Georgia- Atlanta

Gateway Performance Productions

Help enrich the lives of underserved and fixed-income senior citizens with your tax-deductible donation. Gateway Performance Productions has provided artsprogrammingfor senior citizens in Atlanta for over three decades. Your support will make it possible for senior citizens at the Helene S. Mills, Harriett G. Darnell and Auburn Senior Centers to experience free performances as well as free classes and workshops in theatre, creative writing and visual art with Gateway performer-instructors Sandra Hughes and Michael Hickey.

Free theatre workshops for senior citizens will also be held at Gateway’s venue - The Mask Center - located in the Little 5 Points Community Center in Atlanta. During these Saturday workshops 22 senior citizens from the Darnell Players will produce and prepare toperform their original play -The Persistence of Memory -which is currently under consideration for presentation by the 2014 Senior Theatre USAFestival and Conferencein Atlantic City.
Senior citizens often find themselves isolated without the ability to participate in opportunities that support creativity, self-esteem, brain health and vitality. Our programs are designed to enrich the mental, physical and spiritual lives ofsenior citizens. Your gift will provide elders with creative opportunities to share and reflect on their life experiences through the performing, literary and visual arts.

Every $1 you contribute will be matched by $1 from the City of Atlanta. A $1 dollar donation becomes $2. $100 becomes $200. We have until May 31, 2014 to reach our $5000 goal. We need $2500 in individual contributions to achieve this. The minimum donation amount is $1. Donations in any amount are helpful and willprovide art suppliesand supportinstructor, performer, exhibit, local field tripand localtravel costs.

Donor Benefits
Donate $10 or more and receive a thank you from Gateway Performance Productions.

Donate $50 or more and receive a thank you and be listed as a contributor at Gateway’s

Donate $100 or more and receive thank you, have your name listed as a contributor at
Gateway’s website: and recognition at all project events.

Room To Move Dance Seniors in Motion

Seniors in Motionis one of Room To Move Dance’s expanding outreach programs. Through these programs, Room To Move Dance reaches out to constituencies of different ages and communities with dance and movement classes designed for their specific needs.Seniors in Motionprovides classes especially designed for the 62 and over community, free of charge.
Power2Give enabled the successful revival of this program last year, and resources are needed to expand the service further to meet demand. The current project is a continuation of the company’s longstanding work with the Northside Shepherd Center, (from 1988-2004) and with Cosby Spear in 2013.

Movement and creative expression is an important extension of the lives of senior citizens, bringing vitality and renewed interest in arts and culture. RTMD’s choreographers and dancers will work with participating seniors in a series of 28 movement and creative expression classes. The classes will culminate in select performances created collaboratively by participants, alongside RTMD’s dancers, before mixed inter-generational audiences.

This project is coordinated with RTMD’s annual concert series at Fabrefaction Theater in Atlanta. This year’s concert series is entitled “Southern Grace” and will premiere June 5thand 6th2014. Participants will be invited to attend these performances free of charge. Transportation will be provided.

The project is budgeted for $9000. This budget covers the costs of RTMD onsite classes in two recently added locations, adjacent to the Clark Atlanta University Campus; Veranda at Scholar’s Landing and Veranda at College Town. The budget covers costs for choreographers, professional dancers, performance production, as well as transportation for participants to RTMD’s concert series.

In addition, a teacher institute, led by RTMD artistic director Amy Gately, for future instructors of this unique population, will be conducted. Classes will take place over a six-month period, June through December of 2014, on a weekly basis.

The short-term benefits of Seniors in Motion will be increased physical strengthening, personal empowerment and creative self-expression for participating elderly citizens, and increased positive social interactions between generations. The long-term benefits of these opportunities will be improved health, well-being and improved overall quality of life for the participating individuals.

Donor benefits

All Room To Move Dance P2G donors and Seniors in Motion participants will be kept abreast regularly by email, social media communication or by announcements and presentations in classes, (as preferred) of choreographic progress in the project and its matching visual developments. These will be posted online, either though Room To Move Dance’s Facebook presence, websites or Vimeo video channels. Donors will be able to view rehearsals and performances to confirm communications and be invited to share their input. Donors will be invited to regular classes for input and feedback. Room To Move Dance will be asking donors to assist with networking for future financial and audience support. Thus their contributions will be part of an ongoing process in the growth of the Seniors in Motion project of Room To Move Dance.

Florida- Broward County

Expanding Museum Art Programs for Children with Autism for Coral Springs Museum of Art

Thanks to Power2Give and previous donors, in January 2014 the Coral Springs Museum of Art piloted SouthFlorida’s first on-site Museum arts program designed exclusively for children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs). The Museum, in collaboration with Parkside Elementary, the Dan Marino Foundation and WorldCause Foundation, piloted Kaleidoscope ArtReach.,one day per week, two sessions per day for six weeks for 21 children, ages 5-7. The Museum validated thatart programs taught by experienced artists for even a brief period of time, a couple hours per week had more than positive impact on the children’s ability to express their feelings, communication and socialization skills:

  • When students arrived and departed, they selected a sticker with either a smiley or sad face. The children at first frightened with the new classroom selected the sad sticker when arriving and leaving, but by the 2rdclass, all the children selected the happy face when arriving and the sad face when leaving.
  • Several children who had little verbal communication skills began to display efforts to speak to the teachers.
  • While the classroom was set up with some time out space for children, all the children had improved behavior and increased focus on whatever art project they were working on, even to sitting for an end of class story time.
  • Simply at the end of 6 weeks, the children, their teachers and family members were selecting sad stickers that the classes had ended.

The Museum is requesting $5,000 to expand Kaleidoscope ArtReach in October 2014 for 8 weeks, 2 days per week for 40 children with autism.The funds will be used to rehire the three exceptionally trained artists who were part of the pilot program plus a fourth artist, purchase compatible classroom furniture, art supplies and materials and host a small exhibition opening for families, teachers and donors to celebrate these special artists creativity.


Hire 3 project teachers @ $1,000 per teacher$3,000

Art Project Materials & Supplies800

Refreshments and Ribbons for student artists250

Compatible classroom furniture250

Power2Give Administration600



Donor Benefits

All donors will receive a thank you note from the Museum.

Donors of $1,000 or more will be listed as a Museum Community Partner and recognized in all

museum social media and print publications.

Ohio- Dayton Region

Make a Splash for Kids & Adults with Disabilities! United Rehabilitation Services (URS)

The 5thAnnual United Rehabilitation Services (URS) Art Splash will be held July 9th, in conjunction with the agency’s annual Rubber Duck Regatta. Local artists and musicians will come together for a cultural extravaganza to benefit more than 200 children and adults with disabilities who attend Summer Camp and Daycare Programs at URS, allowing them to experience and appreciate art and music!

Fifteen local artists and musicians will participate in this year’s Art Splash and provide opportunities for URS clients to create art using a variety of mediums, as well as music enrichment during this all-day event. Your Power2Give donation will fund the supplies needed for each artists’ project, adaptive equipment to allow clients with disabilities to participate, easels, art smocks, refreshments and other needed supplies for URS’ Art Department to support the Art Splash and ongoing weekly art classes for the clients.

How will your donation be used?
Art Splash Project Supplies / $1,000
Other Art Supplies / $1,000
Refreshments for Artists / $100
Power2Give Fees / $286
Total Project Cost / $2,386

About URS: United Rehabilitation Services (URS) was founded in 1956 as the Dayton Chapter of United Cerebral Palsy and today serves more than 3,000 children and adults annually with a variety of disabilities or special needs, including Cerebral Palsy, Down Syndrome, Muscular Dystrophy, Autism, and Alzheimer’s. Our programs focus on increasing skills and independence. For more information, visit

Donor Benefits

Donors of $50 or more will receive a “Shout-Out” on Facebook and in our E-newsletter

Donors of $100 or more will receive a handmade thank you card from one of our clients

Donors of $500 or more will receive a piece of artwork created by one of our clients

Donors of $1,000 or more will be part of an interview about Power2Give on the URS Telethon in December on WDTN Channel

Seize Hope Studio

Epilepsy Foundation of Western Ohio

About This Project

Things are easier to “say” through art, Seize Hope Studio provides people living with epilepsy and the challenges of seizures a unique opportunity to express themselves. 1 in 26 people will be diagnosed with epilepsy in their lifetime, of those, 29% have a major depressive disorder. Provide inspiration and hope to those in need. Your donation of $35.00 will support an art therapy session for one individual.

Art is a natural way to communicate, relieve tension and convey emotions. Seize Hope Studio offers group art therapy sessions for adults, teens and children with epilepsy. The program allows individuals to explore their creativity, meet others with epilepsy and share their feelings in an open, accepting and safe group setting. During the program, participants work with certified art therapists using a variety of artistic media, including painting, sketching and sculpting.


Artistic expression
Emotional stability
Connections with others

Program Overview/Budget:
The sessions are led by a professional art therapist using an open studio model, which promotes freedom of expression and sharing. Sessions are broken out for adults, teens, and children.
Seize Hope Studio is open to all people living with epilepsy. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to explore individual creativity. Previous art experience is not necessary.
Art Instructor (CAT) $1,560
Project Coordinator$ 650
Art Materials $1,250
Printing, postage and marketing $1,000
Power2give administration fees $608


Donor Benefits
$25 and above: Personalized thank you note from program artist

Ohio- Franklin County

The SPEAKS program- Individual empowerment through fine arts!

Step By Step Arts Program

SPEAKS is an arts basedsummer camp for children, teens and adults with developmental disabilities.
We plan to enroll 100-150 campers this year and employ people with developmental disabilities who are artists (computer animators/graphic designers, actors, photographers, and film makers) to teach the camp classes.Yourgenerous contributionwill allow us to purchase valuable equipment so that the campers will be able to have a real time experience with the fine artswhile learning to use the equipment that they will need to use in the field when they are employed in fine arts professions! Learning to use this equipment will enrich our campers learning experience and give them more tools/experiences for their future careers in the fine arts!
We are hoping to raise $8,248 to use in the following way:
Budget Breakdown:
$1,200 for avideo camera,
$1,287 for a portable stage,
$136 for 4 microphones,
$4,800 for4 laptop computers that will handle the animation software.
$825 for p2g admin fees
We plan to offer this camp on a yearly basis and increase our enrollment every year.
Don't forget- your donation will give our campers equipment to learn skills in the fine arts that could be a possible employment opportunity now or in the future!

Donor Benefits

Our campersREALLY appreciate your donation!
To thank you for your generous gift, we offer the following:
1. For a $25-$50 donation, you will get a special thank you by having your name on our Step By Step webpage!
2. For a $51-$100 donation, you will get your name on our webpage AND a personal thank you card from one of our campers!
3. For a $101-$500 donation, you will get your name on our webpage AND a thank you card from one of our campers ANDa special shout out from some of our campers at the end of the documentary film they will produce!
4. For any donation over $500, you will get your name on our webpage AND a thank you card from one of our campers AND a special shout out from our campers AND a personal invitation to attend our end of camp play!!