Spring Semester 2012 - Pace Chart / Calendar
Course Name: Mrs. Haelle
CC: Class Connect Hours:
MON 1pm & WED 11am
YEARBOOK on Wed at 1pm
CCO: Class Coaching Time: THUR 2pm
CCH: Class Check Time (Must attend if below 75)
FRI 11am
(NOTE: Red items will be graded)
Week 1January 16 – January 20 / JANUARY 16th-MLK DAY HOLIDAY-NO SCHOOL
Attend Class Connect
Course Orientation
Visit Course Information Tab and become familiar with course structure and expectations. Print Pace Chart and use throughout the course. Check off each item when completed.
Student Expectations: / Identify the history and development of American journalism through people and events (1A)
Demonstrate an understanding of the elements of news through writing (2G)
Identify the variety of journalistic publications and products such as newspapers, newsmagazines, and newsletters (3A)
Monday: / Holiday: No School
Tuesday: / Unit 1: News: Then and Now
Lesson 1: Course Introduction
Review Handout: How to Be Successful in Journalism
Wednesday: / Unit 1: News: Then and Now
Lesson 2: The Value of News—Then and Now
1.02 Quiz
Thursday: / Unit 1: News: Then and Now
Lesson 3: 1.03 Reporter's Reflection 1 – News Values Then
Friday: / Unit 1: News: Then and Now
Lesson 4: 1.04 Reporter's Reflection 2 – News Values Now
Week 2
January 23 – January 27 / Attend Class Connect
Student Expectations: / Select most appropriate journalistic format of content (2H)
Identify the variety of journalistic publications and products such as newspapers, newsmagazines, and newsletters (3A)
Monday: / Unit 1: News: Then and Now
1.05 Discuss: A Date with History
1.05 Discussion – FIRST POST
Tuesday: / Unit 1: News: Then and Now
1.06 Quiz – Success in Journalism
Wednesday: / Unit 1: News: Then and Now
1.07 Medium and Message
1.07 Quiz
Thursday: / Unit 1: News: Then and Now
1.08 Reporter's Reflection 3 – Compare Mediums
1.05 Discussion – Second Post/Response
Friday: / Unit 1: News: Then and Now
Lesson 9: Reporter's Reflection 4 – Visuals
Week 3
January 30 – February 3 / Attend Class Connect
Student Expectations: / Identify the foundations of journalistic ethics (1B)
Distinguish between responsible and irresponsible media action (1C)
Differentiate between advertising appeals and propaganda (4A)
Locate information sources such as persons, databases, reports, and past interviews; gathers background information; and researches to prepare for an interview or investigate a topic (2A)
Monday: / Unit 2: Ethics and the Law
Lesson 1: The Media and the Law
1.05 Discussion – Third & Fourth Posts/Responses
Tuesday: / Unit 2: Ethics and the Law
Lesson 2: Truth or Consequences
2.02 Quiz
Review 2.05 Plagiarism Assignment and begin it
Wednesday: / Unit 2: Ethics and the Law
Lesson 3: 2.03 Reporter's Reflection 1 – Breaches
Thursday: / Unit 2: Ethics and the Law
Lesson 4: 2.04 Reporter's Reflection 2 – Bias Busters
Friday: / Unit 2: Ethics and the Law
Lesson 5: 2.05 Plagiarism Assignment DUE (50 points)
1.05 Discussion Closes at 11:59pm Sunday night
Week 4
February 6 – February 10 / Study Island Benchmark Test Week
Attend Class Connect
Student Expectations: / Evaluate and confirm the validity of background information from a variety of sources such as other qualified persons, books, and reports (2C)
Monday: / Unit 2: Ethics and the Law
Lesson 6: Freedom and Fairness
2.06 Quiz
Tuesday: / English / Math Benchmark
Wednesday: / Science / Social Studies Benchmark
Thursday: / Unit 2: Ethics and the Law
Lesson 7: 2.07 Reporter's Reflection 3
Friday: / Unit 2: Ethics and the Law
Lesson 8: Discuss: The Right to Write
2.08 Discussion – FIRST POST
Week 5
February 13 – February 17 / Attend Class Connect
Student Expectations: / Locate information sources such as persons, databases, reports, and past interviews; gathers background information; and researches to prepare for an interview or investigate a topic (2A)
Plan and write relevant questions for an interview or in-depth research (2B)
Monday: / Unit 3: Interviewing and Research Skills
Lesson 1: Where Reporters Find Their Stories
Start 3.01 Story Proposal
Tuesday: / Unit 3: Interviewing and Research Skills
Lesson 2: Follow the Money
3.02 Quiz
2.08 Discussion – Second Post/Response
Wednesday: / Unit 3: Interviewing and Research Skills
Lesson 3: Reporter's Reflection 1 – Human Sources
Thursday: / Unit 3: Interviewing and Research Skills
Lesson 4: Reporter's Reflection 2 – Nonhuman Sources
Friday: / Unit 3: Interviewing and Research Skills
Lesson 5: What Makes a Good Question?
3.01 Story Proposal DUE (25 points)
2.08 Discussion – Third & Fourth Posts/Responses
2.08 Discussion Closes at 11:59pm Sunday night
Week 6
February 20 – February 24 / FEBRUARY 20th, MONDAY – PRESIDENT’S DAY – NO SCHOOL
Attend Class Connect
Student Expectations: / Plan and write relevant questions for an interview or in-depth research (2B)
Incorporate direct and indirect quotes and other research to write in copy (2D)
Locate information sources such as persons, databases, reports, and past interviews; gathers background information; and researches to prepare for an interview or investigate a topic (2A)
Monday: / Holiday: No School
Tuesday: / Unit 3: Interviewing and Research Skills
Lesson 6: Discuss: Asking Questions
3.06 Discussion – FIRST POST
Wednesday: / Unit 3: Interviewing and Research Skills
Lesson 7: 3.07 Paraphrasing & Transitions (50 points)
Thursday: / Unit 3: Interviewing and Research Skills
Lesson 8: Journalism 2.0
3.06 Discussion – Second Post/Response
Friday: / Unit 3: Interviewing and Research Skills
Lesson 9: Discuss: Story Prep Swap
3.09 Discussion – FIRST POST
Week 7
February 27 – March 2 / Attend Class Connect
Student Expectations: / Use journalistic style (2I)
Gather information through interviews (in person/telephone) (2J)
Monday: / Unit 4: Story Structure
Lesson 1: Organizing Parts of a Story
4.015 Practice Story – review and begin
3.06 Discussion – Third & Fourth Posts/Responses
Tuesday: / Unit 4: Story Structure
Lesson 2: 4.02 Reporter's Reflection 1 – Leads
3.09 Discussion – Second Post/Response
Wednesday: / Unit 4: Story Structure
Lesson 3: 4.03 Reporter's Reflection 2 – Kickers
Thursday: / Unit 4: Story Structure
Lesson 4: Discuss: Leads and Kickers
4.04 Discussion – FIRST POST
Friday: / Unit 4: Story Structure
Lesson 5: Introduction to Structure
4.05 Will be due MARCH 9
4.015 Practice Story – DUE
3.09 Discussion – Third & Fourth Posts/Responses
3.06 Discussion Closes at 11:59pm Sunday night
3.09 Discussion Closes at 11:59pm Sunday night
Week 8
March 5 – March 9 / TAKS: March7: ELA: 10th and 11th
Attend Class Connect
Student Expectations: / Use different forms of journalistic writing such as reviews, ad copy, columns, news, features, and editorials to inform, entertain, and/or persuade (2F)
Gather information through interviews (in person/telephone) (2J)
Use journalistic style (2I)
Locate information sources such as persons, databases, reports, and past interviews; gathers background information; and researches to prepare for an interview or investigate a topic(2A)
Plan and write relevant questions for an interview or in-depth research (2B)
Incorporate direct and indirect quotes and other research to write in copy (2D)
Monday: / Unit 4: Story Structure
Lesson 6: On the Trail, Session 1
Tuesday: / Unit 4: Story Structure
Lesson 7: On the Trail, Session 2
4.04 Discussion – Second Post/Response
Wednesday: / TAKS: March 7: ELA: 10th and 11th
Thursday: / Unit 4: Story Structure
Lesson 9: Correspondent's Column, Session 1
4.04 Discussion – Third/Final Post/Response
Friday: / Unit 4: Story Structure
Lesson 10: Correspondent's Column, Session 2
Lesson 11: That's a Wrap
4.05 First News Story DUE (100 points)
4.04 Discussion Closes at 11:59pm Sunday night
Week 9
March 19 – March 23 / Attend Class Connect
Meet individually with Mrs. Haelle regarding 4.05 Revisions
Student Expectations: / Revise and edit copy using appropriate copyreading and proofreading symbols (2E)
Write captions (2K)
Demonstrate an understanding of the function of headlines through the writing of headlines (2L)
Design elements into an acceptable presentation (3B)
Use illustrations or photographs that have been cropped, to communicate and emphasize a topic (3C)
Monday: / Unit 5: AP Style, Editing and Proofreading
Lesson 1: Deadline Drama
Lesson 8: Discuss: Newsroom Reinvented
5.08 Discussion – FIRST POST (Post your 4.05 Story)
Tuesday: / Unit 5: AP Style, Editing and Proofreading
Lesson 3: A Picture's Worth a Thousand Words
5.08 Discussion – Second Post/Response
Wednesday: / Unit 5: AP Style, Editing and Proofreading
Lesson 4: 5.04 Reporter's Reflection 2 – Visuals
Thursday: / Unit 5: AP Style, Editing and Proofreading
Lesson 5: 5.05 Reporter's Reflection 3 – Headlines
5.08 Discussion – Third Post/Response
Friday: / Unit 5: AP Style, Editing and Proofreading
Lesson 9: Teamwork in the Newsroom, Session 1
5.08 Discussion – Fourth Post/Response
Week 10
March 26 – March 30 / EOC: March 26: English I & III Writing;
EOC: March 27: English I and III Reading;
EOC: March 28: English II Writing;
EOC: March 29: English II Reading
Attend Class Connect
Meet individually with Mrs. Haelle regarding 4.05 Revisions
Student Expectations: / Revise and edit copy using appropriate copyreading and proofreading symbols (2E)
Rewrite copy (2M)
Monday: / Unit 5: AP Style, Editing and Proofreading
Lesson 10: Teamwork in the Newsroom, Session 2
5.08 Discussion – Fifth/Final Post/Response
5.08 Discussion Closes at 11:59pm WEDNESDAY night
Tuesday: / Unit 5: AP Style, Editing and Proofreading
Lesson 11: Back to the Drawing Board, Session 2
Wednesday: / Unit 7: Hard News
Lesson 1: Covering the Globe
7.01 Quiz
Thursday: / Unit 7: Hard News
Lesson 2: And the Beat Goes On
7.02 Beat Story Proposal – read and start (10 points)
Friday: / Unit 5: AP Style, Editing and Proofreading
Lesson 12: Discuss: That’s a Wrap
5.12 Discussion – FIRST POST (Post REVISED 4.05 Story)
REVISED 4.05 Story DUE
Week 11
Study Island Benchmark Test Week
Attend Class Connect
Student Expectations: / Select most appropriate journalistic format of present content (2H)
Locate information sources such as persons, databases, reports, and past interviews; gathers background information; and researches to prepare for an interview or investigate a topic (2A)
Evaluate and confirm the validity of background information from a variety of sources such as other qualified persons, books, and reports (2C)
Monday: / Unit 6: Multimedia and Web Essentials
Lesson 1: Cruising the Blogosphere
6.01 Quiz
5.12 Discussion – Second Post/Response
7.02 Beat Story Proposal DUE
Tuesday: / Math Benchmark
Wednesday: / Science / Social Studies Benchmark
Thursday: / Unit 6: Multimedia and Web Essentials
Lesson 2: 6.02 Journal – Social Media
5.12 Discussion – Third & Fourth Posts/Responses
5.12 Discussion Closes at 11:59pm Monday night
Friday: / Holiday: No School
Week 12
April 9 – April 13 / APRIL 9 – SPRING HOLIDAY– NO SCHOOL
Attend Class Connect
Student Expectations: / Gather information through interviews (in person/telephone) (2J)
Use journalistic style (2I)
Select most appropriate journalistic format of present content (2H)
Monday: / Holiday: No School
Tuesday: / Unit 6: Multimedia and Web Essentials
Lesson 4: 6.03 Reporter's Reflection 3
Wednesday: / Unit 6: Multimedia and Web Essentials
Lesson 5: Discuss: Successful Blogs
6.05 Discuss: Successful Blogs – FIRST POST
Thursday: / Unit 7: Hard News
Lesson 3: On the Trail, Session 1
Friday: / Unit 7: Hard News
Lesson 4: On the Trail, Session 2
6.05 Discuss: Successful Blogs – Second Post/Response
Week 13
April 16 – April 20 / Attend Class Connect
Student Expectations: / Use different forms of journalistic writing such as reviews, ad copy, columns, news, features, and editorials to inform, entertain, and/or persuade (2F)
Incorporate direct and indirect quotes and other research to write in copy (2D)
Use journalistic style (2I)
Monday: / Unit 7: Hard News
Lesson 5: Correspondent's Column
6.05 Discuss: Successful Blogs – Third/Fourth Post/Response
Tuesday: / Unit 7: Hard News
Lesson 7: Say Cheese! (Photo for 7.02 Beat Story)
Wednesday: / Unit 7: Hard News
Lesson 8: Back to the Drawing Board
Thursday: / Unit 7: Hard News
Lesson 9: That's a Wrap
Friday: / 7.02 Beat Story DUE (100 points)
6.05 Discussion Closes at 11:59pm Sunday night
Week 14
April 23 – April 27 / TAKS: April 24th: MATH: 10th
TAKS: April 25th: MATH: 11th
TAKS: April 26th: SCIENCE: 10th and 11th
TAKS: April 27th: SOCIAL STUDIES: 10th and 11th
Attend Class Connect
Student Expectations: / The student reports and writes for a variety of audiences and purposes and researches self-selected topics to write journalistic texts. (2)
Tuesday: / Catch up! (or work ahead!)
Wednesday: / Catch up! (or work ahead!)
Thursday: / Catch up! (or work ahead!)
Friday: / Catch up! (or work ahead!)
Week 15
April 30 – May 4 / Scantron End of Year Testing Begins
Attend Class Connect
Student Expectations: / Select the most appropriate journalistic format of present content (2H)
Evaluate and confirm the validity of background information from a variety of sources such as other qualified persons, books, and reports (2C)
Use different forms of journalistic writing such as reviews, ad copy, columns, news, features, and editorials to inform, entertain, and/or persuade (2F)
Locate information sources such as persons, databases, reports, and past interviews; gathers background information; and researches to prepare for an interview or investigate a topic (2A)
Monday: / Unit 8: Soft News
Lesson 1: Genres of Journalism
8.01 Quiz
Tuesday: / Unit 8: Soft News
Lesson 2: 8.02 Reporter's Reflection 1 – Features
Wednesday: / Unit 8: Soft News
Lesson 3: 8.03 Reporter's Reflection 2 – Profiles
Thursday: / Unit 8: Soft News
Lesson 4: Discuss: Reviewing Reviews
8.04 Discussion – FIRST POST
Friday: / Unit 8: Soft News
Lesson 5: 8.05 Story Proposal for Unit 10 (10 points)
Week 16
May 7 – May 11 / EOC: May 8th: ALGEBRA I & II, GEOMETRY
AP Testing: May 7th: CHEMISTRY
AP Testing: May 9th: CALCULUS
AP Testing: May 11th: US HISTORY
Attend Class Connect
Student Expectations: / Plan and write relevant questions for an interview or in-depth research (2B)
Incorporate direct and indirect quotes and other research to write in copy (2D)
Use journalistic style (2I)
Gather information through interviews (in person/telephone) (2J)
Use different forms of journalistic writing such as reviews, ad copy, columns, news, features, and editorials to inform, entertain, and/or persuade (2F)
Monday: / Unit 10: Final Project
Lesson 1: Making a Difference
8.04 Discussion – Second Post/Response
8.06 - Types of Advertising Venn Diagram Assignment
8.07 Begin Advertising Assignment (due Friday)
Tuesday: / Unit 10: Final Project
Lesson 2: On the Trail, Session 1
Lesson 3: On the Trail, Session 2
Unit 9: Opinion News
Lesson 1: Tell Me What You Really Think
9.01 Quiz
Wednesday: / Unit 10: Final Project
Lesson 4: Correspondent's Column, Organizing
8.04 Discussion – Third/Fourth Posts/Responses
Thursday: / Unit 9: Opinion News
Lesson 3: Tricks of the Trade
9.03 Quiz
8.07 – Advertising Powerpoint Ad Due (15 points)
Friday: / 8.04 Discussion Closes at 11:59pm Sunday night
Week 17
May 14 – May 18 / AP Testing: May 16th: ENG LANG & COMP
Attend Class Connect
Student Expectations: / Use different forms of journalistic writing such as reviews, ad copy, columns, news, features, and editorials to inform, entertain, and/or persuade (2F)
Select most appropriate journalistic format of present content (2H)
Use journalistic style (2I)
Monday: / Unit 9: Opinion News
Lesson 5: Reporter's Reflection 3 – Opinion Leads (Use for Discussion 9.06)
Lesson 6: Discuss: The Power of Words
9.06 Discussion – FIRST POST
Tuesday: / Unit 10: Final Project
Lesson 5: Correspondent's Column, Session 1
Wednesday: / Unit 10: Final Project
Lesson 6: Correspondent's Column, Session 2
Unit 9: Opinion
9.06 Discussion – Second Post/Response
Thursday: / Unit 10: Final Project
Lesson 7: A Picture's Worth a Thousand Words
Friday: / Unit 10: Final Project
Lesson 8: Back to the Drawing Board
Lesson 9: That's a Wrap
10.01 FINAL STORY DUE (100 points)
Week 18
May 21 – May 25 / Attend Class Connect
Student Expectations: / Select most appropriate journalistic format of present content (2H)
Use different forms of journalistic writing such as reviews, ad copy, columns, news, features, and editorials to inform, entertain, and/or persuade (2F)
Monday: / Unit 9: Opinion News
Lesson 2: 9.02 Reporter’s Reflection 1 – Humor
Tuesday: / Lesson 9: Opinion
9.07 Advertising Vs. Propaganda: Don’t Buy It!
9.06 Discussion – Third Post/Response
Wednesday: / 9.08 What’s So Funny – Editorial Cartoons Assignment
Thursday: / Unit 9: Opinion
9.06 Discussion – Fourth Post/Response
Friday: / Unit 9: Opinion
9.09 The Journey Continues
9.06 Discussion CLOSES AT 11:59pmSUNDAY
May 28 – June 6 / MAY 28 – MEMORIAL DAY– NO SCHOOL
Final Exams
June 6 / Second Semester Ends
All Work MUST be submitted by 11:59 pm to receive credit.
June 7 / Last Day of School