.73 (1.09-2.73)
* Odds ratio for MSM compared to heterosexual men. ** Odds ratio adjusted for age, region/country ofattended service, ever homeless and ever imprisonment. *** Mephedrone and ketamine use in the last month not asked for 4 MSM and 47 heterosexual men.
n (%) / Heterosexual women n (%) / OR*, 95%CI / AOR**, 95%CI
Number of participants
Total / 122 / 1,336 / - / -
Total who injected in last month / 100 (82%) / 1,012 (76%) / - / -
Total with information on injected drug use*** / 99 (81%) / 989 (74%) / - / -
Injected drug use
Heroin / 87 (88%) / 906 (92%) / 0.66 (0.35-1.26) / 0.65 (0.31-1.35)
Methadone / 7 (7%) / 12 (1.2%) / 6.19 (2.38-16.11) / 5.56 (2.05-15.12)
Crack / 44 (44%) / 360 (36%) / 1.40 (0.92-2.12) / 1.73 (1.08-2.77)
Cocaine / 14 (14%) / 44 (4.4%) / 3.53 (1.86-6.72) / 4.77 (2.38-9.56)
Amphetamine (speed) / 23 (23%) / 177 (18%) / 1.39 (0.85-2.28) / 1.37 (0.79-2.40)
Mephedrone / 11 (11%) / 40 (4%) / 2.93 (1.45-5.92) / 2.35 (1.06-5.21)
Ketamine / 6 (6%) / 15 (1.5%) / 4.14 (1.57-10.93) / 6.51 (2.25-18.78)
Other / 12 (12%) / 38 (3.8%) / 3.45 (1.74-6.85) / 3.17 (1.50-6.71)
* Odds ratio for WSW compared to heterosexual men. ** Odds ratio adjusted for age, region/country ofattended service, and ever imprisonment. *** Mephedrone and ketamine use in the last month not asked for