CURRICULUM SUMMARY – Septemberto December 2017
1 / 4-8 September / COORDINATE GEOMETRY
Students willknow, understand and use:
- formulae for the midpoint and a distance between two points of given coordinates
Deriving the formulae.
Calculating coordinates of the midpoint and distanced between points.
Solving practical problems involving the distance or the midpoint of two points.
2 / 11 -15 September /
- the gradient formula
- equation of a line in two dimensions: the forms y = mx + c and ax + by + d = 0 .
- parallel and perpendicular lines
- points of intersection of lines
Using the gradient in a practical situations from real life eg. gradients of mountain roads.
Finding equation of a line through two given points.
Graphing lines.
Finding where lines meet.
3 / 18 - 22 September /
- perpendicular bisectors
Solving past paper problems. Solving revision sets from the student textbooks (Review set 13A-13D)
Writing a test. Feedback of the test.
4 / 25 -29 September / NUMBERS
Students will understand and use:
- the exponential expression: , Q; rules of indices;
- the index notation (scientific notation): where and Z; very large and very small numbers in scientific, economic and other applications; awareness and use of scientific mode on the GDC;
- operations with numbers expressed in the form: where and Z;
- decimals; decimal places; approximations; rounding off to a given number of decimal places or significant figures;
- the absolute errors; percentage errors;
Using GDC (Graphic Display Calculator) for conversion between scientific and standard notation.
Rounding and estimating numbers.
Calculating errors.
Estimating and accuracy –homework investigation.
5 / 2 – 6 October /
- System International (SI); other basic units of measurements;
- conversion between different units.
Revision – solving problems at class and at home.
Writing a test.
Discussing results of the test.
6 / 9 – 13 October / SEQUENCES AND SERIES
Students will understand and use:
- definition of a sequence, the general term ( n-th term ) of a sequence,
- definition of arithmetic and geometric sequences, the formula for the n-th term of an arithmetic sequence,
Specifying sequences by using words, using an explicit formula (general term – n-th term formula).
Showing that a sequence is arithmetic.
7 / 16 – 20 October /
- the formula for the n-th term of a geometric sequence
- the sum of an arithmetic sequence -arithmetic series, the formula for the sum of the first n terms,
Finding the formula for the general term of an arithmetic or geometric sequence. Deriving the formula for the sum of an arithmetic series.
8 / 23 – 27 October /
- the sum of an geometric sequence, geometric series,
Using sequences to solve word problems.
Revision – solving problems at class and at home.
Writing a test;
Discussing results of the test.
30 October–
3 November / Mid-Term Break / Mid-Term Break
9 / 6 – 10 November / DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS
Students will understand and use:
- concept of population and sample; classification of data as discrete or continuous;
- mean, mode, median for discrete data;
- quartiles; Box and Whisker Plots (boxplots); parallel boxplots;
- grouped discrete or continuous data – organization and display;
Finding examples of different types of data.
Using the GDC to present data: tables; frequency tables (lists); graphs, diagrams, boxplots.
Summarizing data – calculations with and without the GDC;
10 / 13 -17 November /
- mean, mode, median for grouped discrete or continuous data;
- cumulative frequency
- cumulative frequency tables for grouped discrete data and grouped continuous data; cumulative frequency curves percentiles from the cumulative frequency curves;
- measures of dispersion; range, interquartile range, standard deviation;
Presenting situations where percentiles are used.
Calculating dispersion of the data.
Calculating variance and standard deviation.
11 / 20 – 24 November /
- significance of the numerical value of standard deviation.
Revision – solving problems at class and at home.
Writing a test;
Discussing results of the test.
12 / 27 November –
Students will understand and use:
- scatter plot; correlation; Pearson’s correlation coefficient.
- line of best fit; the least square regression line;
- interpolation and extrapolation.
Using the equation for prediction purposes.
Mathematical and contextual interpretation of the regression line.
Analysing and interpreting data.
13 / 4 - 8 December / THETEST FOR INDEPENDENCE
- independent variables;
- the null hypothesis;
- degrees of freedom, critical value;
Calculating . Reading the critical value.
14 / 11 – 15 December /
- the formal test for independence.
Revision – solving problems at class and at home.
Writing a test. Feedback of the test.
15 / 18 – 22 December / HALF – YEAR REVISION / Solving past paper problems.
Writing a half-year assessment test.