Release Authorized by: / Danny Trahan, Safety Director / Manual Rev 4
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2.1 Motorized Heavy Equipment Operation (Including Drivers and Operators) 2
2.2 Haul Road and Work Area 2
2.3 Working Near Overhead Power Lines 3
3.1 General Requirements 4
3.2 Mixing 4
3.3 Equipment and Tools 4
3.4 Forms and Shoring 5
3.5 Bracing 5
3.6 Climbing Formwork 6
3.7 Rebar 6
3.8 Transport 6
3.9 Pumping 7
3.10 Stripping 7
3.11 Precast Concrete 7
This practice defines the requirements for earthwork, concrete, and masonry construction.
This practice includes the following major sections:
· General Requirements
· Earthwork
· Concrete
· Masonry
This practice applies to work activities and employees under the control of P2S and its contractors.
Qualified Person— One who, by possession of a recognized degree, certificate, or professional standing, or who by extensive knowledge, training, and experience, has successfully demonstrated his/her ability to solve or resolve problems related to the subject matter, the work, or the project.
Equipment will be inspected according to manufacturer’s recommendations and maintained in a safe condition. If a deficiency has the potential for causing bodily injury to employees, the equipment must be tagged with a Danger – Don’t Use It – Unsafe Tag, Form 000.653.F0301 or equal, to avoid operation. The supervisor must be notified when equipment is tagged out of service.
Designation of Competent and Qualified Persons must be documented in accordance with Practice 000.653.1000, HSE General Requirements.
2.1 Motorized Heavy Equipment Operation (Including Drivers and Operators)
Refer to Practice 000.653.3200, Motorized Heavy Equipment and Light Vehicles.
2.2 Haul Road and Work Area
Before being placed into service, earthwork equipment will have a weed clearance certificate and be fitted with a 2way radio that provides communications for operators and supervisors on site and can be used in the event of an emergency.
Before commencement of any work, a Permit to Work must be obtained detailing the location of earthwork and clearing of vegetation. Refer to Practice 000.653.1302, Permit to Work.
The responsible work supervisor will verify that the construction (including the width, gradient, camber, and radius of curvature of bends) of each road and area at the site will enable the safe operation of motorized heavy equipment authorized to travel on the road or in the area. The construction will also take into account the size, speed, loads, and operating characteristics of the equipment to be used and site conditions, including the effects of weather.
Haul roads must be at least 3times the width of the largest vehicle running on it where practical.
Employees (such as surveyors) who are required to work around earthwork equipment will wear high visibility clothing.
Access ways, direction, and speed of travel on site roads must be arranged before work commences, and a physical plan or drawing made available before work commences.
Excavation material will be removed if practical and stored at an agreed upon location until backfilling is required. Overburden material will be stored at an agreed upon location until remediation operations commence. Excess diggings and redundant civil materials such as concrete and reinforcing will be stored or disposed in accordance with the project Environmental Management Plan.
The driver of a haul or dump truck must not enter or leave the cab while the truck is being loaded.
The driver of a shovel or loader must not cause the bucket of the shovel or loader to be traversed over the driver’s cab of a truck or other motor vehicle during loading operations.
The responsible work supervisor must confirm that the design, layout, construction, and maintenance of any dump or stockpile takes into account:
· The nature of the material dumped
· The size and weight of the equipment used
· The site conditions, including stability of the area on which the dump is built
· The weather conditions
Rock or other material must not be dumped from a haul or dump truck over a bank or into a bin unless there is an effective backstop provided or an employee (spotter) suitably stationed to guide and direct the driver to a safe dumping position, via radio communications or hand signals.
Marker guides, lighting, or other effective signs must be placed to indicate to the driver the limit of safe approach to the tipping area when dumping is being carried out (whether by day or night).
Drivers of trucks delivering materials to site in multi-stage tippers or side un-loaders must take into account the gradient of the ground on which they are tipping, the nature of the material being discharged and to watch out for "hang up" of material during discharge. If necessary, a spotter must be used to direct discharge via radio communication or hand signals.
The contractor or earthwork superintendent will decide to suspend earth-moving activity or relocate to other areas in the event of inclement weather.
Roads will be maintained regularly, swept clean of rubble, holes filled, and watered to suppress dust.
2.3 Working Near Overhead Power Lines
Refer to Practice 000.653.3209, Working Near Overhead Power Lines.
3.1 General Requirements
When performing lift-slab operations, the requirements of American National Standards Institute (ANSI) standard A10.9, Section11, or applicable incountry standard(s), must be followed.
Scaffolds will be constructed, maintained, and used in accordance with Practice 000.653.3303, Scaffolds.
Construction loads will not be placed on a concrete structure or portion of a concrete structure unless, based on information received from a Qualified Person, the structure or portion of the structure is capable of supporting the loads.
Employees (except those who are essential) are not permitted behind the jack during tensioning operations. Signs and barricades will be erected to limit employees' access to the posttensioning area during tensioning operations.
Employee are not permitted to ride in concrete buckets or work under concrete buckets while buckets are being elevated or lowered into position. Employees will be required to wear proper clothing (such as boots, gloves, hard hats, and safety glasses) to prevent cement burns. Employees applying cement, sand, and water mixtures through a pneumatic hose must wear face protection in addition to safety glasses.
3.2 Mixing
Storage bins, silos, and containers must be equipped with conical or tapered bottoms and have mechanical or pneumatic control to pour the material. Entry into storage facilities will be permitted in accordance with lock and tag procedure in effect at that time.
Mixers with 1cubic yard or larger loading skips must be equipped with a mechanical device to clear the skip of materials, with guardrails installed on each side of the skip.
Note: All potentially hazardous energy sources must be locked out and tagged before performing maintenance or repair on equipment.
3.3 Equipment and Tools
Manually guided, powered, and rotating concrete toweling machines will be equipped with a control switch (deadman switch) that automatically shuts off the power whenever the operators remove their hands from the equipment handles.
Concrete buggy handles must not extend beyond the wheels on either side of the buggy.
Concrete buckets equipped with hydraulic or pneumatic gates must have positive safety latches or equivalent safety devices to prevent premature or accidental dumping.
Tests for carbon monoxide must be made frequently when using fuel-powered machines inside enclosed spaces or buildings.
Blades of masonry saws must be covered with a semicircular enclosure to retain blade fragments. A method for retaining blade fragments must be incorporated in the design of the semicircular enclosure.
Where there is a possibility of contact with energized electrical conductors, handles on bull floats will be constructed of nonconductive material or insulated with nonconductive sheath.
3.4 Forms and Shoring
Formwork and shoring will be designed, erected, supported, braced, and maintained so as to safely support any and all vertical and lateral loads that may be imposed upon it during placement of concrete. Drawings of plans showing the jack layout, formwork, shoring, working decks, and scaffolding will be available at the jobsite.
Sills for shoring will be sound, rigid, and capable of safely carrying vertical and lateral loads that may be imposed upon them at any time. Base-plates, shore heads, extension devices, and adjustment screws will be in firm contact with the footing sill and the form material. Eccentric loads on shore heads and similar members must be designed for such loading. Ground load compaction must be checked to verify that the imposed load can be sustained.
Shoring for tiered single post shores and erected shoring must be designed and inspected by a qualified designer and by an engineer qualified in structural design.
Shoring equipment must be inspected before erecting. If shoring equipment is unsafe, do not use it and dispose of it safely so that no one else will use it.
Forms and shores (except those used for slab-on-grade and slip forms) will not be removed until it is determined that the concrete has gained sufficient strength to support its weight and superimposed loads. Determination is based on compliance with one of the following:
· Plans and specifications stipulate conditions for removal of forms and shores, and these conditions have been followed.
· The concrete has been properly tested with an appropriate American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) standard test method designed to indicate the concrete compressive strength, and the test results indicate that the concrete has gained sufficient strength to support its weight and superimposed loads.
Erected shoring equipment must be re-inspected immediately after placement of concrete.
Concrete forms and shoring will not be removed until the concrete gains sufficient strength to support its weight and superimposed loads.
Employees removing formwork or shoring at elevations in excess of 6feet (1.8meters) must wear and use fall protection equipment (refer to Practice 000.653.3001, Fall Protection).
When climbing formwork, forms must be designed and adequately braced to prevent excessive distortion.
3.5 Bracing
Single post shores must be vertically aligned, spliced to prevent misalignment, and adequately braced in 2mutually perpendicular directions at the splice level. Each tier also must be diagonally braced in the same 2directions. Single post shores should not be adjusted after the placement of concrete.
The spacing between towers and cross-brace spacing in erected shoring will not exceed that shown on the layout, and all locking devices will be in the closed position.
Shoring will be laterally supported by attachment to the structure.
Freestanding masonry walls will be braced and supported to provide lateral stability against wind or other forces.
Re-shoring must be erected, as original forms and shores are removed, whenever the concrete is required to support loads in excess of its capacity.
3.6 Climbing Formwork
Steel rods or pipes of vertical slip forms on which jacks climb or by which forms are lifted must be specifically designed and adequately braced when not encased in concrete. Forms must be designed to prevent excessive distortion of the structure during the jacking operation. Vertical slip forms must be provided with scaffolds or work platforms where employees are required to work or pass.
Jacks and vertical supports must be positioned so that the loads do not exceed the rated capacity. Jacks or other lifting devices must be provided with mechanical dogs or other automatic holding devices to support the slip forms in case of power supply or lifting mechanism failure.
The form structure must be maintained within all design tolerances during the jacking operation and must not exceed the safe rate of lift.
3.7 Rebar
Employee are not permitted to place or tie reinforcing steel more than 6feet (2meters) above any working surface unless the employee is protected by the use of a safety harness or equivalent fall protection.
All protruding reinforcing steel onto and into which employees could fall, must be (for vertical rebar) guarded to eliminate the possibility of impalement, or (for horizontal rebar) capped to prevent abrasion/laceration injury.
Note: To protect from impalement, guards, caps, or covers must be manufactured for that purpose or otherwise withstand a drop test of 250pounds (114kilograms) from a 10foot (3.05meter) elevation.
Employees working adjacent to rebar (presenting an impalement hazard) must wear a work-positioning belt and a safety harness attached to a lifeline or suitable anchorage point.
Employees must wear gloves when placing or tying rebar.
Reinforcing mats (used as a walkway) will be provided with planking to provide safe footing. A 2part sling will be used when moving bundles of rebar by crane over 20feet (6meters) in length. Wire mesh rolls will be secured at each end to prevent a recoiling action. Rebar for walls, piers, columns, and similar vertical structures must be properly guyed and supported to prevent collapse
3.8 Transport
Positive safety latches or similar safety devices must be installed on hydraulic or pneumatic gates of concrete buckets to prevent premature or accidental dumping.
Buckets will be suspended from shackles or approved safety-type hooks.
3.9 Pumping
Pipe supports of concrete pumping system will be designed to 100percent overload. Compressed air hoses will use only fail-safe joint connectors to prevent separation of sections when pressurized. Tremies, elephant trunks, and other such sections will be secured with fail-safe chain or wire rope in addition to regular couplings or connections.
Concrete buggies (Georgia buggy) handles will not extend beyond the wheels on either side of the buggy.
3.10 Stripping
Forms and shores (except those used for slabs-on-grade and slip forms) must not be removed until the concrete gains sufficient strength to support its weight and superimposed loads. Compliance with the plans and specifications for removal of forms and shores, and proper testing with an appropriate American Society of Testing Material (ASTM) standard test method can help determine if the concrete has gained sufficient strength.