Word Roots, Prefixes, Suffixes
How Words Work
Many words are made up of a root (or base word) and a prefix. Some words also have a suffix. For example, the root word port means to carry or to bear. Attach the prefix ex, meaning out or out of, and you have the word export, to carry out. Attach the prefix im, meaning in or into and you have import, to carry in. Attach the prefix trans, meaning across, and you have transport, meaning to carry across. Now let's attach the suffix able, meaning able to be, and you have importable, exportable, and transportable.
The very words prefix and suffix are good examples, too. Pre means before and fix means to fasten or attach, so a quite literally, a prefix is something attached to something else. Suf is a variant of sub, below or under, so a suffix is something fastened underneath something else (in this case, behind the root).
An English word can consist of three parts: the root, a prefix and a suffix. The root is the part of the word that contains the basic meaning (definition) of the word. The root is the base element of the word. A prefix is a word element that is placed in front of a root. A prefix changes the word's meaning or makes a new word. A suffix is a word element that is placed after the root. The suffix changes the word's meaning as well as its function (use). Prefixes and suffixes are called affixes because they are attached to a root.
Word Roots
ROOT / MEANING / EXAMPLES-ast(er)-(G) / star / asteroid, astronomy
-audi- (L) / hear / audible, audience
-auto- (G) / self / automatic, autopsy
-bene- (L) / good / benefit, benign
-bio- (G) / life / biography, biology
-chrono- (G) / time / chronic, synchronize
-dict- (L) / say / dictate, diction
-duc- (L) / lead, make / deduce, produce
-gen- (L) / give birth / gene, generate
-geo- (G) / earth / geography, geology
-graph- (G) / write / autograph, graph
-jur-, -jus- (L) / law / jury, justice
-log-, -logue- (L) / thought / logic, obloquy
-luc- (L) / light / lucid, translucent
-man(u)- (L) / hand / manual, manure
-mand-, -mend- (L) / order / demand, recommend
-mis-, -mit- (L) / send / missile, transmission
-omni- (L) / all / omnivorous
-path- (G) / feel / empathy, pathetic
-phil- (G) / love / philosophy, bibliophile
-phon- (G) / sound / phonics, telephone
-photo- (G) / light / photograph, photon
-port- (L) / carry / export, portable
-qui(t)- (L) / quiet, rest / acquit, tranquil
-scrib-, -script- (L) / write / ascribe, script
-sens-, -sent- (L) / feel / resent, sensitive
-tele- (G) / far off / telecast, telephone
-terr- (L) / earth / terrain, territory
-vac- (L) / empty / evacuate, vacate
-vid-, -vis- (L) / see / visible, video
Common Prefixes
Prefix / Meaning / Examplea-, an- / without / amoral
ante- / before / antecedent
anti- / against / anticlimax
auto- / self / autopilot
circum- / around / circumvent
co- / with / copilot
com-, con- / with / companion, contact
contra- / against / contradict
de- / off, away from / devalue
dis- / not / disappear
en- / put into / enclose
ex- / out of, former / extract, ex-president
extra- / beyond, more than / extracurricular
hetero- / different / heterosexual
homo- / same / homonym
hyper- / over, more / hyperactive
il-, im-, in-, ir- / not, without / illegal, immoral, inconsiderate, irresponsible
in- / into / insert
inter- / between / intersect
intra- / between / intravenous
macro- / large / macroeconomics
micro- / small / microscope
mono- / one / monocle
non- / not, without / nonentity
omni- / all, every / omniscient
post- / after / postmortem
pre-, pro- / before, forward / precede, project
sub- / under / submarine
syn- / same time / synchronize
trans- / across / transmit
tri- / three / tricycle
un- / not / unfinished
uni- / one / unicorn
Common Suffixes
Noun SuffixesSuffix / Meaning / Example
-acy / state or quality / privacy
-al / act or process of / refusal
-ance, -ence / state or quality of / maintenance, eminence
-dom / place or state of being / freedom, kingdom
-er, -or / one who / trainer, protector
-ism / doctrine, belief / communism
-ist / one who / chemist
-ity, -ty / quality of / veracity
-ment / condition of / argument
-ness / state of being / heaviness
-ship / position held / fellowship
-sion, -tion / state of being / concession, transition
Verb Suffixes
-ate / become / eradicate
-en / become / enlighten
-ify, -fy / make or become / terrify
-ize, -ise / become / civilize
Adjective Suffixes
-able, -ible / capable of being / edible, presentable
-al / pertaining to / regional
-esque / reminiscent of / picturesque
-ful / notable for / fanciful
-ic, -ical / pertaining to / musical, mythic
-ious, -ous / characterized by / nutritious, portentous
-ish / having the quality of / fiendish
-ive / having the nature of / creative
-less / without / endless
-y / characterized by / sleazy
Simple teaching Roots, Prefixes and Suffixes
Root Words | Suffix | Prefix
Roots / Meaning / Wordalter / other / alternate, alter ego
ami, amic- / love / amiable, amicable
amphi / both ends or all sides / amphibian
ann, enni / year / anniversary, annual, biennial, perennial
anthrop / human, man / anthropology, anthropomorphic, misanthrope
aqua, aque / water / aquatic, aquarium, aqueduct
arch / chief, leader, ruler / archangel, monarch, archaic, archenemy
arthro / joint / arthritis
aud / sound / auditorium, audible, audiologist, audiotape
bell / war / belligerent, bellicose
biblio / book / bibliography, bibliophile
bio- / life / biography, autobiography, biology, antibiotic
brev / short / brief, abbreviate
cap / take, seize / capture, captivate, capacity
carn / meat / carnivorous, chili con carne
ced / yield, go / recede, secede, proceed, intercede, concession
chrom- / color / chromatic, monochrome, polychrome
chron- / time / chronicle, chronology, chronometer, synchronize
cogn / know / recognize, cognitive, incognito
cord/chord / cord / harpsichord
corp / body / corpus, corpse, corporal
crac, crat / rule, ruler / autocrat, democracy, bureaucrat, democracy
cred / believe / credible, credulous, credibility, credit, credo
cruc / cross / crucifix, crucial
crusta / shell / crustacean
crypt / hidden / cryptogram, cryptology, cryptic
culp / guilt / culpable, culprit
dei / god / deity, deify
demo- / people / demography, democracy, epidemic
dent / tooth / dentist, dentifrice, dentin
derm- / skin / dermatology, epidermis, hypodermic
dic / speak, say / dictate, predict, diction, indict
dox / belief, opinion / orthodoxy, paradox, heterodoxy
duc, duct / lead / induce, deduce, seduction, conduct, abduct
duo / two / duo
dynam- / power / dynamo, hydrodynamics
ego / self / egotist, egomania
equ / equal / equal, equity, equanimity, equate, equidistant
fac / make, do / manufacture, factory, benefactor
fil / threadlike / filament
frater / brother / fraternal, fraternize
gam- / marriage / monogamy, polygamy, bigamy
geo- / earth / geopolitical, geology, geography, geothermal
glyph / vertical groove / Hieroglyphics—Egyptian “sky writing”
grad, gress / step / gradual, progression, transgression
graph- / writing, printing / graphology, biography, telegraph, geography
gym / naked / gymnasium
gyn- / woman / gynecologist, androgynous
hemo, hema, hem / blood / hemophilia, hematology, hemoglobin
holo / whole, entire / holograph
hydro, hydr / water / dehydrate, hydraulics, hydroelectric, hydroplane
iso / equal, identical / isolate
ject / throw / inject, reject, subject, projection
jud / judge / judicial, judge, adjudicate
leg, lect / read, choose / legible, lectern, lecturer, election
liter / letter / literature, illiterate, literal
loc / place / local, location
log / word / monologue, epilogue
luc / light / lucid, elucidate
magn / large / magnify, magnate, magnificent
man / hand / manufacture, manual, manuscript
mar / sea / marine, mariner
mater / mother / maternal, maternity, matriarchy, matricide
mere / part, segment / mere
meta, met / behind, between / metacognition—behind the thinking
metri, meter- / measure / geometric, thermometer, odometer
min / small / minority, minuscule, minute
mit, miss / send / permit, submission, mission, emit,
mob, mot, mov / move / mobile, automobile, motion, promote, movie
mon / warn / premonition, admonition
mor, mort / death / mortal, mortician, immortality
morph / form, structure / metamorphosis, amorphous, morphology
mut / change / mutant, mutability, mutate
neuro / nerve / neurology, neurosis, neurobiology
nomen /nomin / name / nominal, nominate, nomenclature
nov / new / novel, renovate, innovation, novella
nym, onym / word, name / synonym, acronym, anonymous, pseudonym
odonto / tooth / orthodontist—one who straightens teeth
ortho- / straight, correct / orthodox, orthodontist, orthopedic
pac / peace / pacify, Pacific Ocean, pacifist
pater / father / paternal, paternity, patricide, patrilineal, patriotic
path / feeling, suffering / sympathy, apathy, empathy, telepathy, pathology
ped, pod / foot / pedal, pedometer, centipede, gastropod
pel, puls / push / pulsate, repulsive, impulse, compel, propel
pend / hang, weigh / pendulum, pendant, suspend, pending
phon-, phono- / sound, voice / telephone, euphony, cacophony, phonograph
plan / flat / planar, plantation, plane
pneum / lung / pneumatic
pod / feet / podiatrist
port / carry / portable, transport, portage, report,
pot / power / potent, omnipotent, potentate
psych- / soul, spirit, mind / psychology, psychic, psychobiography
pugna / fight / pugnacious, pugilist
quer, quis / ask / query, inquisition,
scent, scend / climb / ascend, ascent
schizo, schiz / division, split / schizophrenic
sci / know / scientific
sciss / cut / scissors
scrib, script / write / manuscript, scribe, proscribe, scripture
sec, sect / cut / dissect, section
sed, sess / sit / sedentary, session
sens, sent / feel, be aware / sensible, sentient
sequ, secu / follow / sequence, sequel, consecutive
serv / serve, protect / service
simil / same / similar, assimilate, simile, facsimile (fax)
siphon / tube / siphon
sol / sun / solar
son / sound / sonar, resonate, unison
soph / wisdom, knowledge / philosophy, sophisticated, sophomore (wise fool)
spec, spic / look, see / spectacles, spectator, inauspicious, prospect
spir / coil / spiral
spir / breathe / inspire, respiration, conspire, perspiration
spond, spons / promise, answer for / respond, responsible
spont / by one's own force / spontaneous
stat / stay, position / station
tang, tact / touch / tactile, tangible
temp / time / temporary, temporize
ten, tent / hold / tentative, tenable, tenuous
terr / earth / subterranean, terrain, terrestrial, disinter
theo / god, deity / theology, polytheism, atheist, monotheism
therm- / heat / thermal, thermos, thermometer
trophy / nutrition, food / atrophy—without nutrition
uro / urine / urologist
vac / empty / vacation, vacuum, vacuous, vacant
ven, vent / come, go / intervene, convene, contravene
ver / truth / veracity, verify, verity
vert / turn / introvert, irreversible, vertigo
vit / life / vital, revitalize, vitamin
voc / call / revoke, invocation, vocal, evocative, convocation
zoo / animal / zoo, zoology, zoolatry
Prefix / Meaning / Examplesa-, an- / not, without / amoral, anesthetic, apolitical, asocial
ab- / away from / abduction, abstain, abnormal
ad- / to, toward / adjoin, adjacent (lying near to)
ambi- / both / ambidextrous, ambivalent
ana- / up, back, again / analogy, anatomy, anagram
anti- / against / antipathy, antiwar, antisocial
apo- / from, away from / apology, apologize
auto- / self / autobiography, automobile, autocracy, automaton
bene- / good / benediction benevolent benefactor
cata-, cat- / down, against / catastrophe--a turning down
centro, centri- / around, center / concentric, centrifugal
circum- / around / circumlocution circumference, circumvent
com- / with, together / communal, community
con- / with, together / connect, confide conspire
contra- / against / contradict, contravene
de- / down, away / descend, deject (cast down)
dia-, di- / through, across / diameter, division
dis- / apart, not / disengage, discord, discomfort
dys- / ill, difficult, bad / dysfunctional, dysentery
e- / out of, from / elect (choose out of), eject (throw out)
ecto- / on the outside / ectoderm--outer skin
en-, em- / in / empathy--feeling in
endo- / within, inside / endoscope--instrument for observing inside
epi- / upon / epitaph epidermis, epicenter
eso- / inward, within / esoteric--more inward, esophagus
eu- / well, good / euthanasia--good death
ex- / out of, from / exhume, exhale, exodus
hetero- / other, different / heterosexual, heterodoxy, heterodox heterogeneous
homo- / same / homosexual, homogeneous, homogenized
hyper- / over / hypertension, hypersensitive, hyperactivity
hypo- / under / hypotension, hypodermic
il- / not / illegitimate, illicit, illegal, illegible
im- / not / imperfect, impolite, impossible
im- / into / imbibe (drink in, take in)
in- / not / indiscreet, invisible
in- / into / incorporate (take into the body)
inter- / between / intervene (come between), interstate
intra- / within / intrastate, intramural
ir- / not / irregular, irrational, irredeemable
macro- / large / macrocosm, macroeconomics
mal, male- / bad, evil / malediction malevolent, malnutrition
meta- / beyond / metaphysical
micro- / small / microscope, microcosm, microeconomics
mono- / one, single / monologue, monotheism, monarchy, monogamy
neo- / new, recent / neologism, neo-liberal, neonatology. neolithic
ob- / against / object, obstruct (build against)
palin-, pali- / back, again / palindrome
pan- / all, every / pantheism, Pan-Hellenic, panorama, pandemic
para- / false / paramilitary, paralegal, parachute
per- / through / percolate (flow through) perforate (punch through)
peri- / around / perimeter, periscope
phil-, philo- / like, lover of / philosophy, Francophile, bibliophile, philanthropy
poly- / many, several / polygon, polygamy, polytechnic, polytheism
post- / after / postgraduate, posthumous postpone
pre- / before / precede, predict (tell before)
pro- / for, forward / promote, project
pros- / toward, in front / prospect—view in front, something coming up
proto- / first / prototype, protoplasm, protobiology
pseudo / false / pseudonym, pseudoscience
re- / again, back / repeat, recede, regress (step back)
retro- / back / retrogression, retroactive
se- / away from / seduce (lead away), secede
sub- / under / submarine, subject, subhuman subterranean
sur-, super- / over, above / superhuman, superego, superintend, surpass
syn-, sym-, syl-, sys- / with, together / symphony, synonym, system, syllable
tele- / distant, far off / telephone, telepathy, television, telegram
trans- / across / transient, Transatlantic, transport (carry across)
Suffix / Definition / Example-agog, -agogue / leader / demagogue, pedagogue
-cide / kill(ing) / patricide, infanticide, herbicide. suicide
-ectomy / cutting / appendectomy, splenectomy
-ia, -y / act, state / amnesia, mania, democracy, anarchy
-ic, -tic, -ical, -ac / having to do with / anthropomorphic, dramatic, biblical, cardiac
-ics / things having to do with / optics, physics
-isk, -iscus / small / asterisk--a little star
-ism / the belief in / pacifism, terrorism, socialism, communism
-ist / one who believes in / pacifist, terrorist, socialist, communist
-ite / one connected with / meteorite, polite, cosmopolite
-logy / study field of / biology, geology, etymology, cardiology
-oid / resembling, like-shaped / asteroid, spheroid
-or, -er / one who takes part in / doctor, actor, teacher, driver
-phobia / exaggerated fear / photophobia, claustrophobia, agoraphobia
-sis / act, state, condition of / analysis
administer / exercise power / administeredannus,enn / year / biennial,annual
anthropos / mankind / anthropology, misanthropic, philanthropic
apprehend / arrest, understand / apprehension
ard / burn / ardent
audax / boldeness, lack of respect / audacity
aud / hear/sound / audible
auxili / help / auxiliarum
biblio / book / bibliography
cedo / go / precede, succeed, intercede
chronos / time / chronology,synchronize
claudo / shut / include, preclude, exclusive
commun / common / common, communist
conclud / finish / conclusion
confid / trust / confident
confit / admit / confession
consequ / that which follows / consecutive
constitu / made of / constitution
cura / care / curator, sinecure
decide / decide / decision
defend / defend / defend
detter / prevent / deter
defend / defend / defend,defense
decid / decide / decision
ego / I / self / egotist, egocentric
fero / to carry / transfer, refer, differ
fid / faith / fidelity, confidence,
fluo / flow / fluent, fluid, influence
gnostos / know / agnostic, recognizance
haero / to stick / cohere, adhere
integ / honor / integrity
jacio / throw / reject, interject
laud / praise / laudable, applaud
lingua / tongue / bilingual, linguistic
loqu / to talk / eloquent
mania / madness / maniac, egomania
metron / measure / meter, speedometer
murus / wall / moralistic, intramural
nihil / nothing / annihilate, nihilist
obligat / must / obligation
optikos / vision / optician, optical
onus / weight / onus
ovum / egg / oval, ovary
ped / foot / pedestrian, pedal. impede
pend / hang / pendant, dependent
persuad / persuade / persuade
phobia / fear / claustrophobia, phobia
phone / sound / stereophonic, phoneme,
pliao / fold / pleat, application, pliable, imply
post / after / posterity
pus / foot / octopus
press / push / repress, depress
provid / vision / provisional, provision
relinq / leave, abandon / relinquish
residu / remnant / residue, residual
resist / stand against / resistant
scend / climb / transcend, ascend, descend
seco / cut / sector, section, insect
sed / sit / sediment, sedate residence
sed / plant / reproduce / sperm, sporadic
sentio / feel / sentimental, resent, consent
sophos / wise / sophistication
spectus / look / retrospective, inspect, spectacles
tactus / touch / tactile, contact
therme / heat / thermometer, thermos
urbo / city / suburban
verto / turn / inversion, revert, convert
viv / live / vivid, vital
administer / exercise power / administeredannus,enn / year / biennial,annual
anthropos / mankind / anthropology, misanthropic, philanthropic
apprehend / arrest, understand / apprehension
ard / burn / ardent
audax / boldeness, lack of respect / audacity
aud / hear/sound / audible
auxili / help / auxiliarum
biblio / book / bibliography
cedo / go / precede, succeed, intercede
chronos / time / chronology,synchronize
claudo / shut / include, preclude, exclusive
commun / common / common, communist
conclud / finish / conclusion
confid / trust / confident
confit / admit / confession
consequ / that which follows / consecutive
constitu / made of / constitution
cura / care / curator, sinecure
decide / decide / decision
defend / defend / defend
detter / prevent / deter
defend / defend / defend,defense
decid / decide / decision
ego / I / self / egotist, egocentric
fero / to carry / transfer, refer, differ
fid / faith / fidelity, confidence,
fluo / flow / fluent, fluid, influence
gnostos / know / agnostic, recognizance
haero / to stick / cohere, adhere
integ / honor / integrity
jacio / throw / reject, interject
laud / praise / laudable, applaud
lingua / tongue / bilingual, linguistic
loqu / to talk / eloquent
mania / madness / maniac, egomania
metron / measure / meter, speedometer
murus / wall / moralistic, intramural
nihil / nothing / annihilate, nihilist
obligat / must / obligation
optikos / vision / optician, optical
onus / weight / onus
ovum / egg / oval, ovary
ped / foot / pedestrian, pedal. impede
pend / hang / pendant, dependent
persuad / persuade / persuade
phobia / fear / claustrophobia, phobia
phone / sound / stereophonic, phoneme,
pliao / fold / pleat, application, pliable, imply
post / after / posterity
pus / foot / octopus
press / push / repress, depress
provid / vision / provisional, provision
relinq / leave, abandon / relinquish
residu / remnant / residue, residual
resist / stand against / resistant
scend / climb / transcend, ascend, descend
seco / cut / sector, section, insect
sed / sit / sediment, sedate residence
sed / plant / reproduce / sperm, sporadic
sentio / feel / sentimental, resent, consent
sophos / wise / sophistication
spectus / look / retrospective, inspect, spectacles
tactus / touch / tactile, contact
therme / heat / thermometer, thermos
urbo / city / suburban
verto / turn / inversion, revert, convert
viv / live / vivid, vital