Application for Rental
PO Box 1090, Maumee, Ohio 43537
Phone: 419-690-3629
Full Name: ______Social Security Number: ______
Present Address: ______
City: ______State: ______Zip:______
E-mail:______Gender: M:_____ F:____
Date of Birth: ______Drivers License No: ______State:____
Present Phone No:______Are you a U.S. Citizen:Yes____ No____
Current Rent per month: ______
Landlord Name: ______Landlord Phone: ______
Current Employment: ______Income: ______
Employment Address:______
City:______ State:______Zip:______
Phone No:______Position: ______Length: ______
Other Sources of Income: ______Amount of Income: ______
Co-Applicant Full Name:______Social Security Number: ______Present Address:______
City:______ State:______Zip:______
E-mail:______Gender: M:_____ F:____
Date of Birth: ______Drivers License No: ______State:____
Present Phone No: ______Work Phone No: ______
Current Employment: ______ Income: ______
Employment Address:______
City:______ State:______Zip:______
Phone No:______Position: ______Length: ______
Other Sources of Income: ______Amount of Income: ______
Occupant Name (under 18 years of age)______
Occupant Name (under 18 years of age)______
How did you hear about this location?
Newspaper ____ Flyer ____ Drive-by ____ Web ____ Other ______
Were you referred by a friend? Yes____ No____ Name of Friend: ______
If you will be parking a car on the premises, please provide the following:
Make:______Year: ______License Plate No: ______
Make:______Year: ______License Plate No: ______
In Case of Emergency Notify: ____________
Emergency Phone: ______Address: ______
City:______State:______Zip: ______
Lease Starting Date:______
Do you have special apartment needs? ______
Apartment Preference: ___1 Bedroom ___2 Bedroom___3 Bedroom
Your Rental/Criminal History:
Check only if applicable.Have you ever:
____ Been evicted or asked to move out of a residence? ____ Moved out of a dwelling before the end of the lease term without the owner’s consent? ____Declared bankruptcy? ____ Been sued for rent? ____ Been sued for property damage? ____ Been charged, detained, or arrested for a felony or sex crimes that was resolved by conviction, probation, deferred adjudication, court ordered community supervision, or pretrial diversion? ____ Been charged, detained or arrested for a felony or sex-related crime that has not been resolved by any method?Please indicate below the year, location and type of each felony and sex crime other than those resolved by dismissal or acquittal. We may need to discuss more facts before making a decision.You represent the answer is “no” to any item not checked above.
Consumer Authorization to Obtain Consumer Report:
“I hereby authorize Destiny Enterprises, LLCto obtain a consumer report, and any other information it deems necessary, for the purpose of evaluating my application. I understand that such information may include, but is not limited to, credit history, civil and criminal information, records of arrest, rental history, employment/salary details, vehicle records, licensing records, and/or any other necessary information. I hereby expressly release Destiny Enterprises, LLC, and any procurer or furnisher of information, from any liability what-so-ever in the use, procurement, or furnishing of such information, and understand that my application information may be provided to various local, state and/or federal government agencies, including without limitation, various law enforcement agencies.”
Applicant verifies that the information provided is true and accurate:
Applicant’s Signature: Date:
Applicant’s Signature: Date:
Office Use Only
___ $50 Application Fee Received ___ Background Check Ordered ___ Credit Check Ordered
___ Other ______
Equal Housing Opportunity
Housing is available to all without regard to race, color, religion, sex, handicap, or national origin