2017 Manufacturer of the Year Award- Organizational Profile

Company Name - facility to be evaluated: / Contact Name & Title:
Facility Address: / Contact Email:
Contact Phone:
NAICS Code / Chief Executive
(of this facility):
Parent Company Name (if any) & No. of Employees: / Total Number of Employees at this facility: / Year this Facility was Established:
If there is a parent organization, on what corporate activities and resources do you depend to manage your business day-to-day?
If there is a parent organization, how would you characterize the level of autonomy this facility has with respect to the parent?

Please answer the following questions; formality is not important and will not be evaluated; bullet statements are adequate; use as much space as you need.

1. What are your organization’s main products and services?
2.. What percentage, if any, of your production volume is exported and to what regions of the world?
3. How are your products and services sold and delivered to customers? Do you market directly to customers or through distribution networks?
4. What are your company’s core competencies?
5. What are your major facilities, technologies, and equipment?
6. What is the regulatory environment in which you operate? What regulatory agencies, industry standards, etc., govern your business operations?
7. What is your organizational structure and governance system?
8. What are your key customer groups and markets? What are their key requirements and expectations for your products and services, and customer support services? / Customer Groups: / Requirements and Expectations:
9. What is your relative size and growth in your industry or markets served?
10. How many competitors or types of competitors do you have?
11. What is (are) your competitive advantage(s)?
12. Are any key changes taking place in your marketplace or industry sector that affect your competitive situation, either positively or negatively?
13. What are your company’s Strategic Challenges and Advantages in the areas of business, operations, societal responsibilities, and ethics, and/or workforce, as appropriate, / Strategic Challenges:(pressures that exert influence on the likelihood of future success) / Strategic Advantages:(benefits that exert influence on the likelihood of future success)
14. How do you conduct strategic planning?
Who is involved (position titles)?
How often?
What are the key steps in the process?

As available, please attach anelectroniccopy eachof:

  • Vision Statement
  • Mission Statement
  • Corporate Values or Principles
  • Organizational Chart

Please also provide:

  • A125-word(electronic document) overview of your company, its products, and domestic and international markets for use later as your introduction at the awards ceremony. This overview will be used publicly and may be used by SFMA to promote manufacturing
  • A high-resolutionCompany logo (not a .pdf document) suitable for duplicating electronically in the finalist and awards presentation slides.
  • Three or four .jpeg photos(not .pdf photos) from your manufacturing facility, including one or two photos of the facility exterior and two or three of your operations. These will be used in conjunction with your introduction atthe awards ceremony. These photos will be displayed publiclyand may be used by SFMA to promote manufacturing in Florida.By submitting photographs,you hereby grant permission to the South Florida Manufacturers Association (SFMA) to reproduce any portion of the photos for the association use,promotion and/or publications which can include but are not limited to, online social media, association events, brochures, websites and newsletters without any compensation or recognition given to the photographer.


All Award Finalists are expected to attend the SFMA Recognition of Excellence Dinner and Award Ceremony in March2017.

Winners of the award must be prepared to do the following things in the 12 months following the award ceremony:

a)Hold a tour or open house at your facility for fellow manufacturers, students, parents, teachers and/or the community.

b)Provide a judge for the next year’s awards process;

c)Announcethe next year’s winnerin your category at the SFMA Recognition of Excellence Dinner and Award Ceremony in 2018.

Other Important Information:

  • Eligibility: Any manufacturing company in Miami-Dade, Broward, Palm Beach, Indian River, Okeechobee, Martin, or St Lucie Counties. This includes the area within theTreasure Coast Manufacturers Association (TCMA). It is not necessary to be a member of the SFMA or the TCMA.
  • Following nomination, the company must complete this Organizational Profile and forward along with attachments to the Lead Judge, Phil Centonze, at or .
    This Questionnaire should be submitted byDecember 12, 2016. Please call Phil Centonze at (954) 684-2642 with any questions.
  • Only one questionnaire per company per year will be accepted. If a company has multiple manufacturing facilities in the South Florida seven-county region and more than one submits a questionnaire, the first one received will be the one considered.


Name/Title of Nominee ExecutiveDate

By December 12, 2016, please return this Profile, attachments, and any supporting materials electronically to:

Phil Centonze, SFMALead Judge, ator .

If you have questions, please direct them to Phil Centonze at the email address above or call (954) 684-2642.