I N P E R S O N / I N A B S E N T I A(Strike off Which is not applicable) / B.A./B.Sc./B.Com, or other Lower Degree should be enclosed, failing which the application will not be considered
MASTERS’ (M.A./M.Sc./M.Com./M.B.A./M.S.I.S./M.S.B.M./M.D./M.S./M.Tech./M.Sc.Tech./ M.Ed./M.C.A/ M.L./ M.L.I.Sc./M.F.M./M.P.Ed.) M.Phil. AND Ph.D. DEGREES ONLY
Application for admission to the 50TH Annual Convocation
Degree for which application is made………………………….…… Subject ………………………………
Candidates applying for Ph.D. Degree should enclose invariably a copy of the notification of award of Ph.D issued by the University.
1. / Name of the candidates in full, as enrolled in the University records (if the name has been subsequently changed and the change was recognized by the University both the names should be given). / Note : Woman Candidate should add the word “Woman” after her name,
2. / Father’s Name
(Attested Xerox Copy of Marks of Inter/SSC/TC)
3. / Position or occupation together with address. / Present address :
Permanent address :
4. / a) Address to which the Admit
Card should be dispatched
(for In Person)
NOTE : The candidate should enclose 9” x4” self addressed stamped envelope for Rs.5/- for sending Admit Card.
b)Address to which Degree should be dispatched (for In Absentia) candidates
NOTE : The candidate should enclose 20” x 12” self-addressed stamped envelope for Rs.40/- for sending Degree.
5. / Qualifying examination passed (Provisional Certificate should be enclosed)
6. / College in which studied the course for which the Degree certificate is applied.
Period of Study.
(Private candidates should state the examination centre).
7. / Furnish the Register Numbers and year of appearances for P.G./M.Phil./Ph.D. Exam.
Special Subjects or Papers if any taken in M.A., M.Sc., M.Com., M.F.M., or M.Ed., etc., Exam should be furnished. / Part of Examination / Month and Year
of passing / Register No. / Class
Part-I (Previous)
Part-II (Final)
In the case of Semester System of Examination.
I Semester
II Semester
III Semester
IV Semester
8. / Candidates who passed the M.A./M.Sc./ M.Com. & M.F.M. Degree examinations under “IMPROVEMENT PROVISION” should furnish all Register numbers and year of appearances in which he/she PASSED apart from improvement. / Part-I (Previous) / Part-II (Final)
Year / Register Numbers / Year / Register Numbers
9. / Title of Thesis if applying for M.Phil. or Ph.D Degree. (In CAPITAL Letters)
10. / For candidates applying for M.A., M.Com., M.Sc., M.Mus., M.Ed., M.E., M.Tech., M.C.A., M.Phil., Ph.D., M.S., M.D., M.B.A., M.L. M.L.I.Sc. and M.F.M. Degrees :
Date of admission to the B.A., B.Com., B.Sc., B.Mus., B.Ed., B.E., M.Ed., M.A., M.Sc., M.Com., M.F.M., B.Tech., OR M.B.B.S Degrees as the case may be at a convocation specifying the Degree taken and the University from which taken should be furnished. / State when degree taken / Name of the University / Degree with Particulars
Reg. No. etc.
11. / # Candidates applying for the higher Degree should necessarily enclose the lower degree certificate (original) to this application. Specify what lower degree certificate is enclosed.
12. / Whether the candidate, is also applying for an additional Degree, if so, the Degree should be stated. (A separate application for the additional Degree should be made, if eligible to take the same at one and the same convocation).
13. / Prizes or Medals awarded which are now to be presented at this Convocation. (The year in which the award was made should be furnished).
14. / Whether application has been made previously for admission to this Degree, ‘ IN PERSON ’ and if so in what year or years.
(A candidate who had applied to the degree and was ABSENT at a previous convocation should pay a PENALTY of Rs.575/- (Five hundred and Seventy Five) in addition to the specified in Column No.15.
15. / NOTE : / FEE for admission to the Degree / IN PERSON / IN ABSENTIA
1. / Convocation fee for candidates of SVU Colleges/SVU P.G Centre, Kavali/Kadapa / : / Rs. 190-00 / Rs. 385/-
2. / Convocation fee for candidates of affiliated colleges/DDE/Private / : / ------/ Rs. 190/-
3. / Penal fee after one year and upto 3 years / : / Rs. 950-00 / Rs.1,145/-
4. / Penal fee after 3 years each year / Rs. 150-00 / Rs. 150/-
16. / Particulars of fee paid :
NOTE : Money Orders, Postal Orders, Mail Transfers &
Challan will NOT Be Accepted. Original D.D. should
be enclosed. / Amount Rs………… D.D. No…………..………
Name of the Bank………………………………
Place……………….…… Date…………..…….
No candidate who has already proceeded to a degree and has been awarded his diploma shall be admitted a second time at a Convocation to the same degree not withstanding that he may have
(This will apply to the candidates of this University). / qualified in an additional group or branch or in an additional language. An endorsement shall be made upon his diploma setting forth the further examinations passed by him, the dates of such examinations and the class in which he was placed, if any.
(Such candidate should not send this application and they are directed to send a separate requisition for the same along with the fee by means of D.D. Rs.175/- (Rupees One hundred Seventy Five only)
DATE……………………………………… Signature of the Applicant
# / A candidate must have taken lower Degree before he applies for Higher Degree.
Enquiries from candidates as to the receipt of their applications in the office of the CONTROLLER OF EXAMINATIONS will not receive attention. Candidates are, therefore advised to send their applications by Registered Post with acknowledgement due, so that they may have ready means of knowing that their applications have reached the office.
I N A D V A N C E / I N A B S E N T I A
(Strike off Which is not applicable) / Pre-degree Certificate (P.U.C./H.S.S.L.C/Central Board Certificate / Corporal Certificate/ Board of Intermediate Education Certificate) in original must be enclosed, failing which the application will not be considered
Degree for which application is made………………………….……………
NOTE : / 1. / Candidates who are already degree holders and who have been exempted from appearing Part-I Languages to enable them appear for another degree have to enclose their B.A./B.Sc./B.Com. Degree certificates in Original.
2. / Degree certificates of the regular candidates will be sent to the Principals of the colleges where they last studied and those of the private candidates will be sent to the address furnished on the self addressed cover.
3. / Private exempted candidates should enclose one self-addressed envelope (38 x 28cms) by affixing postal stamps worth Rs.35/- to send the degree certificates direct to the addresses given by them.
4. / Photostat Copy of B.A./B.Sc./B.Com. Provisional Pass Certificate must be enclosed.
1. / Name of the candidate in full (CAPITAL) letters as entered in Intermediate certificate / Note : Woman Candidate should add the word “Woman” after her name,
2. / Name of the Father/Mother Name
(Attested Xerox Copy of Marks of Inter/SSC/TC)
3. / Name and full address to which the Degree Certificate is to be dispatched.
4. / College where studied. Also state period of study (Private candidates should state the examination centre).
5. / The Register No. and years of the first appearance of the First Year Examination C.C.S /(Y.E.S) Part-I (R.O.R) Examination. / Reg. No. Year Centre
C.C.S./ Y.E.S./R.O.R. / Medium :
Subject / Month and Year of Passing / Reg. No. / Marks obtained / Class for Part-I
PART-I (a) Paper- I
(b) Paper- I
(c) Paper- I
PART-II (Specify Subjects)
Paper – I
Practical - I
Paper – I
Practical - I
Paper – I
Practical - I
Subject / Month and Year of Passing / Reg. No. / Marks obtained / Class for Part-IPart-II
PART-I (a) Paper- II
(b) Paper- II
(c) Paper- II
PART-II (Specify Subjects)
Paper – II
Practical – II
Paper – II
Practical – II
Paper – II
Practical – II
PART-II (Specify Subjects)
Paper – III
Paper – IV
Practical – III
Practical – IV
Paper – III
Paper – IV
Practical – III
Practical – IV
Paper – III
Paper – IV
Practical – III
Practical – IV
Amount Rs. 190/- Bank………………………………… D.D. No………………………………… Date……..……………
DATE………………………………………………….. Signature of the Applicant
* Additional penal fees at the following rates should be paid for late applications on each applications received :
a) / After one year and upto 3 years Rs.825/- / b) / After 3 years Rs.150/- per every year.
NOTE :- / 1. / Enquiries from candidates as to the receipt of their applications in the Office of the Controller of Examinations will not receive attention. Each applications should be sent by Registered Post with Acknowledgement Due card.
2. / Convocation fee should be paid through Demand Draft drawn in favour of the Registrar S.V.University, Tirupati.
3. / Money orders/Postal orders and Challan, will not be accepted.
4. / Applications without full particulars as required above will be summarily rejected.
Fee for admission to the Degree IN ADVANCE of next Convocation.
a) / Rs. 925/- for the candidates who have passed in the proceeding year.
b) / Penal Fee after one year and upto 3 years Rs.825/-.
c) / Penal Fee after 3 years Rs.150/- per every year.
Enclosures to be sent along with this application.
1. / Original Intermediate pass Certificate and Photostat copy of Provisional Certificate.
2. / D.D. for the required amount payable at A.B./S.B.I., S.V.U Campus, Tirupati.
I N A D V A N C E / I N A B S E N T I A
(Strike off Which is not applicable) / Pre-degree Certificate (P.U.C./H.S.S.L.C/Central Board Certificate / Corporal Certificate/ Board of Intermediate Education Certificate/Lower Degree Certificate for B.Ed., B.L.I.Sc. & 3 Year L.L.B) in original must be enclosed, failing which the application will not be considered
Degree for which application is made………………………….……………
NOTE : / 1. / Degree certificates of the regular candidates will be sent to the Principals of the colleges where they last studied and those of the private candidates will be sent to the address furnished on the self addressed cover.
2. / Private exempted candidates should enclose one self-addressed envelope (38 x 28cms) by affixing postal stamps worth Rs.35/- to send the degree certificates direct to the addresses given by them.
1. / Name of the candidate in full (CAPITAL) letters as entered in Intermediate certificate. / Note : Woman Candidate should add the word “Woman” after her name,
2. / Name of the Father/Mother Name
(Attested Xerox Copy of Marks of Inter/SSC/TC)
3. / Name and full address to which the Degree Certificate is to be dispatched.
4. / Name of the Course studied and Branch.
(for B.Tech students)
5. / College where studied. Also state period of study (Private candidates should state the examination centre).
Course &
Examination Particulars / Month and Year of Passing / Reg. No. / Class Obtained
Amount Rs. 190/- Bank………………..………………… D.D. No……………………………Date……..……….………….
DATE…………………………... Signature of the Applicant
:: 2 ::
* Additional penal fees at the following rates should be paid for late applications on each applications
received :
a) / After one year and upto 3 years Rs.825/- / b) / After 3 years Rs.150/- per every year.
NOTE :- / 1. / Enquiries from candidates as to the receipt of their applications in the Office of the Controller of Examinations will not receive attention. Each applications should be sent by Registered Post with Acknowledgement Due card.
2. / Convocation fee should be paid through Demand Draft drawn in favour of the Registrar S.V.University, Tirupati.
3. / Money orders/Postal orders and Challan, will not be accepted.
4. / Applications without full particulars as required above will be summarily rejected.
Fee for admission to the Degree IN ADVANCE of next Convocation.
a) / Rs. 925/- for the candidates who have passed in the proceeding year.
b) / Penal Fee after one year and upto 3 years Rs.825/-.
c) / Penal Fee after 3 years Rs.150/- per every year.
Enclosures to be sent along with this application.
1. / Original Intermediate pass Certificate and Photostat copy of Provisional Certificate.
2. / D.D. for the required amount payable at A.B./S.B.I., S.V.U Campus, Tirupati.