Town of Middleton
Board of Selectmen Meeting
September 22, 2014
Called to order at 6:30 P.M
BOS Members Present: J. Hotchkiss, J. Bailey, M. Schwarz
Pledge of Allegiance Recited
Signature Action:
M. Schwarz motions to accept the meeting minutes from 9-8-14 as transcribed. J. Bailey seconds, all in favor
Discussion on a permission to hunt form that was submitted form a resident. He is requesting to hunt on town property for the moose hunt and to use an ATV. Board agreed to sign permission form after adding: use of ATV only to pull moose out after harvested.
JLC meeting is scheduled for 9/24/14 at 1:00 PM. J. Hotchkiss will take minutes.
Tax forms will be ordered by Laura
Intent to cut forms signed by Board
Old Business
Sign ordinance update: J. Hotchkiss will look further into the ordinance and enforce.
Eastman Lane street light update: Selectmen have gone out to the property. It is not the town’s job to provide lightning to her driveway.
New Business
Waste Management contract is up June 30, 2015. Should the town request for proposal or seal bids. There is also talk of recycling every other week. Recycling would be an additional cost. Other options could be joining another town, Farmington, Milton or New Durham. Casella has given a quote; we need to give Waste Management an option to provide a quote as well. J. Kalar questions Casella background and did the Town check their background. J. Kalar also brings up the possible additional cost to the taxpayers.
Aflac wants to come out and try to recruit on October 6.
Ed Brannan found a grant on-line through USDA. Question to board is should the town apply. Board agrees to at least apply.
Cell Tower update: There was a walk through with Verizon of the piece of town property they are interested in for the cell tower. J. Kalar suggested adding into the contract a percentage from each phone provider they add to the tower. Contract is in the works. Meeting; Thursday morning at 9:00 A.M. to compare contracts.
Pinkham Road update: Road work had begun and should be completed before snowfall.
Public Participation
J. Kalar questions T. Laughy hours and what departments are affected. Asked how many hours she works for each department.
J. Kalar also questions the money that the Rec Committee spent from Family Fun Day. The money donated was directly for Family Fun Day and should be spent on so.
J. Kalar asked if J. Hotchkiss is going to write an agreement with the Village District. He will write one and if it is good will all members involved it will be good, it may not pass through the attorney but will be agreed upon with the Town and Village District.
Respectfully submitted by:
Laura Parker, BOS Secretary