*Endothermic Vertebrates
*Bodies are designed for flight, but not all birds can fly
* Over 8,000 species and each have their own adaptations to survive.
1. Characteristics of Birds
A) Have 2 wings, 2 legs, and a bill or beak.
B) Bodies are covered mostly with feathers.
C) Lay hard – shelled eggs and sit on them until they hatch.
2. Adaptations for Flight
A) Bones are almost hollow inside to make them lighter.
B) Bird’s tail vertebrate are joined together to provide
the strength and stability needed for flying.
C) Flight requires a lot of oxygen and energy.
D) Have large, efficient heart and a specialized respiratory system that gives birds a constant supply of Oxygen.
3. Functions of Feathers
A) Contour feathers are strong, lightweight feathers that give birds their shape, coloring, and help them steer.
B) Down feathers are fluffy feathers that traps and keeps warm air next to their bodies.