Wisconsin Breastfeeding Coalition
Communications & Outreach Committee
January 23, 2015 Meeting Minutes
Attendees: Kelli Stader (Co-Chair, Madison), Stephanie Slock (Milwaukee), Leslie Robinson (Brown Co), Juli Novak (Manitowoc Co), Carol Birkeland (Washington Co)
- Student is helping to update resource directory list
- Stephanie is in contact with Georgia about potential ways to promote site
- Aurora (Milwaukee) and Public Health Dane Co will list web link on their resource materials
- Could look into promotion of site at WALC Conference or on their website
- Ask AAP to tell their members about site
WBC website:
- Add section on disparities
Communications networking calls:
- Change March 13 call to March 20 to avoid WALC Conference conflict (they will have Amber McCann as social media speaker)
- When announcements/reminders are sent out about calls, ask for specific questions or discussion points on each topic
Call Schedule
- March 20, 9-10am: social media (Adobe Connect)
- Presenters: Milwaukee Co (Facebook), Northwoods (website through health department), BFAN (website independent)
- Talking points: What are you doing and how did you get there? Struggles? Costs? Why did you choose that social media outlet or set-up?
- Discussion: What other outlets are coalitions using (Twitter, blogging)? What do you post? How often do you post or update content? How do you engage people?
- May 15, 9-10am: advertising events (conference call)
- Presenters: Wood, Milwaukee/AABN, Portage
- Talking points: Best avenues for advertising? Most bang for your buck? Target specific audiences? Costs?
- Discussion: How do you get people to show up to events/participate in programs? How do you expand your reach beyond typical members? How do you frame events for general public?
- June 12 WBC Annual Summit: expert communications speaker (in-person)
- Presenter: Wood County media contact
- Talking points: How should coalitions contact media? What does media want to hear from them? How/what should they prepare? Typical timeline (immediate story v. standing topic)? How do they get media to contact them for responses to hot topics?
- Depending on what type of outlet presenter is from, may need to speak broadly or point out differences between print/radio/TV
- Save 30 minutes for Q&A in addition to how long presenter would like
- July 24, 9-10am: follow-up sharing on media relationships (conference call)
- Presenters: BCSCW (newspaper, TV?), Richland (radio), Manitowoc (newspaper, radio)
- Talking points: How did you outreach to media contacts and where did it go from there? How do you continue your relationships?
- Discussion: Standing media slots for health topics that could be taken advantage of? Best media types for messaging/education/advocacy? Barriers?
Future committee work:
- WIC sent out PR toolkit to local projects with lots of resources
- Could we develop templates of communication materials for local coalitions to tweak and use?
- Focus could be World BF Week for first round of materials
- Leslie will contact Stacy Comer with WALC about adding ZipMilk to their website
- Kelli will check if WBC wants a table at WALC where we could promote ZipMilk
- Kelli will add disparity information to WBC website, ask committee to review
- Kelli will send out updated save-the-date for communications call series
- Kelli will contact potential coalition speakers for networking calls
- Kelli will contact Ann White with WIC to learn more about PR toolkit
- March meeting will debrief on first communications networking call and finalize plans for other calls, discuss development of template materials for coalitions
Future Communications & Outreach Committee meeting dates (all calls are Fridays 9-10:30am):
- March 27
- May 22