Welcome- this meeting is for CMS Ski and Rider Club bus riders. If you ordered your pass from Site Two your pass will be out in the hall; if you have a child in the club chances are good that your pass is with theirs here in the gym.
14th year
This year we need snow! The past 2 years have been very mild however PN does a fantastic job making snow and covering the slopes for us. We have not missed a night due to weather, which is remarkable! Last year I was nervous driving in the torrential rain to find PN in decent shape- they have their own little eco system going on and it works! We had no serious injuries and honestly I felt a few nights it was our own private club. Take the good with the bad.
Total passes sold in Centerville- 212 with 161 on the bus.
Passes- most are here with the exception of a few who purchased a pass that PN needed an updated picture on. All that means is that when PN opens go there, get your pic taken, then get your pass. Hopefully you can ski a little! That is if you have ever skied or boarded before. Our club lessons do not start until Jan. 12th however you can participate in the “free” learn to turn or I would suggest scheduling a private lesson for $25. Just call PN to set it up ahead of time. We don’t want anyone hurt before we go!
If your pass is not in here it may be out in the hall. Also, if you purchased a debit card and it is not here please email me and I will get it from PN.
New this year- We will stay at PN 15 minutes longer this year! We will load buses at 10pm and pull out at 10:15pm. Parents please be at Watt’s to pick up your child at 11:30 pm. Remember on Jan 26th we will stay an hour longer.
All bus riders will be enrolled in lessons! This is the backbone for our club and having these lessons during the middle school years are crucial to the lifelong love for this sport. As an adult it will serve you well. I have many stories of past members who have had the opportunity to ski worldwide and tell me they would have never thought of trying this sport if it wasn’t offered to them as a middle schooler. Believe it or not at the end of the year when members send me an email on What CMS Ski and Rider Club meant to them the common theme was lessons- they ended up better that expected!
Is everyone receiving the newsletters? We have tried to send one out every Monday at 6am. If not please see me after the meeting or get with a friend and have them forward it to you. Check your junk folder- it might be going there. I can’t stress enough the importance of getting this email. You and your child will feel lost this season not knowing what is going on. Check the website periodically, there may be something new on the home page. Once the season begins the club will send out a minimum of 2 emails a week. Look for one Thursday night to know the latest word if our trip is confirmed or if there is a possibility it may be cancelled. We will do our best to make that call by 9pm , however we have had to cancel on a Friday during the school day; in that situation an email will go out and an announcement made at school. Your child will then go home the way they typically do. The remind app will also keep you updated but not with all the details.
Spirit wear -looks awesome! Thank you again Mrs. Voss for a great design!
This club depends on many volunteers. On Friday night’s we need a minimum of 9 but prefer 12 on the buses and at least 3 or 4 in the lodge. We have 2 volunteers this year willing to get to PN early and secure our tables. If for some reason they can’t we will ask for someone to step up. We have signs and tablecloths to make or space noticeable. We are there for about 4 hours and it is nice to be able to spread out but still be together in the same space. This is nice so if a child would ever need anything they will know where we are. Bus chaperones are the cream of the crop! They will get first dibs on our slope complimentary passes then the spouse or other family member of our lodge parent. There may be others available but we will not know until Friday night after 6:30. To sign up to help on the bus please visit our website and go to the volunteer page and click on the link, put in your information and submit. You will be notified at least 2 weeks before our trip. We will do our best to get everyone down at least once on the night of their choosing.
Our first night down Friday the 12th will be crazy- we will need lots of extra hands if you can help out please show up before 6pm at PN at the outside ticket windows to help with lift tickets or proceed downstairs to help with the fitting of ski boots/ boarding boots (boarding is through the doors to the left of the ski area). Helmets will be picked up first. The first night getting sized then self serve after that. Then direct all members out the back doors and go right to “LESSON AREA”.
Friday night special prices-This year we will offer the special group passes on the nights we travel to PN again. If you or anyone you know would like to join us on the slopes simply go to our website and on the home page we will have a link to order a one time Friday pass (E pass). On the abc line choose “c” then click on C-Ville Friends and family then use ville for the password. Click on the E-TICKET then choose the pass you want. If you need rentals please add it online, if you add them at PN the price jumps from $20 to $28! Buying the pass on line rather than at the ticket window will save you $21-wow! There are discount-tubing tickets available as well. The best thing is you can pay with a card AND print it at home! Simply take the voucher to the ticket window when you arrive to pick up your lift ticket. The passes will only be available on the Fridays that the club will be at PN. Lift tickets are $38 and rentals with helmet included are an additional $20. This is an 8 hour pass , if you can swing it get there early! Tubing is 2 or 3 hour pass.
CHS Scholarship- The special one night passes help fund our CHS Alumni Scholarship. This club has been in existence for 14 years and unfortunately we have lost some very special people over the years. In honor of those people who have passed we started this special scholarship for a graduating CMS Club alumni student last year. The goal last year was $500 and helped a young man with his freshman college expenses this past fall. We received 11 entries and plan on offering the same $500 scholarship again this spring. If you have a graduating senior heading to college in the fall watch for information at the HS to be listed with the other scholarships.
Chili and Cheesecake night is one of our highlights and will be held Jan. 26th. Remember we stay an hour later that night. Please pick up your child at 12:30 am from Watts. Tracy will speak….
8th Grade Trip-Tracy- information is in the Monday letter 12-11-17
GETTING READY FOR FRIDAY NIGHT- an attachment on our website Ski and Rider Club Info page. There are a few links that will be beneficial for you and your child to read. It will walk you through the process…
Our nights at PN…
Q & A
Dismiss tables A-G, H-M, N-Z