FUNDING PROGRAM / FOCUS / ELIGIBILITY / $ / CLOSING DATE / Website for more information
Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden National Program / To fund the building of kitchen and garden infrastructure for the Kitchen Garden Program in up to 190 primary schools across Australia.
Provide benefits for the entire school community including:
* Increasing students' knowledge, confidence and skills in cooking and gardening
* Developing a greater understanding of healthy and sustainable eating among students
* Increasing students' willingness to try new foods
* Engaging disengaged students, particularly ‘non-academic learners' and children with challenging behaviours
* Potentially improving academic learning
* Supporting your school's curriculum requirements
* Benefiting the family home as students share and apply their learnings outside the Program
*Helping create links between schools and the community.
The Foundation provides all schools with ongoing training and support to ensure their Kitchen Garden Program is successful and sustainable in the long term. / Primary Schools / New funding for a more accessible Kitchen Garden Program has been received from the Australian Government. / Please register your interest online and you will be contacted with news of how you can access the Kitchen Garden Program as soon as it becomes available. Significant pre-planning is required to ensure your application is the best it can be. In order to be supported through the application process, you should register your interest now. /
The Seed Fund / To assist Australian artists from any background, creating art and music across any genre, to establish themselves as self-sustained, professionals. We believe Australia has a dynamic and unique arts community and by empowering artists to create life long careers we enhance Australia’s cultural life.
We have a specific music focus and intend to develop genuine artistic expression both in urban and rural areas of Australia. Through our workshops we mean to establish a link between the emerging and the established, therefore creating a sense of community. Indigenous culture is of particular importance to us. / Refer to Guidelines for relevant category. / Various. There are 3 Categories this year:
1. MANAGEMENT WORKSHOP: Up to 25 opportunities available
2. PUBLICISE IT - Up to 3 opportunities available for grants of up to $5000
3. ART ON THE STREET - Up to 2 opportunities available for grants of up to $5000
/ 9 July 2012 /
Enhancement Grant for Kindergarten Services / The grant aims to enhance the quality of kindergarten programs being provided by kindergarten care services across Queensland. Eligible services can apply for funding to purchase new equipment and resources to support the delivery of their program, conduct minor repairs or maintenance and undertake promotional activities to maximise enrolments. / To be eligible to receive the Enhancement Grant, on the day the grant program opens, kindergarten services must either be an approved Kindergarten Program Provider or a legacy funded kindergarten service, and hold membership with an approved central governing body organisation.
** Services established under the extra kindergarten infrastructure program or any other Queensland Government initiative since 2009 (e.g., as part of an early years centre) and long day care services are not eligible for this grant. / Up to $10,000 / 11 July 2012 /
BMA Local Development Program / Includes Donations, Sponsorship, and Partnerships.
• Arts, Entertainment and Cultural Development
• Business and Skills Training
• Community Welfare
• Environment and Sustainability
• Safety, Health and Wellbeing
• Sport and Recreation / To be eligible to receive support, applicants must provide services or benefits in one of more of the Central Highlands communities of Blackwater, Capella and Emerald.
Organisations must be:
• Reputable and aligned with the BHP Billiton Charter and Code of Conduct.
• Formally recognised and/or registered with the appropriate government bodies.
• Have appropriate and effective governance structures.
• Have the capacity, financial stability and leadership to support the project for which funds are requested.
• Supported by key community stakeholders. / Monetary or in-kind / 13 July 2012
9 November 2012
March 2013 / For more information on how to apply for funding, please contact a BMA Community Advisor in your area:
• Blackwater:
Leah Fay 0429 034 416
• Emerald/Capella
Peter Dowling 0427 000 285
ANZ Staff Foundation Grants / To help meet the real and emerging needs of Australian communities.
The ANZ Staff Foundation will give preference to organisations and projects:
* To the extent to which it creates opportunities for ANZ staff to participate as volunteers
* That are already supported by ANZ staff
* That are initiated by ANZ staff in association with community organisations in which they are already actively involved.
The ANZ Staff Foundation aims to fund small projects in the following areas:
* Skills and independence: give people the skills to manage their lives and provide them with independence, in particular financial literacy
* Environment: assist communities to conserve resources and protect the environment
* Local initiatives: innovative projects from local community organisations
* Capacity building: to assist organisations to build their capacity to deliver sustainable benefits to their community (particularly in rural areas) / Charitable organisations, gifts to which are deductible under Section 30-15 [formerly 78(4)] of the Income Tax Act. (DGR Status) / Preferred amount up to $5,000 / 15 July 2012
15 January & 15 July each year /
Safer Qld Community Grants / • To facilitate the development of community projectsaimed at improving road safety and reducing andpreventing crime.
• To promote community participation, partnershipsand a shared responsibility for road safety and
crime prevention.
• To help strengthen community capacity to createlocal solutions to improve road safety and preventand reduce crime. / Community Applicant which includes:
• An incorporated not-for-profit organisation
• Local government councils
• Organisations sponsoring an unincorporated not-for-profit
• Community groups
• Police Citizens Youth Club (PCYC), working inpartnership with the community / Up to $10,000 / 16 July 2012 /
Voiceless / All projects must be relevant to animals in Australia and either:
- Change attitudes and/or increase awareness about animal suffering (eg. through school education, higher education, or programs that educate the community about animal issues, public awareness campaigns on an animal issue etc); or
- Encourage the public to take action for animals in their personal lives (eg. making changes in their consumer choices by choosing animal-friendly products, including food); or
- Work to modify or create new laws or policies to further animal protection in Australia.
Furthermore, your application will not be considered if it:
- does not have the primary aim of improving the lives of animals in Australia;
- is seeking funding for the set-up or infrastructural costs for an organisation/group without specific reference to a project that fits into Voiceless’s core areas of interest (above);
- seeks primarily to benefit humans rather than animals. / - Non-profit organisations
- Universities and other tertiary institutions
- Local Government
- Schools / Up to $15,000 / 20 July 2012 /
Australian Council for the Arts – Indigenous Arts Workers - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Arts / The category will provide funding for either the employment of an Indigenous arts worker and a program of activity or an Indigenous arts worker only. / Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander arts organisations only. You must discuss your proposal with Australia Council staff before applying. / A grant for up to $112,500 for three years to employ an Indigenous arts worker and build their capacity / 16 July 2012 /
Australia Council for the Arts - Skills and Arts Development - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Arts / Assist Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists and arts organisations to develop ideas and skills, not necessarily with a public outcome. Applications might include mentorship programs involving the sharing of artistic and cultural skills and knowledge, support for arts workshops, professional development projects, conferences or seminars, management planning and development. / This category is open to:
• Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander individuals
• Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander groups
• Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations
• Accredited non-Indigenous arts organisations that employ Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists or arts workers.
To be eligible, you must meet the general eligibility requirements and provide the necessary support material. / 16 July 2012 &
19 November 2012 /
Australia Council for the Arts - Presentation and Promotion - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Arts / Support projects that promote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists and their work regionally, nationally and internationally through publications, recordings, performances, exhibitions and international export.
/ This category is open to:
• Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander individuals
• Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander groups
• Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations
• Accredited non-Indigenous arts organisations that employ Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists or arts workers. / Up to $10,000 / 16 July 2012
19 November 2012 /
Australia Council for the Arts - New Work - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Arts / Support projects that assist Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists, arts organisations or community organisations to create new work with an expected public outcome. Projects may be in any artform or combination of artforms. Examples include theatre productions of new work, writing for publication, song writing for recording or performance, or the creation of new works of art for exhibition. / This category is open to:
• Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander individuals
• Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander groups
• Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations
• Accredited non-Indigenous arts organisations that employ Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists or arts workers.
To be eligible, you must meet the general eligibility requirements and provide the necessary support material. Refer to website for further details. / 16 July 2012
19 November 2012 /
Non School Organisations Program (NSO) / Provides funding to help improve the educational opportunities, learning outcomes and personal development of children with a disability.
Professional Development / Not for Profit,
Non Government,
Non school organisations / Various / 17 July 2012
2 year applications /
Equity Trustees Foundation / Established for the general benefit of Charity
Areas of interest include:
* health
* education
* research
* welfare and rights
* environment
* the family
* sports and recreation
* cultural organisations / ATO deductible gift recipient endorsement required. Charity tax concession (TCC) endorsement preferred.
In 2012 applications are being called from organisations in the disability sector within Australia.
Funding is not available for medical research, deficit funding, travel, individuals and general fundraising appeals. / $60,000 / 20 July 2012 for Expressions of Interest (EOIs) /
Beverage Container Recycling Community Grant - Keep Australia Beautiful , Coca-Cola Australia Foundation / To offer financial assistance for local communities wishing to improve beverage container recycling.
In larger communities this may mean infrastructure for events or for special venues such as large retail centres or education centres. In smaller communities, it may mean assistance with transport or processing to overcome remote location or dispersed population.
The focus is on:
* recycling away from home
* practical projects that leave a legacy
* projects that don't duplicate existing recycling activities
* projects that result in measurable volumes of recycled materials / Must have an ABN registration or work closely with a service group or council that does.
The program is available to all Australians regardless of state legislation that may apply in relation to recycling.
* Community groups
* Local associations
* Small to medium enterprises
* Local government authorities
* Schools / $3,000 to $10,000 / 20 July 2012
NOTE This has been extended from 15 June /
2012 SaveWater! awards® / To:
* acknowledge and facilitate the promotion of outstanding innovation and excellence in sustainable water practices
* encourage innovation and action by business, government, schools, and the community at large, towards a sustainable future
* further the cause of water conservation and efficiency for a sustainable future.
These prestigious awards recognise and reward excellence in water conservation and efficiency.
/ Business, government, schools, and the community at large. Depends on relevant category:
* Australian Achiever
* Business
* Community
* Educational Institutions
* Government
* Photographic Award
* Prime Minister’s Water Wise Award
* Product Innovations
* Water Utilities
Refer to website for further information on categories. / Winning a savewater! award® has helped many individuals and organisations in their efforts to spread the water conservation message, and assist other members of the community to use water more efficiently. Additionally, some companies have been provided with business and funding opportunities as a result. / 20 July 2012 /
Ivy H Thomas & Arthur A Thomas Trust / Established for the general benefit of charity.
Areas of interest: Project submissions of a charitable nature. / ATO charity tax concession endorsement required, ATO deductible gift recipient endorsement preferred / Total funds of $50,000 for disbursement / 20 July 2012 /
Woolworths Earn and Learn Program / Every $10 you spend at Woolworths will earn you one Earn & Learn point, excluding the purchase of cigarettes, alcohol and gift cards or purchases made at Caltex Woolworths co-branded fuel outlets.
Registered schools can redeem their points against a choice of over 7000 educational resources including library books, classroom equipment, art & craft materials and much, much more. / Promotion is open to registered Primary and Secondary schools within Australia. Childcare centres, playgroups, family day-care centres and pre-schools are NOT eligible to take part in the program. / 22 July 2012 /
Volunteer Grants Program / To support volunteers, assist disadvantaged communities and encourage social inclusion to assist vulnerable people within our society.
To help non-profit organisations to:
* Purchase portable, tangible, small equipment items to help volunteers
* Contribute to the reimbursement of fuel costs for their volunteers who use their own car to transport others to activities, deliver food and assist people in need
* Contribute to the reimbursement of transport costs incurred by volunteers with disability who are unable to drive
* Contribute to the costs of training courses and/or undertake background screening checks for volunteers. / Organisations must be Australian not-for-profit organisations whose volunteers’ work supports families and/or communities in Australia and are legal entities (Incorporated) Refer to website for further eligibility details. / $1000 to $5000 / 25 July 2012 /
Queensland Alliance Resilient Places Project: Micro-grants / Encourage organisations to work collaboratively on community initiatives that promote positive mental health outcomes in regions across Queensland, highly impacted by the natural disasters of 2010/2011. Proposals that encourage cross-sector collaboration and build capacity within local communities. The theme for this round of micro-grants is sustainability. / Open to organisations:
• who are incorporated with public liability insurance or have auspice with such;
• who can supply a copy of their 2010 Annual Report;
• who can demonstrate at least 3 organisations or groups working together. / Up to $5,000 / 26 July 2012
Two further rounds remain for potential applicants,
Round 3 closing on 1 September 2012 and Round 4 closing on the 4 February 2013. /
PPCA Performers' Trust Foundation / To promote and encourage music and the performing arts. / Applications must be for one or more of the following purposes:
* Performances at concerts at or for charitable institutions such as hospitals or homes for the aged;
* Scholarships for the promotion and encouragement of musical and theatrical education;
* The promotion and encouragement of the performing arts to the general public;
* The aid or assistance of any beneficiary who is unable to adequately maintain herself/himself by her/his own exertions and other income / One-off grants of $2,500 for an individual; or
$5,000 for a group or organisation / 27 July 2012
The trustees of the trust typically meet four times a year (approximately once every three months) to consider applications. Contact the foundation if you want to find out the date of the next meeting of the trustees.
Renovation and Refurbishment Grants for Kindergarten Services / Provides non-recurrent funding for major and minor works to enhance the amenity and operation of eligible kindergarten services. / Kindergarten services that are members of a central governing body (CGB) and are either an approved kindergarten program provider or legacy-funded service.
Eligible kindergarten services / Between $50,000 and $200,000 per service / 27 July 2012 /
Coca-Cola Foundation / Improving the lives of marginalised youth. Addresses the core areas of education, leadership, wellbeing and environment. / Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) Status / Up to $10,000 / 27 July 2012 /
NIB Foundation Community Grants Program / Aims to support locally-based initiatives which will make a positive difference to the health and wellbeing of the communities they serve.
Preference will be given to programs that address one nib foundation's identified focal areas:
* Carers
* Young People - under 25 years / Your organisation must be either an endorsed Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) or be specifically named as a DGR in Subdivision 30-B of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 (ITAA 97).
You must also have Tax Concession Charity (TCC) status or if you are not a charitable DGR, you must be an 'exempt entity' [i.e., being exempt from income tax under section 50-1 of the ITAA 97]. TCC status was formerly called Income Tax Exempt Charity (ITEC) status. The Australian Government’s Australian Business register Online enables you to search your organisation’s name or ABN and see whether it is endorsed as a DGR and TCC. / Funding of up to $50,000 will be provided to a maximum of 10 organisations to undertake projects for up to 12 months in duration. / 27 July 2012 /
Regional Arts Development Fund (RADF) Funding Program / Supports locally determined professional arts, cultural and heritage development opportunities by providing one-off, short term, project based financial assistance to groups and individuals. / Individual professional artists, arts workers, cultural workers or project coordinators who are based in the local council area, are permanent residents or Australian citizens and have an Australian Business Number. Incorporated organisations, based in the local council area, and unincorporated organisations, auspiced by an incorporated body, based in the local council area. / Various - refer to guidelines / 27 July 2012 &
Fraternities, Sororities, Individuals, Scholarships, Political Action Committees, Candidates