Introduction to Film History

Prof. Maria Francesca Piredda; Prof. Adriano D’Aloia


The course aims to provide students with historical, linguistic and theoretical tools towards a better understanding of film on an international level, from its very beginnings up to the present day. Particular emphasis will be placed on the various forms of representation and narration promoted within the genre system and art house films. Students will also explore the various production and distribution logics within the mainstream and independent film industry.


The course is organised into two modules:

Module One

Module One explores the main stages of the development of film, from the beginnings up to Second World War, by means of a diachronic and synchronic approach, with emphasis on diverse national situations. Students will simultaneously be provided with the elements of filmic form: language, narration, style and genre. The history of film will be approached as a place of expression of wider issues linked toother forms of art and entertainment against a theoretical and social background.

Module Two

Module Two, on the other hand, looks at the main stages of development film from post-Second World Warup to the present day. The course offers analysis of film as an industry, as a tool for giving back something real and as a way of creating possible worlds by means of its connections to specific social-cultural contexts. In particular, students will focus on modern and post-modern film mainly within the European and American contexts.


D. Bordwell-K. Thompson, Storia del cinema. Un’introduzione, McGraw Hill, Milano, 2010 (Module One: Chapters 1-10; Module Two: Chapters 11-22).

Course notes and material indicated during the course and posted on the tutor’s webpage.

The study programme for the examination also includes the viewing of 10 films (Module One) + 10 films (Module Two), indicated on the tutor’s webpage and available atMediateca dell'Ateneo as well as in streaming via the Media Library. The viewing of these films must be incorporated into the study of analysis material indicated in the course material.

Any additional compulsory reading will be indicated during the course.


The course consists of lectures, which include the viewing and analysis of audiovisual material contained in the course.


Oral examination.


Students from the six-month course (6 credits) must complete Module One.

Students are required to consult the tutor’s webpage on a weekly basis for news, information and updates concerning the study programme and teaching material.

For further onformation regarding the analysis of audiovisual language students are advised to read the following:

F. Casetti-F. Di Chio, Analisi del film, Bompiani, Milano, 2003.

M. Ambrosini-L. Cardone-L. Cuccu, Introduzione al linguaggio del film, Carocci, Roma, 2010.

Students may see Prof. Maria Francesca Piredda and Prof. Adriano D’Aloia separately in the Department of Science of Communication and Entertainment by making an appointment. Students may email the Professors at the following addresses:; .