OCAY aims to enable any citizen of York aged 50+ to speak out on issues that affect them, ensure that their voices are heard and that their general well-being is promoted.


Management Committee and Trustees. April 2015 – March 2016

Chair Rachel Totton

Secretary Sylvia Doughty

Treasurer Mary Day to October 2015

James Grainger (Associate Trustee) from October 2015

Members Rev. Ronald Carter

Alan Filby

Sharon Beattie

Janis Grant – to February 2016

Zoe Gordon-Oxford – Vice-Chair from November 2015 to February 2016



Advocacy Service Manager Dorothy Hodgkinson

Community Links Officer Heather Bell – from September 2015

Receptionist/Admin Assistant Carolyn Blain


Bankers: HSBC & CAF

Examiner of Accounts: Mr John Worth

OCAY Patron: Professor Dianne Willcocks


OCAY’s broad aims are:

- To provide a free and independent advocacy service, so that older people achieve empowerment, self-determination and equality.

- To ensure that older people aged 50+ have a voice in any issues that concern them and that their voice is heard appropriately with the support of an independent advocate.

- To develop older people’s self-confidence and skills, to help them achieve their goals and to feel that they can and do make a contribution in society.

- To help relieve poverty by supporting older people aged 50+ to claim benefits to which they are entitled.

- To reduce social isolation among older York residents and to enable them to become socially included through our advocacy.

- To promote the general well-being of older people in York

- To increase the number and skills base of volunteers (including older people) in York.

OCAY aims to achieve the following specific outcomes through the advocacy support provided:

- Hard to reach older people will be helped to remain at home independently for longer to help improve their wellbeing.

- Older people’s income/ benefits will be maximised each year, helping to reduce poverty amongst older people in York.

- volunteers will develop their skills, expertise and experience and enhance their personal development.

- Older people in York will be better able to make informed choices about issues affecting their lives and will be empowered to tackle issues for themselves and others, helping to develop increased confidence.

Chair’s Report

Another year of change for OCAY, with developments moving on apace.

The most exciting piece of news was our success in achieving another round of significant funding from the Big Lottery, both from Reaching Communities and from Awards for All. This is highly significant for us – the Reaching Communities funding pays for our staff salaries for the next 4 – 5 years, whilst the Awards for All funding is a one off grant to pay for a step up in the training we offer to volunteers and staff, and to help us continue to get OCAY’s work known across the City. The Reaching Communities funding includes a grant to carry out an organisational strength review, and we have commissioned Pulse Regeneration to conduct this. The outcomes of the review will then help to shape an action plan to build our capacity to be sustainable in the future.

Alongside this, we have had the excitement and honour of being one of the Lord Mayor’s three charities for the year. This has involved OCAY staff and supporters in a whirlwind of bucket shaking and other more glamorous events, all in the name of fundraising. Although the total is not yet known, we do know that every penny donated to OCAY will help us to sustain and continue to improve our core office and professional service which helps to make the vital work of our volunteer advocates, fundraisers and community pals possible. We are very grateful to the Lord Mayor, Sonja Crisp, and to all the Civic Team, for their fantastic work on behalf of the three charities.

We treasure our volunteers. They are a fantastic bunch of people – committed, skilled and serious-minded, but also up for a laugh and some fun, they put in hours far beyond what we could reasonably expect. The trustees are deeply grateful to them for all that they do, and particular mention should go to Brenda and Eric Gledhill, Sylvia Doughty and Carolyn Blain who do so much to raise funds for OCAY.

Our staff team – Dorothy Hodgkinson, Carolyn Blain and Heather Bell, and – until the end of March 2016, Catherine Hartley – have juggled many plates and kept the quality of the work high despite the many demands on them. I would like to record the gratitude of all the trustees for their excellent professionalism in the face of the many challenges they have negotiated during the last year.

Although we are a smaller trustee team, we have not slackened off the pace of our work, and I would like to thank my colleagues on the Management Committee for the ongoing commitment, wisdom and attention to detail they have shown. I would like to make particular mention of our new Treasurer, James Grainger, who as an associate trustee since December has helped us to manage our finances and has put in many hours of skilled work, both of his own time and through the generosity of his employers, Garbutt & Elliot. Many thanks also to John Worth, Independent Examiner of Accounts, whose report you can read.

Anyone involved with small independent charities knows what an ongoing challenge it is to remain sustainable. We are all very proud of the fact that OCAY continues to thrive, united by a shared set of values and a commitment to doing the very best we can for our clients. This is only made possible by the goodwill and generosity – whether of time, advice or financial support – of everyone involved with our charity.

Rachel Totton

Chair of Trustees

Service Manager’s Annual Report

As we approach our AGM I am conscious that this time last year I was at the very beginning of my journey with OCAY. What a roller-coaster of a year!

I take huge pride in the work we are all involved in and enjoy my role thoroughly. My passion for OCAY is undiminished – if anything it grows the more I do.

The staff team has seen a lot of change in a relatively short period of time. Soon after my own arrival we brought Heather Bell, our Community Links Officer, on board. She immediately threw herself into a flurry of ‘busy-ness’ working at a tremendous pace to increase our visibility in the community. I am very thankful to report that we have managed to persuade Heather to continue with us for a further six months beyond her original contract. Then came Catherine Hartley’s departure as her contract came to an end. Catherine has given a phenomenal degree of focus and drive to her role in developing OCAY’s way forward. Her energy and vision for what was possible enabled our Big Lottery Reaching Communities and Awards for All bids to be successful, enhancing our financial sustainability. Her absence from the staff team is distinctly noticeable, but we wish her well in her new endeavours.

There is growing complexity of client issues, yet advocates keep rising to this challenge admirably whilst I continue looking to how we take our work forward, incorporate broadening needs, and ensure sufficient and relevant training is in place to sustain the team.

At the time of writing, we are a reduced staff team, functioning on a reduction of our combined hours, yet with an energy, drive and commitment to take OCAY forward, to continue to offer the best possible service we can, and an abiding sense that teamwork makes us stronger. We all share a passion for what OCAY stands for and it shows in the level of commitment I see in my colleagues.

In closing, thank you to all of those who support OCAY in the background: our partner agencies, statutory and corporate organisations, individuals who contribute items to our fundraising or promote our service by word of mouth/delivery of leaflets. Every bit of support, in whatever form it takes, every contribution of time, funds, ideas, all make it easier for us to continue providing OCAY’s core service of free, independent advocacy at the point of need.

Dorothy Hodgkinson.

Community Link Officers report..

I have been OCAY’s Community Links Officer for the last nine months. I can honestly say that no two days are ever the same which is perfect for me, as the diversity of the post is one of the qualities that appealed to me but the real attraction of course was OCAY’s mission, to give the older person a voice.

Promotion of the OCAY services requires no hard sell, people are interested and amazed when they find out what we offer, although sometimes a little confused by the advocacy term, it is such a pleasure to spread the word about what we can do and explain what advocacy means. Sharing this information with the public, health and social care professionals, social and community groups, and other businesses, is very rewarding; particularly when you see it register with the individual, how it might benefit them or a family member. The professionals are often surprised, at the range of topics our volunteer advocates can, and have supported clients with. Then to be able to follow through, with the ultimate fact that the service is free and that we are an independent charity is very satisfying.

What makes it possible for me to go out and impart this information, is what lies at the heart of OCAY, the volunteers. This team of volunteers take on many roles, within the organisation, not always what they originally signed up for but their passion for the charity is so evident, in their generosity and willingness. I am delighted that as Community Links Officer, I get to be part of the volunteer’s initial induction into the charity, through one of the training modules. It is very inspiring and motivating to spend time with the volunteers and I am already looking forward to the next induction module in July.

When I was reflecting on the brief for this report, “What I enjoyed about the role?” I was a little surprised when social media came to mind and in particular twitter. I have found myself, setting challenges to draw in particular followers to OCAY, which has enable us to then raise awareness in areas in the city that haven’t necessarily used the services, or to get a wider audience, when those well regarded followers, share OCAY’s posts, relating to events, volunteer recruitment or general advocacy promotion. There is also the odd post on there, acknowledging our star baker!

The role is diverse, variable, challenging but I have been made to feel very welcome and supported by my colleagues Dorothy and Carolyn, volunteers and trustees alike. It’s been interesting to work within such a professional and business like environment which is vital in the challenging times but one which has managed not lose its care and compassion for its purpose.

Heather Bell.

Community Links Officer.

Looking back to look forwards!

Where to start? One very full year with so much happening it has sometimes felt as though keeping up was becoming a non-option.

New staff, new funding bids, new ideas for new projects to develop the service for a more sustainable future, new volunteers, new training modules, new database, new partners to work with beyond OCAY, new volunteer roles developed….

Funding developments - successful bid to Allen Lane to cover our office rent for 12months; successful bid to Big Lottery Awards for All to provide funding for volunteer recruitment, training, supervision and development over 12 months; successful bid to Big Lottery Reaching Communities to continue our core service over the next 5 years; donation from provincial Freemasons’ lodges; donation from local Lions; many donations from too many individuals to name; selection as one of the Lord Mayor’s charities for her year in office.

Promotion of OCAY - we tentatively launched ourselves into the modern technological age by stepping into ‘social media’. The good news is that we have been noticed and have gained a good range of ‘followers’. The better news is that those who recognise these things are telling us that we have a really good ‘presence’ on social media! As part of this modern age seeping into the organisation we have linked with easyfunding.com - a very simple way for those who shop on line (and in some stores) to have donations made to OCAY when they make purchases, but at no extra cost to the shopper. Please do consider signing up in support of our fundraising efforts.

Training - a batch of training modules which will better equip the whole team.

Increasing diversity of volunteer roles – more fundraisers, new roles collecting client feedback, increasing range of representatives attending specific organisations on behalf of OCAY, research volunteer …

OK so now I feel a bit out of breath! Yet, most importantly …

Our clients - the people we are all here for and who we value no matter what, even when they feel disempowered and undervalued by those who ought to be helping them more. When I hear the feedback from them regarding the difference OCAY makes in their lives - well, I know that I work for a brilliant organisation with a heart of gold and a team who are dedicated to making life better for whoever comes through the door next on Townend Street.

Thank you to each and every one of you for making my job so worthwhile and rewarding.

Dorothy Hodgkinson.

Volunteers views:

  1. I have had the honour to be associated with OCAY, enjoying various roles, for the last 12 to 13 years or so. Years that I very much care to remember! To be able to speak up for people on issues which for one reason or another they are unable to do so for themselves gives tremendous job satisfaction. No we don't win them all but safe to say the majority of cases are resolved for the benefit of our clients. All at OCAY are very talented and skilled at what they do. In this respect I want to rub shoulders with them for a good while yet, hopefully.
  1. My year as a volunteer advocate has been one of friendship, laughs, frustration, fun, panic, pride, and overwhelming satisfaction at being able to help our Community. (Oh ~and one of rage, always aimed at my laptop, and therefore my ageing brain too!). My clients have been varied and challenging, and the reaction I get from a grateful client is beyond words. The training keeps me sharply focused after the creep into retirement, following a busy working life, and support from "The Office" has been professional and outstanding. I am one lucky volunteer, who enjoys her own life, and loves to help others at a time in their lives when they may need extra support. Roll on next year, and my excursion into the abyss, otherwise known as The New Database ~ now, that WILL be fun!!

Older Citizens Advocacy York (OCAY)


for the year ended

31 March 2016

Registered Charity No. 1094279

Summary of Receipts and Payments for the year ended 31 March 2016

Notes / Unrestricted
£ / Restricted
£ / 2016
£ / 2015
Grant funding / 2 / 960 / 62,445 / 63,405 / 81,628
Fundraising / 3 / 1,817 / - / 1,817 / 1,416
Donations / 4 / 4,773 / - / 4,773 / 3,591
Gift Aid / 4 / 930 / - / 930 / 1,409
Commissioning income / 754 / - / 754 / -
Bank interest / 545 / - / 545 / 684
Sundry income / - / - / - / 5,162
Total receipts / 9,779 / 62,445 / 72,224 / 93,890
Staff costs / 5,909 / 55,939 / 61,848 / 50,320
Staff training / 994 / 1,388 / 2,382 / 3,492
Staff recruitment and expenses / 551 / 1,018 / 1,569 / 5,426
Volunteer training / 537 / - / 537 / 279
Volunteer expenses / 612 / - / 612 / 246
Fundraising expenses / 410 / - / 410 / 328
Care Act costs / 475 / - / 475 / -
Property costs / 1,606 / 5,139 / 6,745 / 6,484
Utility costs / 425 / 198 / 623 / 471
Cleaning, repairs and renewals / 239 / - / 239 / 858
Telecommunications and IT / 5 / 3,565 / 5,164 / 8,729 / 3,428
Equipment purchases / - / 926 / 926 / 2,549
Office supplies / 966 / 604 / 1,570 / 1,713
Publicity / 302 / 835 / 1,137 / 2,321
AGM expenses / 594 / - / 594 / 608
Management Committee expenses / 288 / - / 288 / 431
Subscriptions / 140 / - / 140 / 65
Professional fees / - / 1,400 / 1,400 / -
Total payments / 17,613 / 72,611 / 90,224 / 79,019
Net (payments)/receipts in the year / (7,834) / (10,166) / (18,000) / 14,871
Cash funds b/fwd at 1 April 2015 / 38,175 / 20,516 / 58,691 / 43,820
Funds Transfer / (707) / 707 / - / -
Cash funds c/fwd at 31 March 2016 / 29,634 / 11,057 / 40,691 / 58,691


  1. These accounts have been prepared under the historical cost convention, on a receipts and payments basis, in accordance with Section 133 of the Charities Act 2011 and following the guidance for accounting for smaller charities issued by the Charity Commissioners.
  1. Grant funding

£ / 2015
Awards For All / 10,000 / -
Allen Lane Foundation / 5,000 / -
Big Lottery / 46,195 / 72,378
Lloyds TSB Community Fund / - / 9,250
Other / 2,210 / -
63,405 / 81,628

Awards For All

The Awards For All funding has been obtained to allow the charity to provide training to both employees and volunteer advocates, promote the charity, as well as contribute towards office costs.

Allen Lane Foundation

The Allen Lane Foundation provided funding to cover the cost of the charity’s rent for 12 months.

Big Lottery

The National Lottery provided funding to help the charity cover most of its staffing costs during the year.

  1. Fundraising

Fundraising Activities yielded £1,817 (2015 - £1,416) from a variety of activities and events. The Trustees, Staff and Volunteer Advocates would like to express their thanks to everyone who contributed to the success of these with particular mention of Brenda and Eric Gledhill, Sylvia Doughty and Carolyn Blain for their continuing hard work for OCAY.