Call to Order: Trustees of School District No. 9 met in regular session on December 10, 2007, at the Radley Elementary Gym. Chairman Ellermeyer called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance
Attendance and Introduction of Board Members
Trustees Present: Chairman Marcia Ellermeyer, Trustees Mark Diehl, Kent Dodge, Don Hoffman, Kit Johnson, Ann Marie Thompson and Scott Walter.
Principals Joe McMahon, Keith Obert and Dan Rispens and Vice Principal, Mike Agostinelli, Superintendent, Ron Whitmoyer, Clerk, Kim Aarstad and Technology Coordinator, Jeanette Winslow.
Visitors: Patty Buckley, Karol Gustin, Debbie Gibson, Kate Dartman, Erin Vetsch, Mike Vetsch, Sharyn Gunderson, Scott Ireland, Connie Ford, Marya Warren, Carrie Clement, Alana Listoe, Klark Barrett and Marilyn Siroky.
Motion by Trustee Thompson, seconded by Trustee Diehl to move the Student Report above Unfinished Business and to accept the agenda as presented. Unanimous vote for the motion.
Student Report
Mike Gunderson, Student Council Vice President, reportedthat the 7th grade Choir took part in a musical/concert called Treasure Island Musical on November 28, 2007. The East Valley Middle School Tigers, boys basketball ended their basketball season last week, 8th grade finished 11 and 6 and 7th grade finished at 12 and 4. November 12th – 15th was EVMS parent/teacher conferences. November 30, 2007 was the end of the first trimester at EVMS.
Unfinished Business
Credit Card Application Consideration
Superintendent Whitmoyer updated the board on the District Credit Card application. After looking at many different credit cards the district will be applying for Visa card. Superintendent Whitmoyer also submitted an administrative policy and regulations for governance of the district credit card.
Motion by Trustee Dodge, seconded by Trustee Diehl to accept the administrative policies 70:10.400 and to apply for a district credit card. Unanimous vote for the motion.
Superintendent Evaluations Returned
Chairman Ellermeyer reminded the board members to turn in the Superintendent Evaluation.
New Business
MTSBA Workers Compensations Risk Retention Program (WCRRP) Proposal
Superintendent Whitmoyer asked that the board consider applying for the Montana Schools Group Insurance Authority (MSGIA) rewards program for work comp risk retention program (WCRRP) for the next three years. This reward program is a three year commitment that offers an annual 10% premium rebate if the loss ratio is less than 25% of the premium. The district must decide if they wish to stay with the MSGIA for three years or maintain the current WCRRP insurance on an annual basis. MSGIA is a service of the Montana School Board Association (MTSBA).
Motion by Trustee Walter, seconded by Trustee Thompson to apply to the Montana School Board Workers Compensation Risk Retention program. Unanimous vote for the motion.
School Board Strategic Planning and Goal Setting
Superintendent Whitmoyer asked that the board consider having MTSBA staff assist the board and administration with a strategic planning work sessions. The board would have to make an effort to decide what evening or weekend would be suitable for the work session. Estimated cost would be $1000.00.
Motion by Trustee Hoffman, seconded by Trustee Diehl to move forward with the school boards strategic planning and goal setting in the months of January and February. Unanimous vote for the motion.
Letters to County Commissioners and Developers
Trustee Hoffman presented two letters that were drafted by the Infrastructure and Transportation committee for the board consideration. This letter will be given to future developers and the County Commissioners.
Several board members had suggested changes to the letter.
Motion by Trustee Thompson, seconded by Trustee Diehl to let Superintendent Whitmoyer fine tune the letters and get them mailed. Unanimous vote for the motion.
Radley School Highlights
Principal Obert introduced his staff and presented a short video on the learning experiences for Radley Elementary.
Chairman Ellermeyer left the board meeting at 8:30 p.m.
Superintendent Whitmoyer made the following recommendations to the board:
To confirm employment of Amber Dandliker, substitute and Lisa Verzani, substitute.
Motion by Trustee Thompson, seconded by Trustee Diehl to confirm employment of Amber Dandliker and Lisa Verzani. Unanimous vote for the motion.
Hear the Public
No one address the board.
Clerk’s Report
Approval of Minutes: Motion by Trustee Diehl, seconded by Trustee Dodge to approve the minutes of the November 12, 2007 regular meeting. Unanimous vote for the motion.
Approval of Claims: Motion by Trustee Thompson, seconded by Trustee Dodge to approve the payroll warrants 36367 through 36468 and claim warrants 30276 through 30370. Clerk Aarstad reported that she had cancelled the two Bresnan Communication claims because the district currently has a credit with them. Unanimous vote for the motion.
High School Trustee Report
No Report
Principals, Vice Principal and Technology Report
Principal Obert reported that the holiday concert will be held on December 13, 2007. Staff has been able to attend several workshops. All 5th grade students will be attending a workshop called Star base. This class will be a week long and be taught at Fort Harrison. East Helena food drive is now in full swing. Principal Obert wanted to thank Karen Hutchinson and Jannice Odermann for all their hard work on the secret Santa program and the PTO for all their dinners and support this school year. Principal Obert also submitted his discipline report.
Principal McMahon reported that the Christmas programs will be held on December 10th & 11th. There are two literature events going on at Eastgate, the first event was started back in October, which is called the principal read, each teacher gets a copy of a book and then over the intercom Principal McMahon reads the book, students will be sitting around the teacher and Principal McMahon will stop the reading and have a discussion on the book with the students, the other project that is currently being worked on is a book building project. Parents will come to school with their students and build a book about their students in school. Cost of this project will be paid from a Town Pump and IPO grant. Principal McMahon also submitted his discipline report.
Principal Rispens reported that 8th grade students painted the windows of businesses in East Helena. Principal Rispens wanted to thank Lisa Mortieau and PTO for all their work on this event. East Helena food drive is now is full swing. East Valley Middle School was used as a site for local emergency services to come in and have a worst case scenario event in the school. Principal Rispens was able to attend a Law clinic with Principal McMahon, this event was sponsored by School Administrator of Montana (SAM) and EVMS RIT team was able to attend a work shop in Bozeman last week. The 7th grade team put together several presentations for all 7th graders relating to topics to Indian education. Helena School District #1 will be adopting the 2008-2009 school calendar on December 11, 2007. Once this is adopted he will get the East Helena calendar committee together to get the 2008-2009 calendar ready by the February meeting. Staff party was held on November 30, 2007 and was a great success.
Jeanette Winslow updated the board on the district web site and presented a summary of computers used in the district.
Vice Principal Agostinelli submitted the discipline report for EVMS.
Future Meeting Dates and Agenda Items
The next regular meeting will be held on January 14, 2008 at 7:00 p.m. in the East Valley Middle School Library.
Meeting adjourned at 9:13 p.m.
Submitted by: ______
Clerk, Kim Aarstad
Approved by: ______
Chairman, Board of Trustees Date