POL 365 Disaster Policy and Administration
Course Paper
Due November 29
Distress from Hurricane Katrina in 2005 has resulted in a diversity of outcomes affecting people and processes. Some of these outcomes were discussed in a collection of articles published in the prestigious journal ANNALS of the American Academy of Political Science and Sociology in 2006. Here is the listing of article titles and authors published:
The Political Costs of Failure in the Katrina and Rita Disasters
Waugh, William L., Jr. pp. 10-25
President Bush and Hurricane Katrina: A Presidential Leadership Study
Sylves, Richard T. pp. 26-56
Metaphors Matter: Disaster Myths, Media Frames, and Their Consequences in Hurricane Katrina
Tierney, Kathleen; Bevc, Christine; Kuligowski, Erica pp. 57-81
Rising to the Challenges of a Catastrophe: The Emergent and Prosocial Behavior following Hurricane Katrina
Rodríguez, Havidán; Trainor, Joseph; Quarantelli, Enrico L. pp. 82-101
Moral Hazard, Social Catastrophe: The Changing Face of Vulnerability along the Hurricane Coasts
Cutter, Susan L.; Emrich, Christopher T. pp. 102-112
Hurricane Katrina and the Flooding of New Orleans: Emergent Issues in Sheltering and Temporary Housing
Nigg, Joanne M.; Barnshaw, John; Torres, Manuel R. pp. 113-128
Weathering the Storm: The Impact of Hurricanes on Physical and Mental Health
Bourque, Linda B.; Siegel, Judith M.; Kano, Megumi; Wood, Michele M. pp. 129-151
Challenges in Implementing Disaster Mental Health Programs: State Program Directors’ Perspectives
Elrod, Carrie L.; Hamblen, Jessica L.; Norris, Fran H. pp. 152-170
Hurricane Katrina and the Paradoxes of Government Disaster Policy: Bringing About Wise Governmental Decisions for Hazardous Areas
Burby, Raymond J. pp. 171-191
Planning for Postdisaster Resiliency
Berke, Philip R.; Campanella, Thomas J. pp. 192-207
Disaster Mitigation and Insurance: Learning from Katrina
Kunreuther, Howard pp. 208-227
The .pdf’s of each of these articles have been sent to you via e-mail.
In this paper, you will compare a particular problem encountered in Katrina—as described in one of the articles listed above—with a similar problem associated with another disaster that has occurred in another global setting outside the U.S. Students encouraged to present papers in class.
Here is a recommended structure for the paper:
I. Introduction
II. Discussion of the problem/issue related to Katrina (derived from one or more of the above articles but stated in your own words with any (brief) quotes documented (see below)/
III. Discussion of situation in other global setting
IV. Analysis/making comparisons; contrasts (important section)
V. Conclusion
VI. Bibliography
Expected Length: 4,000-5,000 words
--organized (or subdivided) by appropriate subheadings
--double-spaced, paragraphs indented
--all quotes documented (auhor’s name, year of publication, page number(s)) in parentheses—example (Waugh 2006, 406)—with citation in bibliography
Adhere to the Standards of Conduct as outlined in the Academic Honor Code: Do not misrepresent your work!