Mr. Martin 8/25/08
Room A118
Communication Applications - Syllabus
“One’s mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimension.” – Oliver Wendell Holmes
Hello and welcome to communication applications. My name is Mr. Martin and I very excited about working with you this year.
As humans we rely on language to make and share meaning and to help understand the world around us. Thus, communication is at the core of every personal relationship and every academic discipline. If you fully commit yourself to taking on the challenges of public speaking and the risks of learning “interpersonal communication” the knowledge and skills that you will gain from this course will forever change and improve your relationships with others, your success in your classes, your ability to acquire and maintain a job, and, finally, perhaps most importantly, your self-confidence.
The goal of this class is simple: We will work as partners in learning to become effective communicators through reading, writing, speaking and thinking. We will pursue this goal through teacher-led lectures and student-led public speaking presentations and projects.
In order for us to achieve this goal, it is my belief that every student must be addressed as a unique person with individual needs, beliefs, backgrounds, and understandings. I also believe that students need to treat one another with respect. To create a classroom environment where we can reach these goals I have the following expectations.
1. BE PREPARED TO LEARN - When we enter room A118 we must commit to the pursuit of academic success and high-quality work. I will be here every day prepared to help guide you in your journey of learning, and I expect the same of level of commitment and preparation from you. The motto of this class is: When we are in Mr. Martin’s class, we are about learning! Please come in with a positive attitude and all work materials.
2. BE RESPECTFUL – Respect is an intangible value, but we can certainly see and feel when we are participating in a respectful environment. Respect means treating your peers, your self, and school property with integrity and dignity. For us to have a class where we feel safe enough to give speeches and present our opinions in this community of learning respect is essential. Thus, put-downs, profanity, name-calling, gossip, and negative criticism of any kind are not allowed.
3. BE RESPONSIBLE – Responsibility is the cornerstone of being active and effective participants in this classroom community. Responsibility means following all school-wide rules including tardiness, dress code, ID badges, cell phones, iPods, and late work. Being responsible also means that you must take control and ownership of your own learning by asking questions, being honest about your needs, admitting when you have made a mistake, asking about makeup work.
Comm. App. Syllabus ctd...
Each student will have the opportunity to earn an average of 100 each six-week grading period. Also, beginning this year all courses in the English Department are required to apply uniform grading standards. The following grading criteria reflect this new district policy.
Daily Grades – 40% - Daily grades include, but are not limited to, class notes, homework, quizzes, and small assignments (outlines, research, group work, etc.) that lead up to your final presentations. Each student will have at least 8 daily grades per six-weeks. Students will also receive a daily grade for positive participation as mentioned above. This measure is inherently subjective, but will include the student’s ability to stay on task, contribute to group discussions and follow all classroom rules and procedures.
Major Grades – 60% - There will be 2 categories of major grades.
a. Oral Presentations – Each student will prepare and present different forms of public speeches. Students are expected to participate in both group and individual speeches. All students are highly encouraged to present their speeches during the class period. However, after the first group speech (Stage Fright) if a student feels extremely uncomfortable presenting for the class they will have the opportunity to present speeches to only Mr. Martin. If a student chooses this option they must take responsibility for asking Mr. Martin for this option PRIOR TO the day the presentations are due. No student will receive credit for late speeches.
b. Six-Week Tests – Each student will take a six-week test. The test will assess the student’s understanding of the content covered during the given six-week period. Information concerning the format and length of the test will be provided to students prior to the exam.
A consequence is a result of choosing to abide by or to violate a classroom expectation. Thus, consequences can be both positive and negative. If one person violates a classroom expectation they detract from the learning of every student in the class. Likewise, if every individual student abides by the expectations, then we all benefit from a productive learning environment.
Positive Consequences
1. Discussion Circles – In an effort to enhance our group communication and
leadership skills we will collectively participate in “Discussion Circles.” A discussion circle is an activity that is entirely student-run, in which the teacher only acts as a facilitator. Students will have the opportunity to choose a topic that greatly interests them, find a research on their topic, develop questions, and work with their peers to lead a thought-provoking discussion. Discussion circles will happen about once a week, but may be rescheduled depending on our progress on other assignments.
2. Positive Participation Grade – As outlined in the following section your ability to follow expectations and positively contribute to the learning environment of this classroom will be directly tied to the grade you earn.
Punitive Consequences
1. First Warning – Student-teacher conference
2. Second Warning – Time spent with Mr. Martin at lunch or before school - contact parents.
3. Final Warning – Parent-Teacher-Student conference will be requested and/or referral to the administration.
Every student must have one folder to organize notes, handouts, and other class material.
Additionally, each student will be assigned to provide one supply for all of the classes to use. This sharing will save each student from purchasing the supplies individually. If you have any concerns or feel you will have difficulty acquiring these materials, please consult Mr. Martin
Period 5 – Markers; Period 6 – Kleenex; Period 7 – Map Pencils
I understand the expectations, consequences, and grading policies of the Communication Applications class and I as a student will do my best to uphold them, and, as a parent or guardian to support my child in her/his learning in this class.
Student Signature:______Date:______
Parent Signature:______Date:______
Parent’s email address:
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Thank you for taking the time to review this syllabus with your child. I truly look forward to teaching this course and learning from your child about their perspectives on communications in our rapidly changing world.
Additionally, I look forward to communicating with you about your child’s progress over the course of the semester. In order to facilitate this communication I have created a website that will include important information about assignments and other information about the course. Please visit: for updates.
Please feel free to contact me at my email address at any time with questions, comments, or concerns.
Jeremy Martin
Speech and Debate
Jack C. Hays High School