B.S.N.L. /
CUTTACK-753 001
( : 0671-2305184 FAX : 0671-2305184
Name of Work:- SITC of associated works for (4+1) x 7 TR package type air cooled A/C units for WLL MSC at Telephone Bhawan, Cuttack.
Estimated cost: Rs. 4,01,800=00
Earnest Money: Rs. 8,034=00
Time: 30 days
This draft NIT is approved for Rs. 4,01,800.00 (Rupees four lacs one thousand eight hundred only)
Executive Engineer (E)
BSNL Electrical Division
NIT Sl.No. 12/08-09/TED/BSNL/CK dtd. 11.06.2008
The Executive Engineer (Elect.), BSNL Electrical Division, Cuttack invites on behalf of the CMD, Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited sealed item rate tenders for the following work from the contractors satisfying the under mentioned eligibility conditions:-
NAME OF WORK / ESTD. COST / EMD / TIME FOR COMPLETION1. S.I.T.C of associated works for (4+1) x 7 TR package type air cooled A/C units for WLL MSC at Telephone Bhawan, Cuttack. /
Rs. 4,01,800/-
/ Rs. 8,036.00 / 30 daysEligibility Criteria:-
The firm should have satisfactorily completed at least three works of similar nature in Central Govt./State Govt./PSU/BSNL each having work order amount not less than 75% of the estimated cost during the last three years reckoned from the date of NIT. The firm’s execution turnover shall not be less than 5 times the estimated cost of the work in past three years reckoned from the date of NIT. Documentary proof of satisfying above conditions are to be furnished along with application.
The contractor shall submit and confirm:
1. Valid Chartered Accountant Certificate and registration certificate with attested copies as applicable along with application on their printed letterheads for purchase of tender. The permanent account number (PAN) should be quoted along with a certified copy of PAN card in their tender or other relevant documents.
2. List of works completed of the requisite magnitude along with attested copies of certificate, testimonials of their satisfactory completion from the Department concerned obtained from an officer not below the rank of Executive Engineer.
3. EPF, ESI, VAT and Service Tax registration Certificate will be submitted along with the application.
Conditions and tender forms can be had from division office on payment of Rs.520/- (Non - refundable).
Last date of receipt of application: 05.07.2008 up to 16.00 Hrs.
Last date of issue of tender: 07.07.2008 up to 17.30 Hrs.
Last date of submission of tender: 08.07.2008 up to 15.00 Hrs.
Date of opening of tender: 08.07.2008 at 15.30 Hrs.
Validity of tender shall be for 90 days from the date of opening of tender.
The tenderer shall submit the tenders in 2 sealed covers marked as cover 1st and 2nd with name of work. Both should be separate & they should not be enclosed in a common 3rd cover. The first cover should contain the Earnest money deposited in the shape of CDR/FDR/DD/BG in favour of A.O, BSNL Electrical Division, Cuttack is acceptable. However, Bank guarantee as per Proforma attached with the tender documents towards EMD is also acceptable. The Bank guarantee is to be extended for one year or later date as called for before award of work. The second cover should contain the tender documents. If the 1st cover is not annexed or Earnest money is not in proper form, the 2nd cover containing tenders will not be opened at all.
Note: (i) The company or firm or any other person is not permitted to tender for works in BSNL unit in which his near relative(s) is (are) posted. The unit is defined as SSA/Circle/ Chief Engineer/ Chief Arch./Corporate office for non-executive employees and all SSA in a circle including circle office/Chief Engineer/Chief Arch./Corporate office for executive employees (including those called as Gazetted officers at present).
(ii) The tender documents shall not be sent through Courier/Post. The tender documents received through Courier/Post shall not be opened / considered at all.
( Visit: www.orissa.bsnl.co.in)
No. 10(17)/TED/BSNL/CTK/349 Dtd. 11/06/2008
Executive Engineer(Elect.)
BSNL Electrical Division
Cuttack-753 001
( If tenderers down loaded from website have been submitted)
I have gone through the terms and conditions of the Contract document as laid down in PWD-6/8 of latest edition and solemnly agree to abide with all the clauses.
I have used downloaded version of the tender document .No portion of the documents submitted by me have been modified or changed. I fully understand that in the event any tempering with valid documents noticed, my offer will be liable to be rejected.
Place :______Seal
The amount of earnest money to be deposited with each tender is 2% of the estimated cost put to the tender subject to a maximum of Rs. 2 crores.
The validity period of the Earnest Money Deposit is kept 30 days beyond the tender validity period.
In case, where the letter of award of work cannot be placed within the validity period of the tender, the BSNL can request all tenderer to extend the validity of their respective tenders and the Earnest Money deposit by a reasonable period. In such cases, extension of validity of Earnest Money deposit by 30 days beyond the extended validity date of tender should also be asked for. While BSNL can make the request for extension, the tenderer is free to either extend the validity or refuse the request to extend the Validity.
Earnest Money deposit of all unsuccessful tenderers should be released on issue of award letter to the successful tenderer. This should be done within one week of issue of award letter.
In case of successful tenderer, the Earnest Money deposit is released on their submitting performance bank guarantee.
Where the BSNL requests the tenderer to extend the validity of the tender beyond the stipulated period given in the tender documents, and the tenderer refuses to extend the validity of his tender, the Earnest Money deposit of such tenderers is returned forthwith.
The contractor is required to furnish bank guarantee for an amount equal to 5% of the contract value on a Nationalized / Scheduled Bank in a standard format within two weeks from the date of issue of award letter. The validity period of the performance security in the form of performance bank guarantee shall be one year from the date of actual completion of work.
In addition to performance guarantee stated above in serial no. 2.1 a sum of 10% of the gross amount of the bill shall be deducted from each running bill of the contractor till the sum along with the sum already deposited as earnest money , will amount the security deposit of 5% to the tendered value of the work .
(a) BSNL will have the right to increase or decrease up to 25% of the quantity of goods and services specified in the schedule of items without any change in the unit price or other terms and conditions at the time of award of contract.
(b) In exceptional situation where the requirement is of an emergent nature and it is necessary to ensure continued supplies from the existing venders, the purchaser reserves the right to place repeat order up to 50% of the quantities of goods and services contained in the running tender /contract within a period of twelve months from date of award of work at the same rate or a rate negotiated (downwardly) with the existing venders considering the reasonability of rates based on prevailing market conditions and the impact of reduction in duties and taxes etc.
At the time of issuing NIT for a particular work, the time allowed for completion of work consistent with magnitude and urgency of work is specified. The time allowed for carrying out the work as entered in the contract is reckoned from the 10th day after the date on which the orders to commence the work are given to the contractor. To ensure good progress of the work during the execution, the contractor is bound, in all cases, in which the time allowed for any work exceeds one month (except special jobs), to complete 1/8th of the whole of the work before 1/8th of the time allowed under the contract has elapsed, 3/8th of the work before ½ of the time has elapsed and ¾th of the work before ¾th of such time has elapsed. However, for special jobs, if the contractor has submitted a time schedule and the same has been accepted by the Engineer – in – charge, the contractor shall comply with such time schedule.
For Air Conditioning, Engine Alternator, Fire detection and wet riser system, Lifts the work is deemed to have been completed after successful completion of the initial acceptance testing as per the departmental standards by T&D circle / DGS&D / Inspecting Authority.
For sub Station work, the date of clearance from electrical inspector is taken as completion date.
If the contractor shall desire an extension of time for completion of work on the grounds of his having been unavoidably hindered in its execution or on any other ground, he shall apply in writing to the Engineer – in –charge within 30 days of the hindrance on the account on which he desires such extension as aforesaid, and the Engineer – in – charge shall, if in his opinion reasonable grounds to be shown therefore, authorize such extension of time, if any, as in his opinion be necessary or proper.
If the contractor fails to maintain the required progress or complete the work and clear the site on or before the contract or extended date of completion, he has to pay the compensation for delay which is limited to 0.5% of work order value for the first 10 weeks and 0.7 % for next 10 weeks and thereafter subject to a maximum of 12% of the work order value for the location where the work is delayed and the firm is found responsible for the same. Flow chart of the procurement process / contract shall be supplied by the contractor and approved by Executive Engineer concerned .
The EI works are executed in accordance to the CPWD specifications. Other works are of specialized nature and executed as per departmental specifications. The substation works are inspected by designated Electrical Inspectors. Other works viz. A/C plants, E/A sets, fire detection system are tested by acceptance testing authorities under T&D organization as per the prescribed Engineering instructions. The work is considered to be completed only after the successful completion of acceptance testing.
8.1 Payment to the contractors during progress of work is regulated for all the items as below:
a) 80% of prorata of the approved price breakup of contract value on receipt of equipment at site and after satisfactory physical inspection.
b) 10% of prorata of the approved price breakup of contract value after successful installation of equipment.
c) 5% of the approved contract value after successful completion of Initial testing.
d) 5% of the approved contract value after successful completion of the final acceptance testing .
8.2. Quoted rate should be inclusive of all taxes and duties i/c sales tax on works contract payable by the firm and shall be specified clearly in their price break-up.
8.3 The firm should specify the amount of sales tax on Works Contract. The department will recover all Sales Tax on Works Contract as per the prevailing Sales Tax Rules of the State concerned (wherever applicable) and issue the Sales Tax Deduction Certificate.
The Engineer – in – charge may determine the contract in respect of any delay, inferior workmanship as per clause 3 of PWD-8 contract conditions.
10. The firm shall read carefully the following conditions and shall quote accordingly confirming all the points in their offer.
- Department reserves the right to accept the quantities in full or in parts.
The firm shall quote rates for all the items inclusive of all taxes, duties,octori and entry tax and nothing extra shall be paid on any account.
The rates offered by the firm shall be inclusive of the work contract tax as applicable in the state. The Department shall deduct work contract tax from the payment due to the firm as per rules of the state Government. Certificates for such deductions shall be issued to the firm by the Accounts Officers of the Division.
All the stores and materials required for the work except those specified, as departmental supply shall be arranged at work site by the firm from his own resources or open market. It should be clearly understood that no claim whatsoever should be entertained by the department on this account. Safe custody of the materials brought at site shall be firm’s responsibility till the installation is taken over by the department after successful testing & commissioning. However a lockable space may be provided by the department on intimation well in advance before receipt of material at site. Accommodation for erection crew will not be provided by the department.