St.DorothyCatholic School 7th8th Gr.Service Corps PermissionSlip
To the student: Please check any of the following opportunities that you may be interested in.
___ Life Center – Prepare boxed lunches for the homeless___ Operation Gratitude- Make thank you cards andcollect left-over Halloween candy to send to our Troops
___ Fall Cleanup for Parishioners-Rake leaves for our elderly___ Operation Christmas Child-Prepare gift packages for children of 3rd world countries
___ U of Penn Soup Kitchen-Serve food to the homeless___Nourish the Needy-make healthy snack bags for inner city kids with cards and other projects through NDS
___ Gift of Life House – prepare and serve meals for transplant ___ Cradles to Crayons – organize donations for
patients. underprivileged children in Pennsylvania.
___ Joy of Sox-collect and distribute new socks for the homeless___Thanksgiving for Troops-make thank you cards for our troops at Thanksgiving
___ Saint Dots Challenge-Assist with our school’s race festivities___ Oktoberfest cleanup-clean up on the last evening of the fair
___Philabundance-Work at the hunger relief center___St John’s Hospice-Make meals for our parish freezers that go out to ill patients
___Christmas Caroling-Sing to our homebound seniors in Drexel Apts. ___Valentine Nursing Home Visit-Visit elderly with cards and treats at Broomall NH
___Be A Buddy!-Spend special time helping children with disabilities___Kiera’s Love from Above-Fill Christmas
play sports like baseball, softball and basketballstockings for infant patients of local hospitals
We(I)asparent(s)orlegalguardian(s)of givepermissionfor
Thispermission slipincludesallrelatedprogramsoreventsassociatedwiththisproject.Inconsiderationforour(my) child’sparticipation,we(I)andour (my)childagreeandunderstandthatweassumetherisksinherentinthe project,andwithfullknowledgeoftherisks,weagreetoreleaseandholdharmlessSt.DorothyParishSchooland theArchdioceseofPhiladelphiaandtheiremployeesandrepresentatives,fromclaimsarisingorrelatedtoour(my) child’sparticipation.
Our(my)childunderstandsandagreestoabidebyallrulesandregulationsestablishedbytheschoolpertainingto eachproject.We (I)consenttoandgivepermissionforemergencymedicalcareforour(my)childthatmaybeneededasa resultofmy(our)child’sparticipation.Pleaseprovidethefollowinginformation:
Insurance______Group #______ID#______
Wherecanyoubereachedincaseof emergency? Cell Phone#1______Cell pPhone#2______
Student Name Student’sSignature:___
Parent’s Name Parent’sSignature:______
Parent’s Name Parent’sSignature:______
Please note that there is a $10.00 participation fee(optional) to cover costs of the activities. Please return this form along with money on or before October 6th in order for your child to participate in any of the above service projects.
2016-2017 Service Corps Sign-UP
Grade and Homeroom Teacher______
Student Cell Phone:______
Student Email Address:______
Parent Email Address:______
Please check any of the following opportunities that you may be interested in.
___ Life Center – Prepare boxed lunches for the homeless___ Operation Gratitude- Make thank you cards and collect left-over Halloween candy to send to our Troops
___ Fall Cleanup for Parishioners-Rake leaves for our elderly___ Operation Christmas Child-Prepare gift packages for children of 3rd world countries
___ U of Penn Soup Kitchen-Serve food to the homeless___Nourish the Needy-make healthy snack bags for inner city kids with cards and other projects through NDS
___ Gift of Life House – prepare and serve meals for transplant ___ Cradles to Crayons – organize donations for
patients. underprivileged children in Pennsylvania.
___ Joy of Sox-collect and distribute new socks for the homeless___ Thanksgiving for Troops-make thank you cards for our troops at Thanksgiving
___ Saint Dots Challenge-Assist with our school’s race festivities___ Oktoberfest cleanup-clean up on the last evening of the fair
___Philabundance-Work at the hunger relief center___St John’s Hospice-Make meals for our parish freezers that go out to ill patients
___Christmas Caroling-Sing to our homebound seniors in Drexel Apts. ___Valentine Nursing Home Visit-Visit elderly with cards and treats at Broomall NH
___Be A Buddy!-Spend special time helping children with disabilities___Kiera’s Love from Above-Fill Christmas
play sports like baseball, softball and basketballstockings for infant patients of local hospitals