Chapter/ Section
(e.g. 3.1) / Paragraph/Figure/Table/
(e.g. Table 1) / Type of comment1 / Comments / Proposed change / Resolution
Foreword / Page 3 / ed / There is a mistake in the last paragraph. / Change “the compliance with the requirements in this document are entirely voluntary.” by “the compliance with the requirements in this document is entirely voluntary.” / OkIntroduction / Page5 / ge / In this section, it´s included reference to Regulation (EU) No 1089/2010 in relation of the registers, but it`s not specify the number of the article that include reference to this topic / Include the number of the article and the literal text of the Regulation (EU) No 1089/2010 that include the mandated of registers, by example: Art. 6(4). / Ok
3.1 / Page 8 / ed / Reference [IR-ISDSS] does not exist in Section 2 / Ok
3.1 / Page 8 / ed / Reference [ISO 2859-1] does not exist in Section 2 / Replaced with reference to ISO 19157. Definition is now: anything that can be described and considered seperately
3.1 / Page 8 / ed / Reference [ISO 19115] does not exist in Section 2 / Ok
3.3 / Page 9 / ed / Requirements and the recommendations for INSPIRE Spatial Data Services and services allowing spatial data services to be invoked within this technical guidance are highlighted and numbered as shown below / Should it be replaced by Requirements and the recommendations for INSPIRE Registers and Registries within this technical guidance are highlighted and numbered as shown belowor something similar? / Ok
3.4 / Page 10 / ed / References to other documents refer to the list of normative references in Section 1.1 / References to other documents refer to the list of normative references in Section 2 / Ok
3.4 / Page 10 / ed / For example, [INS NS] uses the abbreviated title for the document as shown below:
Commission Regulation (EU) No 976/2009 of 19 October 2009 implementing Directive 2007/2/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards the Network Services. OJ L 274, 20.10.2009, p. 9 / Reference [INS NS] does not exist in Section 2. Better to use an existing reference. / Ok
4 / Page 11 / ed / Registration as the assignment of an unambiguous name to an object in a way that makes the assignment available to interested parties. / Registration is the assignment of an unambiguous name to an object in a way that makes the assignment available to interested parties. / Ok
4.2 / Page 12 / ed / The following list present some best practise to follow in order to create/maintain registers/registries: / The following list present some best practisesto follow in order to create/maintain registers/registries: / Ok
4.2 / Page 14 / ed / Reference [PURI] does not exist in Section 2 / Ok
4.2 / Page 14 / ed / For each register, identify the group of item having the same set of properties. / For each register, identify the group of itemshaving the same set of properties. / OK
4.2 / Page 17 / ed / Data publishers must balance the effort required to make the data available in many formats against the cost of doing so / Data publishers must balance the effort required to make the data available in many formats against the cost of not doing so / Ok
4.2 / Page 18 / ed / The availability of all the language used in a national contest will increase the usability of the registry system. / The availability of all the language used in a national context will increase the usability of the registry system. / Ok
4.2 / Page 18 / ed / The registry system shall provide a mechanism to select the available languages and to the contents in the selected language. / missing word? / Changed to: The registry system shall provide a mechanism to select the available languages and to provide the registry content in the selected language.
4.3 / TG Recommendation 1 / ed / register A should include the all items from register B that are reused in A / register A should include theall items from register B that are reused in A / Ok
4.3.1 / Page 19 / ed / the e element coming from the extended register / the elementscoming from the extended register / Ok
4.3.1 / Page 19 / ed / Pro: all the information of the original items are available in the new register / Pro: all the information of the original items isavailable in the new register / Ok
4.3.2 / Page 19 / ed / the e element coming from the extended register / the elementscoming from the extended register / Ok
4.3.2 / Page 19 / ed / Pro: all the information of the original items are available in the new register / Pro: all the information of the original items isavailable in the new register / Ok
4.3.2 / Page 19 / ed / Cons: the new register will not contains any details of the referenced item / Cons: the new register will not contain any details of the referenced item / Ok
5 / Page 20 / ed / Reference [INS REG] does not exist in Section 2 / Ok
5.1 / Page 20 / ed / Through the federation, it should become easy to search and browser all INSPIRE-related reference codes and controlled vocabularies across the registry systems used for managing them. / Through the federation, it should become easy to search and browse all INSPIRE-related reference codes and controlled vocabularies across the registry systems used for managing them. / Ok
5.3 / 5.3 RoR Data model / ts / In all table of the registry, the name of the some fields is not clear. / Change “Field type” by “Domain of the element”
Change “Required” by “Mandatory” / Ok
5.3 / Table 2-Register / ts / The “creation date” is a element very important for a register because this date is the key to distinguee several registers in the time / Include “Yes” in the value of “Required” for Creation Date” / Ok
6.1.1 / TG Recommendation 1 / ed / A “TG Recommendation 1” already exists in Page 19 / Review the enumeration / Ok
6.1.1 / TG Recommendation 1 / te / What happens if the publisher is not registered in the “corporate body register” and there is not an available URI with an RDF description? How can this field (URI of the foaf:Agent class) be completed? / Use a valid URI even if it is not resolvable
6.1.2 / TG Recommendation 2 / te / What happens if the publisher is not registered in the “corporate body register” and there is not an available URI with an RDF description? How can this field (URI of the foaf:Agent class) be completed? / Use a valid URI even if it is not resolvable
6.3.2 / Page 33 / te / The example only contains an external item. However, it shows all properties listed for TG Requirement 16 instead of using only the one defined in TG Requirement 17. Is it correct? If yes, the example can be a bit confusing. / OK. We have added an example for an internally defined item.
6.5 / Figure 5 / ed / INPSIRE Register Federation / INSPIRE Register Federation / Ok
6.5 / Page 34 / ed / the system will automatically starts the harvesting process at the defined interval. / the system will automatically start the harvesting process at the defined interval. / Ok
7.2 / Page 39 / ed / Using this search functionalities / Using this search functionality / Ok
7.2 / Page 39 / ge / This section don´t have an example of searching / Include a image of searching / Ok
Annex A / Page 40 / ge / This section don´t include an example of RDF about “Codelist Value” . Acording the figure 1 of the document: “The INSPIRE codelist register is a hierarchical register, which contains code lists as its items”
Then, in this section include examples of Registry and the register but is not include an example of “an item of code list” / Review the examples and include an example for “an item of Code list” / The RoR needs only the Descriptors for the registry and registers.
The items are not stored in the RoR but only in the search index.
Annex A / Page 40 / ge / The examples include are in RDF format but in the “Best Practice 6 (page 17include that “the central INSPIRE registry provides register in multiple formats, including (custom and ISO 19135) XML, RDF/XML, JSON, ATOM and CSV)
In the document doesn’t include information where is possible to view examples for these formats : JSON, ATOM,CSV,…) / Would be possible include an URL of a page where is possible to view examples for this formats :JSON, ATOM,CSV? / This is out of scope: the formats can be seen on the INSPIRE registry website
Annex D / Page 53 / ed / It also ensure semantic interoperability when exchanging data between systems and applications. / It also ensures semantic interoperability when exchanging data between systems and applications. / Ok
ge / It’s very important to explain in this document when it is necessary to installRe3gistry software in a country to publish the National Register orif the ROR could to play this roleand then it is not necessary to install this software.
The document is not clear in this aspect / Add a sub-section( 4.4) in the Chapter “Registers and Registries” whose title could be “Registers in Member State” where we explain when it would be recommendable to install a registry with the Re3gistry software and when the Inspire Registry could complain this function,
It`s very important to explain if there is any alternative to that member countries can register their code lists (or other items) in a centralized registry at European level without having to implement a own registry with the Re3gistry / This is already explained in section 4.2: “Typically, software packages or online services will be used for managing registers according to these guidelines / best practices. Some examples are listed in Annex D.”
We have added the following note: “NOTETo our knowledge, there is currently no centralised service at European level that can be used for managing MS registers.”
Annex D / Page 53 / ge / In this section only include a reference to “Re3gistry software” however this sub-group has installed and tested the Re3gistry software.
This Guidelines should included a simple explanation to install and configures this software to guide to Member State in this task / Out of scope: this is related to the specific software installation.
There is the related guide here.
4 / 13 / Just a proposal, to add a specific example. (proposed inline in the document) / To be discussed in the Comment Resolution meeting.4.3 / 21 / My feeling is, that an additional specific use case or example of extension would underline this abstract and fully correct re-use. If you need an example please contact. / Do you mean additional examples to the extension and sub-set examples already included?
4.3 / 21 / Update the figure: change the “Extension” with the inner ellipse in light color / Ok
5.1 / 23 / is it really limited on MS, e.g. CSIRO will be not able to provide their vocab service into RoR? or just an expression / In theory yes. CSIRO could be considered as a thematic community. It will then be up to the control body of the RoR to decide whether to accept them in or not.
This raises the interesting point, how much control there should be for the RoR and who should be in the control body.
5.3 / 26 / Both figures above are very nice and drafting the general view of a RoR. But the RoR is tailored for the INSPIRE environment, I think it would be quite helpful a) adapt the layout according figures above, b) INSPIRE Register (for reg1) should be mentioned here. / We think it is better to keep them generic.
7.1 / 39 / [Michael Noren: “use case” (also in 7.2), a minor thing, but it perhaps draws more on why something was made than this document’s task to explain how to use it? So maybe it should be “Browse the federation content” or similar.]
In general chpt. 7 is ok. But I would like to underpin [MN13] It would be very helpful to have a real use case for INSPIRE implementation / transformation for a data set. How to use an INSPIRE Code list value, when it is allowed to apply my national extended code list value. It covers also a question – can I reached my conformance test according ATS while transformation into INSPIRE? / We think this is slightly out of scope and more related to the study on extension patterns. but maybe we could add this as an annex? – to be discussed
Andreas von Doemming
4.3 / 20 / In Figure 2 "Extension", the inner ellipse should be shown in light blue. / OK5.3 / 26 / Register Descripter URI should be required. / OK
6 / 28 / Question: Can harvesting be processed without the information provided by the “content” conformance class? / Yes. But the harvesting will only include the register “metadata”
6.1.1 / 31 / It looks like the URI is not resolvable (I got HTTP 404), is the URI correct? Is it possible to link a page with the available codes (URIs). / Correct. This is a known issue, and we have contacted the OP about this. As far as we know, it is in the planning for a future release of the authority tables.
1Type of comment:ge = generalte = technical ed = editorial
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