Provide customer service
Unit standard 00057 / Version 8Level 2 / Credits 2
Trainee information
Your name:
Your organisation:
Your date of birth:
Your national student number (if known):
- I was told about and understand the assessment requirements.
- I have prepared my answers myself.
- Any evidence I have provided as my own, I produced myself.
- I understand that this assessment may be used for moderation and quality control purposes.
- I understand that when I achieve this unit standard my result will be registered with the
New Zealand Qualifications Authority.
I confirm the above declaration: / Yes No / Date:
Assessment result (assessor use only)
Assessment result / Achieved / More evidence required / Date:
Reassessment result / Achieved / More evidence required / Date:
Feedback to the trainee:
The requirements have been met to demonstrate competency in this unit standard.
Assessor name:
Assessor number: / Date:
US XXXX version X – Moderation and approved Mmmmm YYYY
Trainee assessment issue X.X – Published Mmm YYYY
© Careerforce YYYY
To demonstrate competency, you must be able to: / Outcomes / Tasksdescribe customer service. / 1 / 1 and 2
provide customer service. / 2 / 3
respond to a customer complaint. / 3 / 3
- Your answers may be written (either electronically or by hand) or spoken.
- If you need help with this assessment, please contact your assessor.
- Once you have completed your assessment, you must read and confirm the declaration on the cover.
Filled in or written answers
- If there are open white spaces on a page because you have written shorter answers, this is acceptable. You don’t have to fill the space.
- Use a pen to write your answers. If you need to change an answer, write your initials beside any corrections you make. If you need more space, attach extra pages with your answer. Add your name and task number to all extra pages you use.
Verbal answers
- If you answer verbally, your assessor will write your answer(s), or may use a voice recorder.
- The trainee is you, the person being assessed. You may also be referred to as the learner, student, candidate or employee in some instances.
- The assessor is the person who will assess you.
- The verifier is a workplace supervisor, team leader, manager or assessor who understands the assessment, works closely with you and can confirm that you have completed a task competently.
- Customer refers to people we interact with, both inside the organisation (internal customers) and outside the organisation (external customers). We provide them with goods and/or services. A customer may be known as a client, consumer, patient, individual, resident, service user, tūroro or tangata whai ora.
- Customer service refers to any action taken to meet customer needs and expectations.
- Workplace refers to any workplace, whether paid or voluntary work, and/or a simulated workplace in a training or educational establishment.
- Workplace requirements can be documented policies and procedures or established protocols for workplace performance.
Important notes
This assessment can take place in a workplace or in a training or educational establishment, provided that workplace conditions are closely simulated, for example, in a model office, salon or workshop.
This is an open book assessment. The following learning resources may be useful when completing this assessment:
- learning materials, books, the internet and your organisation’s policies and procedures.
- the references listed at the back of this assessment.
Task 1: Describe customer service
A The following terms have been identified as being important for good customer service.
Describe how each term influences customer service.
Interpersonal factor / How does it influence customer service?
Personal presentation: the way you present yourself including cleanliness, hygiene and uniform.
Attitude: what you think and feel about something.
Motivation: when you are keen and willing to do something.
Interest: the feeling that you want to give your attention to something to learn more.
Responsiveness: paying attention to what people want and trying to help them.
Communication: exchanging information or ideas by talking or writing.
Body language: nonverbal communication, which includes facial expressions, eye contact, gestures, posture and body positioning.
Assessor comments (for assessor use only):
Task 1 result: / Achieved / More evidence required
Task 2: Customer service in health care
Customer service is important for both our customers and the health provider (eg DHB).
Consider the following terms and describe how good customer service contributes to each.
A Profit – money than is made in a business after all costs and expenses have been paid for OR
to get something good or useful from a situation, like knowledge or assistance.
How does customer service contribute to a healthcare provider’s profit?
B Customer satisfaction – a customer is happy because they got what they were expecting.
How does customer service contribute to customer satisfaction?
C Reputation – the opinion people have of the healthcare provider.
How does customer service contribute to a healthcare provider’s reputation?
D Customer loyalty – customers who are happy and return to the same provider.
How does customer service contribute to customer loyalty?
E Customer feedback – what the customer says about the service at a healthcare provider.
How does customer service contribute to customer feedback?
Assessor comments (for assessor use only):
Task 2 result: / Achieved / More evidence required
Task 3: Practical assessment
For the practical assessment you will be observed interacting with clients in your day-to-day work. This will be verified by a workplace supervisor or assessor.
A You need to be well presented and demonstrate the following when greeting a customer:
- smiling.
- polite language.
- appropriate greeting.
- prompt attention.
B You need to demonstrate each of the following skills:
- Questioning
- Clarifying
- Reflective listening
It involves reflecting back the facts you heard and the feelings that are being expressed.
- Summarising
C You need to demonstrate that you:
- Are able to maintain good customer service while dealing with several demands at once.
- Met the customer’s requirements satisfactorily or referred the customer to more experienced staff where appropriate.
- Identified the nature of customer complaints and took appropriate action.
- Used the following techniques when handling a customer complaint:
- open questioning.
- summarising.
- follow-up.
- Managed customer complaints satisfactorily or you promptly refer them to more experienced staff.
Verification form
To be completed by your verifier and/or assessor
Trainee name:
Trainee organisation:
Comment on each of the stated criteria and give examples of the trainee’s performance (where this applies).
Sign and date this verification once you are satisfied the trainee has achieved the stated criteria.
I observed the trainee was well presented.
I observed the trainee greeted clients appropriately including:
using polite language.
giving an appropriate greeting.
providing prompt attention.
I observed the trainee demonstrate customer service skills including:
reflective listening.
I observed the trainee maintain customer service levels when dealing with several demands at once.
List demands:
I observed the trainee meet the customer’s requirements satisfactorily or they referred the customer to more experienced staff where appropriate.
Verifier and/or assessor comment: / Date achieved:
I observed the trainee identify the nature of a customer’s complaint and take appropriate action.
I observed the trainee use the following skills when dealing with customer complaints:
active listening.
open questioning.
follow up.
I observed the trainee deal with customer complaints to the satisfaction of the client or they promptly referred the customer to more experienced staff.
Verifier and/or assessor comment: / Date achieved:
I confirm that this document is valid and authentic. / Date:
Verifier or assessor name:
Assessor comments (for assessor use only):
Task 3 result: / Achieved / More evidence required
- The following legislation and subsequent amendments provide reference, where needed, for this unit standard:
- Privacy Act 1993
- Health and Safety in Employment Act 1992
- Human Rights Act 1993
- An assessment resource to support this unit standard can be found on the NZQA website at:
If you wish to appeal against the assessment result or process, talk to your assessor. If you are still not satisfied, you can appeal to Careerforce by completing the assessment result appeal form that can be found online at
Careerforce regularly reviews its assessment and learning resources. As a user, we would appreciate feedback on how you found them. Feedback can be provided to Careerforce via an online feedback form at or if you would prefer, send an email to
US 00057 version 8 – Assessment – Provide customer service
© Careerforce 2015 – Issue 3.0 – Published November 20151