SPC- January 25, 2016
S. Marsh, S. Bonar, M. McClaran, L. Lopez-Hoffman, K. Hughes, J. Koprowski,
W. van Leeuwen, K. Moroz, A. Stewart
Approved minutes from November 16, 2015
Director’s report and discussion
- Unit Annual Review Procedures and Updates and Some Numbers; Individual meetings with Associate Deans followed by a one hour meeting with the Dean and the Executive Committee.
- The Business office review and Instruction review with M. Staten went well.
- Review with P. Antin will take place February 5th. Slides will be finished this week and can be reviewed at the next SPC meeting.
- Research $ was down by about $400,000. Numbers come from dashboards created by CALS Business Service.
- M. McClaran asked for numbers to be added to the agenda when topics like this are listed.
Nominations for Awards; S. Marsh submitted a packet for Moore.
BLM- Arizona Resource Advisory Council; S. Marsh was appointed, L. Howery used to serve on this council.
NAUFRP; National Association of University Forestry Programs invoice was received for $1200. SPC again this year advised not to join.
AV Equipment in BSE; A. Honaman ordering 3 screens for BSE classrooms (311, 225 and 124). Screens are about $120 or $100. Do we want to change 225 orientation? No change was the consensus.
Special Topics
- External Advisory Board Updates and Membership; Discussed potential members, responsibilities and bylaws.
- S. Marsh met with Bill Brake, who wants to help the school be successful. Brake gave a list of names for the advisory board.
- S. Marsh asked for feedback. Currently has a list of 20 names. Looking for advocates for SNRE to the Dean and the legislature and other state agencies.
- Criteria for Assigning TAships; Reviewed the TA allocation spreadsheet. SNRE Received $46,000 for TA support ($5k for 160D1). The allocation covers all but about $9,000 which will be covered using summer teaching revenue.
- Should SNRE draft a policy for assigning TAships in the future?
- Paula Decker being paid by SNRE to develop 150 as an online course. K. Hughes will put this on the summer schedule and ask Dave which session he wants to teach it.
- Discussed how other departments choose who gets TA $. Usually labs and classes over 50 students are given TA’s.
- What about online BSGIST course?
- S.Marsh wants faculty to feel like this process is equitable. Do we need to have a level for a grader or a TA? Do we need to have a policy for SNRE? J. Koprowski will start a policy that includes the priorities for TA’s.
Additional business;
- S. Marsh met with Mrs. Faul. Discussed the furniture and displays that will be purchased and installed.