Supplier Diversity Indicator
The Supplier Diversity Indicator application is a tool which provides John Deere with a method for maintaining Supplier Diversity indicators by country. The indicators are used to capture diversity information for individual suppliers. Currently, supplier diversity indicators are used in United States only. However, there is an option to expand this program to other countries.
The following JDSN applications use the supplier diversity indicators: Global Strategic Suppliers (GSS), Supplier Profile, Prospective Supplier and Supplier Search.
Document Overview
This document will introduce the Supplier Diversity Indicator application functions.
Document Objectives
This documentation will help you to perform the following tasks.
· View a list of supplier diversity indicators for a country
· Add new supplier diversity indicators for a country
· Edit existing diversity indicators
· Set supplier diversity values for a supplier
· Search for a supplier
· Send email for certification
Table of Contents
Supplier Diversity Indicator 1
Document Overview 1
Document Objectives 1
Supplier Diversity Indicator Application Basics 3
Starting the Supplier Diversity Indicator Application 3
JD Supply Network Support 4
Help Information 4
View Indicators for a Country 5
Add New Indicators for a Country 6
Edit Existing Indicators 9
Deleting an Acceptable Value 10
Set Supplier Diversity Values for a Supplier 11
Search for a Supplier 12
Send email for Certification 13
Glossary 14
Supplier Diversity Indicator Application Basics
Starting the Supplier Diversity Indicator Application
Use these steps to start the Supplier Diversity Indicator Application from the JD Supply Network (JDSN) page.
1. Display the JD Supply Network page.
/ This page is located at Position the mouse over the Our Suppliers tab at the top of the JDSN page to display a menu.
3. Select Small Diverse Suppliers from the menu.
4. Under the Supplier Diversity Administration section, click on the Supplier Diversity Admin link to display the main menu.
5. Type your John Deere userid (i.e., ou12345) in the User Name box.
6. Click in the Password box and type your password.
7. Click the Submit button. The Supplier Diversity Indicator main menu page is displayed.
JD Supply Network Support
All Suppliers/External users as well as U.S. and Canadian Deere employees can call the Supply Management Enterprise Support Center at 800.939.1499 for help with applications available from JD Supply Network (JDSN). Anyone calling will be asked for his or her userid.
There are other JDSN resources to assist you including the FAQ's section, Resource Center, and individual Unit Supply Management information where you can find specific unit contact information.
Help Information
Click the help link to display help information pertinent to the JDSN Supplier Diversity Indicator Application.
Select the contact us link to display the Supply Management Enterprise Support Center phone numbers, email link and, for European users, an email form.
Click the “tabs” at the top of the help page to display FAQ, Glossary or Contact Us information.
Click the “X” button in the upper right corner to close the help window and return to the page you were viewing before selecting help.
View Indicators for a Country
The Maintain by Country link on the Supplier Diversity Indicator main menu allows users to view, add and edit supplier diversity indicators for a particular country. Diversity indicators added for a country may be selected for individual suppliers associated with that country using the Maintain for Suppliers function.
Use the steps listed below to view supplier diversity indicators for a country.
- Click on the Maintain by Country link on the main menu.
- Select a country from the drop-down list and click on the Retrieve button to display the list of existing Supplier Diversity Indicators for the country.
The Classification field displays Primary or Secondary. Data for Primary indicators are included in spend reports. Data for indicators with the Secondary classification are tracked but not included in spend reports.
Add New Indicators for a Country
Use the steps listed below to add a new Supplier Diversity Indicator for a country.
- Click on the Maintain by Country link on the main menu.
- Select a country from the drop-down list and click on the Retrieve button to display the list of existing Supplier Diversity Indicators for the country.
- Click on the Add Indicator button to display the Add Supplier Diversity Indicator by Country page.
/ Fields with the red asterisk (*) are required.
Important! Indicators cannot be deleted from the application. Please contact the administrator if you need to delete an indicator.
- Type a description of the new indicator in the Description field. You may use up to 40 characters.
- Type a short description, 10 characters or less, for the indicator in the Short Description field.
/ Short descriptions are used when the supplier diversity information is pulled into other JDSN applications where a longer description is not valid.
- Select Active or Not Active from the Status drop-down list. Active allows the indicator to be assigned to suppliers. Active indicators are currently being tracked by the Supplier Diversity team. Indicators that are not active are either not being tracked anymore, or are potential indicators for tracking in the future.
- If the Not Active is selected in the Status field, you may select Yes or No from the Prospective Supplier field. This indicates whether or not you want this diversity indicator to be available for prospective suppliers.
/ If Active is selected in the Status field, the Prospective Supplier field is automatically set you Yes and you may not change it to No.
- Choose Primary or Secondary from the Classification field. Primary and Secondary indicators are listed in separate sections for suppliers. Primary indicators are displayed in Supplier Overview while Secondary indicators are not displayed there. Also, Secondary indicators are excluded from spend reports.
- A date field is available for all indicators. It may be used to record a date for any event you assign. E.g. the date the information is certified, expiration date or date added. Type the description of the date you are recording in the Indicator Date Description field.
/ Example: Maintain for Suppliers Page
The screen below is an example of indicators available on a supplier page. Primary and Secondary indicators are displayed in separate sections. It also shows examples of how the date fields are used. E.g. For the Minority Owned indicator, Primary was selected in the Classification field, and “Date Expired” was entered for the Indicator Date Description field.
- If desired, you may enter any additional information you think may be helpful in the Help Description field. You may type up to 400 characters.
/ Help Description text should provide additional information to help explain the diversity indicator. Help Description content is used in the help section of the Prospective Supplier application explaining the meaning of these individual indicators.
- Enter any other comments you think appropriate in the Comments field. This field is optional and you may type up to 512 characters.
- Click on the Add Value button to display a blank Acceptable Value field. You must add at least one Acceptable Value. Acceptable Values are sub classification values related to the indicator that users may select from a drop-down list.
/ In the example pictured, the diversity indicator is Non-Profit Organization (Description field). The sub classifications further define the type of Non-Profit Organization as either Charitable Organization or Community Organization. (Acceptable Values)
- Repeat step 12 for any other Acceptable Values you wish to add.
- Click the Save button at the top of the page to save the supplier diversity indicator settings.
/ Click the Cancel button to abandon changes made to the screen and return to the previously saved values.
If saved successfully, a confirmation message appears at the top of the page.
Example: Maintain for Suppliers Page
The indicator created in this example displays on the Maintain for Supplier page as depicted below. The indicator may be selected for a supplier along with the sub classifications designated in the Acceptable Values field, and a date is recorded for the event defined in the Indicator Date Description field.
Description / Acceptable Values / Indicator Date DescriptionEdit Existing Indicators
Use the steps listed below to edit existing Supplier Diversity Indicators.
- Click on the Maintain by Country link on the main menu.
- Select a country from the drop-down list and click on the Retrieve button to display the list of existing Supplier Diversity Indicators for the country.
- Click on the link for the indicator you wish to edit to display the Edit Supplier Diversity Indicator by Country page.
- Edit the fields as needed.
- Click the Save button at the top of the page to save the changes.
A confirmation message appears if the indicator is successfully updated.
/ When the Status is changed for an indicator, the application captures the date of the update and the user who made the change.Deleting an Acceptable Value
You may delete an acceptable value if it is not already being used for a supplier.
· Select the checkbox next to the Acceptable Value you wish to delete.
· Click on the Delete Selected Value button.
· Click OK to confirm you wish to delete the value.
· Click on the Save button.
If the Accepted Value is being used for a supplier the following message appears and you will not be able to delete the value.
Set Supplier Diversity Values for a Supplier
The Supplier Diversity Indicators added for countries may be applied to individual suppliers using the Maintain for Suppliers function. These setting appear in other related JDSN application records for the supplier. For example, supplier diversity indicators appear in the supplier’s Supplier Profile information.
Use the step listed below to set Supplier Diversity Indicator values for individual suppliers.
- Click on the Maintain for Suppliers link on the main menu.
- Enter the supplier number in the Supplier field, or search for it using the Search link.
/ See the instructions for using the supplier search function in the next section.
- Select the desired options from the sub classification drop-down list of available Supplier Diversity Indicators.
- Enter the appropriate date in the indicator date field or use the calendar icon to select the date.
- Click the Save button to save the settings.
/ Click the Cancel button to abandon changes made to the screen and return to the previously saved values.
Search for a Supplier
If you don’t know the supplier number you may use the search link to find it. Use the steps listed below to search for a supplier number.
- Click on the Search link next to the Supplier field to display the Supplier Search screen.
- Enter information into any of the available search criteria fields.
- Select the desired display options. Display options control the supplier information returned in the search results.
- Click on the retrieve button. The search results display below the search criteria.
/ Click the Reset button to clear all the search fields. Click on the Cancel button to cancel a search and return to the Maintain for Supplier Screen.
- Click on the supplier number to return it to the Supplier field on the Maintain for Supplier screen.
Send email for Certification
If you wish to send email notification to a supplier when diversity indicators are updated, you may use the Send Re-Certification Email button. This allows the supplier to review the changes and certify they are correct.
· Click on the Send Re-Certification Email button.
· Click OK to confirm you wish to send the email.
· A confirmation message appears at the top of the page.
/ The application sends the email message to the supplier’s email address listed in Supplier Profile.If the supplier’s email address is not found, the application sends the notice to the email address designated for the country specific Supplier Diversity contact.
If a country specific Supplier Diversity contact email is not available, the application sends the notice to the Corporate Supplier Diversity contact.
If that email address is not found, an error message displays and the email is not sent.
Term / Definition /Acceptable Value / An acceptable value for a supplier diversity indicator is one of the values that can be used to relate a supplier diversity indicator to a supplier.
Acceptable values can be deleted, but only if they have not been associated with a supplier.
Active Indicator / When an indicator is active, it is being tracked for current suppliers.
Classification / There are two types of classifications, Primary and Secondary. A supplier diversity indicator is classified as a Primary Indicator when it is going to be included in the spend reports.
Comments / This will be used to capture any notes related to the Supplier Diversity Indicator. For example, why it was set up, on whose request or to meet which legal requirement etcetera.
Country / In this application, supplier diversity indicators are grouped by country.
Description / This field is used to define the name of the supplier diversity indicator.
Help Description / This field is used to describe the indicator and provide details about the indicator to prospective suppliers, in the Prospective Supplier web application.
Indicator Date Description / This field is used to explain the usage of the date when tracking the indicators for suppliers.
Not Active Indicator / When an indicator is set to Not Active, it is not being tracked for current suppliers. It might, however, be tracked for prospective suppliers.
Primary Indicator / A supplier diversity indicator is classified as a Primary Indicator when it is going to be included in the spend reports.
Prospective Supplier / To include the supplier diversity indicator for prospective suppliers' information, we need to set this flag to Yes.
Re-certification Email / When a supplier is created, an email is sent to the supplier that they may complete the self-certification form. To get an update from the supplier, a request for self-certification is emailed to the supplier again. This email is referred to as Re-certification Email.
Secondary Indicator / A supplier diversity indicator is classified as a Secondary Indicator when it is to be excluded from the spend reports.
Short Description / Data entered in this field is used when displaying the indicators in the 100-K forms.
Status / Active indicators are currently being tracked by the Supplier Diversity team. Indicators that are Not Active are either not being tracked anymore, or are potential indicators for tracking in the future.
When the status of an indicator is set to Not Active, it does not show up on the Prospective Supplier listing.
Supplier Diversity Indicator / A supplier diversity indicator is the classification of each of the supplier diversity classifications.
JDSN Supplier Diversity Indicator Page 1