- Phylum Nematoda (Nemata)
- Diversity
- Phylogeny (briefly)
- Bauplan Basics
- Feeding
- Circulation/Gas Exchange
- Osmoregulation/Excretion
- Nervous System
- Movement
- Reproduction
- Diversity
- More individual nematodes than members of any other phyla?
- Free-living forms found in nearly every environment
- Free-living marine & freshwater
- Between grains of beach sand
- Key soil dwellers (nutrient processing)
- Polar ice fields
- Key plant & animal parasites
- Phylogeny
- Hypothesis 1: Based on body plan and development
- Detour: Other Blastocoelomates
- Hypothesis 2: Based on molecular evidence and other aspects
- Bauplan Basics
- Protostome features include
- Triploblastic (distinct mesoderm muscles)
- Bilateral symmetry & cephalization
- Cell fate is determinate
- No spiral cleavage
- Cleavage pattern unique to Nematoda
- Blastocoel forms blastocoelom (=pseudocoelom)
- Feature shared by several phyla
- Cuticle
- In common with Arthropod cuticle:
a)Contains chitin
b)Secreted by epidermis
c)Several layers
d)Molts with growth
Ecdysone is key hormone
- Fibers form flexible coil elastic qualities for movement
- Varies in appearance
- Feeding/Digestion
- Simple mouth, or with stylet, teeth, jaws, etc…
- Muscular pharynx (a.k.a. esophagus) lined with cuticle
- Use of suction
- Digestive system usually simple, not highly branched
- Intestinal microvilli increase surface area
- Some with bacterial symbionts & reduced digestive system
- Gas exchange
- Body surface
- Pseudocoelomic (=blastocoelomic) cavity
- Exchange between pseudocoelomic (=blastocoelomic) fluid and organs
- No circulatory system
- Osmoregulation/excretion
- System of lateral cords connected to a large cell ("renette")
- Associated with digestive system
- Not well-studied
- Empties via excretory pore
- Excretion also via the digestive system
- Nervous system
- Organization
- Nerve ring
a)Plus associated ganglia
b)Sensory nerve input (from head)
- Four major nerve cords: 1 dorsal, 1 ventral, 2 lateral
a)Ventral cord may be fused & with ganglia (as in Annelida and Arthropoda)
- Connection of longitudinal muscles is unique
a)Muscle arms extend to nerves!
- Sensory structures
- Anterior
a)Amphids (chemosensory?)
Narrow canal leads to cell
- Modified cilia: non-motile!
- Non motile
b)Ocelli (some)
- Additional sensory structures on entire body
a)Cuticular bristles and papillae
- Caudal (on parasites)
a)Phasmids (chemosensory?)
- Movement
- Muscles
- Longitudinal muscles only
a)Several along body length
- No peristalsis!
- Must push against solid surface to move forward
- Elasticity of cuticle may aid in movement
- Note antagonistic muscle action
- Right contracted left relaxed
- Reproduction
- Sexual reproduction
- Sexes separate
- Single pair of highly coiled gonads
- internal fertilization
a)Male has cuticular spicules
- sperm lack flagella (amoeboid)
- Oviparous or ovoviviparous
- High incidence of parthenogenesis
a)In some, mating occurs but sperm nucleus not used.
- Some hermaphrodites
- Parastic life cycles: next time!
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