Family and Consumer Sciences
6th Grade Expectations
The Hamburg Middle School 6th grade Family and Consumer Science (FACS) course meets every day for ten weeks. The exploratory curriculum will cover units in sewing (hand sewing only), foods, fiber & fabrics, laundry and careers (if time allows)
REQUIRED CLASS SUPPLIES: Students should bring supplies to class every day.
1. A 3 ring binder with student’s name & class period on the front.
2. 4 dividers labeled with units; Foods, Laundry, Sewing and Fibers/Fabrics.
Dividers may be made using colored paper with tabs tapped on.
3. Twenty sheets of notebook paper should be in the binder.
4. Pen or pencil needed every class period.
5. Student planner needed every class period.
GRADING: Students will be graded by quizzes, unit tests, projects, classroom assignments, homework, classroom participation and behavior. If students are absent for any reason, (i.e., music lessons, field trips, or home ill) they need to complete any missed work. All grades will be posted on Parent Portal. The final exam will count as 20% of the final average. Late assignments result in a loss of points.
Progress reports will be available through Parent Portal. Parents may contact me by phone at 716-646-3250 or email me at . Please check Parent Portal regularly for any missing assignments.
I want your son or daughter to succeed not only in this class but in the future. Therefore, classroom procedures are very important in producing a successful educational environment. On the back of this letter are the classroom expectations. These will act as guidelines to produce a more effective classroom situation. Please review the list with your son or daughter and sign where appropriate and have your son or daughter return it to me by the date indicated on the sheet.
I am looking forward to working with your child. Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns at Hamburg Middle School.
Mrs. J. Kopsa
Family and Consumer Science Teacher
Hamburg Middle School
6th Grade Classroom Expectations for FACS
1. Prompt: Students are expected to be ready to learn at the beginning of the class period. Students should enter the classroom quietly, check the board for instructions, open their binder, have pencils sharpened and be in their assigned seat when the second bell rings. A pass or signed planner is required if a student is late for class. Three unexcused tardy will result in an after school detention with the teacher.
2. Prepared: Students should bring required materials to class. Students should bring their planner, binder, assignments, and two pencils or pens (black or blue ink) to class. Number 2 pencils are required for test taking.
3. Respectful & Polite: Students should show respect for classmates, teachers, and school property. Students should be courteous and considerate, listen to and follow instructions, and use appropriate behavior and language in class.
4. Attentive: Students should listen to and participate in the daily lesson. Students should be quiet and allow all students to learn. Anything that distracts the student or the classmates around them should be put away or stopped. Students should stay in their assigned seats and wait to be dismissed by the teacher.
5. Be Positive: Students should have a positive attitude while working in class. They should make an effort to learn and to do the best work they are capable of doing.
6. No cell phones will be allowed in the classroom. No snacks are allowed in class. Only very discreet gum chewing is allowed and should never interrupt the class. Water bottles must meet the school code and must be placed under the student’s chair during the class period.
All rules apply when a substitute is present
If absent the student is responsibility to ask for & complete missed work.
Cut on line, return bottom portion to your teacher and place the top portion in your binder.
I understand the course expectations and behavioral requirements for Family and Consumer Sciences. With my signature below I accept the consequences of my actions in class.
Student’s Name______Student’s Signature______(Print Clearly) Grade Level ______Class Period ______
Parent Signature ______
Parent E-mail ______
Parent Phone Number______
If convenient to call at work- Work Phone Number______
Please sign and return by ______