Secure in Christ 13

Intro 1) Sometimes … preaching is "cutting" and "hard" … I'll admit it

Not that that's "wrong" … sometimes scripture is pretty blunt

Heb 4:12 "Word of God is alive, powerful, sharper …"

2) But that's not ALL there is to that story …

Preacher at barber shop … observes "cutting" tools … "like preaching"

Barber points out "soothing" products as well

3) Notice Mt 28:18-20 Authority – Command – Assurance

Jesus never left us without "Assurance"

4) Eph 2:10 "created in Christ Jesus for good works"

We can do them better with assurance

We can't lead people to heaven if we're not sure of our own salvation

5) Text: I Jn 5:13-15 READ

6) Three points from this text which help us feel … Secure in Christ

The Promise of Eternal Life

The Prerequisite of Eternal Life

The Privilege of Eternal Life

I. The Promise of Eternal Life … "that you may KNOW"

A. Can you imagine working for a company for very long …

… if … they never told you what your compensation would be?

… or … assure you that you would be compensated?

Wouldn't you eventually get resentful and discouraged?

God does not leave us without reminders of our eternal reward …

"… that you may KNOW that you have eternal life"

B. Is John a trustworthy witness? Can we TRUST this promise he makes?

I Jn 1:1-4 READ

C. Does God really WANT us to be saved?

What has He done? What CLUES has He left us?

1. Eph 1:4-5 He wanted to adopt us before the foundation of the world

Rom 8:32

2. Gen 2:7 God wants man ALIVE … He breathed LIFE into us

I Jn 5:13 is consistent with God's nature … LIFE!!!!!

3. Song: There is a God, He is Alive, In Him We LIVE …

4. Look at nature: Insects, Birds, Animals

Antarctic Ocean … more LIFE per cu ft than anywhere else …

Why? For OUR observation? God Loves Life

5. This tells me that heaven will be an active … lively place

D. Can we TRUST God's promise?

1. Titus 1:2 God cannot lie

2. Eph 1:4-5 Would He deprive us at the last minute?

3. II Pet 3:9 God is not slack concerning His promises

4. Jn 3:16 He loved us so much He gave His Son

Song: "our God, whose Son upon a tree,

a LIFE was willing there to give;

that He, from sin might set man free,

and ever more with Him could LIVE"

5. Rom 5:8-10 READ

II. The Prerequisite to Eternal Life vs 13 … Belief

A. Heb 11:6 You don't really "believe in the name of the Son of God" …

… if you don't Believe There is A Reward for You

B. Not only that … but biblical "Belief" is More Than Just a Thought Process

1. James says there is such a thing as a "dead" faith (Jms 2:17)

a. Let's contrast two biblical phraseologies:

Rom 3:28 vs Jms 2:18

I Jn 5:13 vs I Jn 2:17

Jn 3:16 vs Mt 7:21

b. Biblical "faith" is demonstrated by obedient action

2. James would question the "saving" power

of a non-obedient faith (Jms 2:14)

a. Jms 2:20

b. A "saving" faith is willing to be demonstrated by obedient action

3. "Belief" is demonstrated by "Repentance"

a. Acts 17:30 "the times of ignorance God once overlooked …"

1) Repentance means to "turn around" when you sin

2) It means to "confess" your sin to God (I Jn 1:9)

3) It means to "pray" and ask for forgiveness (Acts 8:22)

4) It means to get back up … to try & try again (Prov 24:16)

b. Repentance requires a determined "attitude"

1) It is a lifestyle

2) It calls on you to be a "fighter" … to keep coming back

3) Do you have what it takes? Are you a fighter?

c. Lk 13:3 "if you don't repent, you will surely perish"

d. If you DO fight back when you sin …

… then be ASSURED of your salvation …

… your "Belief" is demonstrated by repentance

4. "Belief" is demonstrated by "Acknowledgement" (Mt 10:32)

a. We must not be ashamed for anyone to know of our Belief

b. Rom 10:9-10

c. Have you DONE this? Do you DO this?

d. Then be ASSURED of your salvation …

… your "Belief" is demonstrated by acknowledgement

5. "Belief" is demonstrated by "Baptism" (Mk 16:16)

a. I Pet 3:21

b. Acts 22:16

c. Acts 2:38

d. Have you DONE this?

… then be ASSURED of your salvation …

… your "Belief" is demonstrated by baptism

e. If you have NOT done this …

… you should do this RIGHT AWAY …

… for Baptism is the obedient action which …

… unites you with Christ (Rom 6:5)

6. "Belief" is demonstrated by "Steadfastness" (Rev 2:10)

a. I Jn 1:6-7 His blood "continually" cleanses you …

b. Are you TRYING?

… are you a disciple of Jesus Christ?

… have you been baptized into Christ for forgiveness of sins?

… do you acknowledge faith in Christ and repent of sins?

… then be ASSURED of your salvation …

… you are demonstrating your Faith by your daily life

C. Beloved … listen …

… if God gives us a FACT … we must BELIEVE it

… if God gives us a PROMISE … we must TRUST it

… if God gives us a COMMAND … we must OBEY it

D. It's like the song we sing … TRUST and OBEY …

… this is Total Belief

I Jn 5:13 … The Promise of Eternal Life "that you may know"

… The Prerequisite to Eternal Life "if you believe"

III. The Privilege of Eternal Life vss 14-15 … Prayer

A. Prayer … it truly is mankind's "Neglected Privilege"

B. Illustration: Heaven's Gift Room

These presents are all the blessings I was waiting to give you

if you had only asked.

C. Mt 7:7-11

Live a "Blessed Life" … this is God's desire for you NOW

Concl 1) There is Much to Do…and…There are Many Expectations …but …

God Has Left Us with Wonderful Assurance

2) Let's be Sure … that we …

OBEY the Prerequisites

BELIEVE the Promises

USE the Privilege

3) Thus … we will please God by completing the work He has given to us