Considering that the genetic composition of an individual has been passed down through the ages and environmentally, the composition of the individual is learned through the senses, language, culture, morality, feelings, pain, and pleassure. Is there any room for original thought?
When we encounter a ‘stranger’ we assimilate what we observe with what we already know about others; but, mostly from what we think we know about ourselves, and we assume that all people are like mom and dad, but most often, like I am. These assumptions can often lead to bad decisions.
Monkey see, monkey do. We are molded by our environment, like it or not. When you view the programming on a movie channel, it depicts violence, vulgarity, eroticism, perverse, strife, and contention…never an ordinary day. If someone doesn’t want to see it, well, that is ok, but, nothing would change. If no one would watch it, it would change…the law of supply and demand. If you like flute music, and everyone else likes string music, your chances to play are less. They might tolerate it for a while, because they know it will please you, but, they won’t be likely to call on you again to play your flute.
In some cemeteries, there is an unmarked grave, usually a sandstone marker with no writing to tell who it is. It is similar to graves that are marked in that as time goes by, nobody living knows the one that is buried there. It is hard to know someone living, shrouded in secrecy, and much harder to know them when they are dead. We all become an unmarked grave.
Living, day by day, we see the sun come up, and the sun go down. Slowly, we grow old. You look at the newborn baby, and, smile. A new life is beginning to unfold. A trick of nature, leads you to think you will be young forever. Days go by, then months, then years. You once thought you would never be old. You even felt sorry for those that are old, as if it would not happen to you. And, now, you find that you are old. You begin to notice that you can’t see as well, your hearing is less, your stamina has declined, you have become forgetful. Death becomes less of a dreadful thought. Heaven is inviting.
Author Schopenhauer, once wrote, ‘everyone wants something from you. It is most disconcerting when someone comes to visit and they end up asking you for something. If you give it to them, they will ask again. If you say ‘no’, they become indignant. You cannot win.
“He calls himself a ‘Christian” they murmur. God says he loves a cheerful giver. A giving person doesn’t mind to give and wants nothing in return. Jesus said to give everything you own away and follow him.
We, the American People, are swamped with advertizing. We pay lots of money for lots of channels; but, end up with 20% advertizing. Some people have actually learned to like the advertizing. That is amazing. But, does it really work? I wonder. The world market is trending to a one choice item. You must buy everything from Wal-Mart, Lowes and Amazon.com. you can choose to buy one type of car, one type of refrigerator. You can have a shirt or you can have a shirt. Where will advertizing be then?
Years gone by, John Kennedy debated Richard Nixon, and Hillary Clinton is scheduled to debate Donald Trump in a few weeks. What a stark contrast. The old debate was characterized by strict rules of etiquette, whereastoday’s debates are a study in ‘characterassignation’. Rudeness is the rule of the day. Jesus would that you treat your fellow man with a sense of ‘love’. Let the “Holy Spirit” guide you. God is the maker of all things. God does control everything. God will punish those that do bad, and reward those that do good, in the past, in the present, and in the future. Praise the Lord.
Jesus Christ is a spirit. Love one another. Let what you say be ‘constructive criticism’. Do that which is good. Evangelize.