HAN Council Meeting 2/6/10 – big pad notes

1.  Mid-Career Recommendations:

·  Focus on career management & leadership skills – How do you show your co. you’re ready for the next level not just salary negotiation? (e.g. work to learn more about other units of your organization)

·  Create & implement career plan

·  Reach out to co’s; looked at focused skills needed by co’s.

-  Direct placement with companies (e.g. strategy consultant in a specialized industry)

-  A don’t upload updated resumes

-  Consider revenue guaranteeing model, customized lists within AB = exec search

-  Make it easy for co’s to find qualified A

-  When collecting job listing – who is the Haas contact at the co. for a job?

-  Haas should facilitate finding jobs for mid-career A.

-  Why aren’t recruiters knocking on Haas’ door? Lack of branded leaders? Or recruiters can’t easily view A list?

-  Reach out to recruiters – how do they find p?

-  Invite recruiters to networking events – active outreach to recruiters/employers

-  Schools should be the place co.’s go to A. – pay fee = no cost for co.?

-  Recruiters don’t want to be inundated with candidates; they want the co.’s

-  Why would recruiter think of Haas first – because CS would give them one or 2 perfect candidates, making their job easier

-  Survey of prior employers re: a candidate, employers want data

-  Alum. Ids key information about skills, knowledge – experience = profile

-  CS delivers short lists of qualified candidate

-  Employer gets pile of resumes (many unqualified) = not helpful

-  For CS, difficult to sort thru “resume book”

-  Good time for A to update resume and to collect data

-  Inform A of benefit of uploading resume to H@C

-  LinkedIn is actively updated – make it easy to upload this info in H@C

-  First experience for recruiter/employer has to be with Haas

-  Publish A. list by industry, with robust “attribute list” focused on a few skills, experience = a very meaningful resume database

-  Sr. Haas p. must pull/hire from Haas (e.g. Fisher Center at Pebble Beach

-  Social component (networking) with context } with high-level execs.

-  Execs nominate non-execs or a fee structure – how to bring right p together


·  A good way to select Haas A for hire (DB, etc.)

·  A better DB

·  Market “Hire Haas” to Haas execs

·  Bring high-level A. w/ p. looking for work

Report Out:

·  CS should be a career management tool – for a lifetime, not once, where you stay connected with people and get advice at different junctures.

·  Focus on process not single components

·  Specific networking opportunities (e.g. 6 or 20 people within an industry)

·  Sync H@C with LinkedIn; make it easy

·  Where and how do you find A. in your field = more publicity on H@C

·  Create AG for mid-career A; a champion within this online world to connect; inspire, cx. Good AG moderator is aware of appropriate CS.

·  Younger A. are those using CS – Better promotion of CS to mid-career

·  Good, easy cx to get career advice via email alias

·  What’s in it for the employer?

·  Leverage the community

·  Job search functionality needs improvement

·  Know p. above you – (specific education on managing transitions at high-level; negotiating office politics)

·  Develop coaching re; intra-org; develop your online footprint

·  Consulting work – “Rent Haas” as well as “Hire Haas”

·  Show your value in short-term gigs and develop the networks that lead to this work

2.  What is in it for employers?

·  Leverage places the community already is (LinkedIn)

·  Job search needs improvement

·  How to network with more senior people?

·  Creating sponsorship in target organizations

·  How to help people advance?

·  How to use social media – what happens when someone googles you?

·  Creating an online footprint

3.  Missing:

·  Ability to network among mid-career alums (online and in person)

·  - state A (person) job seeker a) manage expectations

- state B better job b) process to help the transition –networking; better tools

·  Change website from list of features (job lists, etc.) to a theme that starts from what you want (e.g. career planning, change industry, etc.)

·  Help people develop a career plan.

·  Find a process to drive career long engagement

·  Address undergraduate mid-career needs

·  Add link for LinkedIn profile on alum. Profile

·  Meetup.com

·  Personalized experience

4.  Connect/publicize H@C to alumni services

·  Create Affinity group for mid-career alums, ID moderator

·  Create relationship mcr model within companies for mid-career (like college recruiting model)

·  Publicize service to mid-career alums