Old Car Council of Colorado, Inc.

President: Joe Baker, AACA, Rocky Mountain Packards 303-637-0765

1st Vice President: Keith Hall, Mile High Cobra Club 303-940-7958

2nd Vice President: Dick Thompson, Mile High Cobra Club 303-699-4819

Secretary: Dick Fritz, MGCC 303-774-9710

Treasurer: Tom Kay, Front Range Mustang Club 303-451-9296

Minutes of Meeting, 1 December 2010

Forney Transportation Museum, 4303 Brighton Blvd., Denver Colorado

The meeting was called to order by the president, Joe Baker, at 7:32 pm.

Officers present were Joe Baker, president; Keith Hall, 1st vice president; Dick Thompson, 2nd vice president; and Tom Kay, treasurer. RMJC Rep. Don Leach took notes on Secretary Dick Fritz’s behalf, since he was unable to attend. 42 member clubs were represented.

Legislative matters: Leo Boyle reported that a draft bill to consolidate and recodify regulations dealing with collector cars has been prepared, for possible introduction about Jan 12 for the 2011 legislative session. There are 23 sections in 31 pages, with sponsorship including Marsha Looper and Senator Cadman of Colorado Springs. Included are street rod provisions. Due to prevailing fiscal issues, the draft bill in its current form may be DOA. The legislature must chop $1 billion from expenditures for 2011. Leo may persuade Maren Rubino to attend the next OCCC meeting.

HOUSEKEEPING: Christof Kheim of Forney Museum reminded representatives that the special T-Bird exhibit [26 cars] continues through Dec 31. Also exhibited are 54 vintage motorcycles, including a 1913 Indian. Car storage spaces are now available at $75/mo. Christof requested guidance on “mechanics liens”, to deal with an abandoned vehicle at the museum.

Minutes of the November 4th meeting were accepted.

Treasurer’s Report: Tom Kay provided the following balances as of the end of November:


Operating Account: $1197.87

Govt.Relations Account: 2170.00

Swap Meet Account: 13984.96

Swap Meet Pre-reg.: 240.00

Cruise account: 1692.80

Accounts total= $19285.63 (in checking account)

Swap Meet 2011 deposit: 300.00 (with Adams County Fairgrounds)

Total assets = $19585.63


Pre-paid swap Meet reg: 240.00

NET WORTH = $19345.63

Treasurer Tom Kay also proposed budget figures for 2011 . The Treasurer’s Report was approved, but budget discussions were tabled until the January meeting.

President Joe Baker cheerfully acknowledged a $500 contribution from Pikes Peak Model A brought by Harold Naber, and $100 from John Knoll. He also welcomed new private member Jim Mathis.

Scheduling of Events: Lauri Gephart () still needs information from clubs regarding their 2011 events. This information will be published on the OCCC web site, along with event flyers as they become available. Even if your club has no “open” events, Lauri needs that info.

Greybeards Show (Thanksgiving weekend): Dick Thompson reported that OCCC had 6 cars on exhibit at this show, and collected all of $5 in donations.

MEETING DATES [provided by Dick Thompson]

Feb 2, Presidents Night, Club Auto;

Apr 6 Colorado Springs

May 4, Ft. Collins

Sept. 7, Colorado Springs

Potential Front Range Airport (FRA) venue for future swap meets: Keith Hall summarized progress regarding combining the 2011 OCCC swap meet with the FRA Fly-In airplane and car show in August 2011. The events are already scheduled on the same date. The goal is for OCCC to be a partner with FRA, to manage space allocated for swap meet vendors. All spaces would be outside, possibly on grass. Another meeting to advance this will be held Dec 9, including participation of Gary Canady, Dick Adams, Keith Hall, Phil Scott and Dick Thompson.

Change of name for the Council: Discussion of the name change continued, with options including CCC [Colorado Car Council / Car Council of Colorado],

YCCC, UCCC [Your / United Car Council of Colorado]

CCCC [Collector Car Council of Colorado].

Dick Thompson made a motion to change the name of the council to “Colorado Car Council” and to revise the bylaws accordingly. A straw poll taken favored CCC [28 yes, 4 no, 10 abstaining], but did not garner sufficient votes for adoption. It was decided that reps should bring this question to their respective clubs, to allow an appropriate vote at the January meeting. A committee consisting of Tom Kay, Dick Adams, Bill Miller, Chris Wolfe, and Dick Thompson will meet to consider what name to select. Any suggestions should be sent to Tom Kay ( or 303-451-9296).

The next OCCC meeting will be Wednesday, January 5th, 7:30 pm at the Forney Transportation Museum, 4303 Brighton Blvd., Denver.

Meeting was adjourned near 9 pm. Respectfully submitted, Don Leach, acting secretary