Report: Judicial Expenses January to June 2015
Monies recouped to members of judiciary in relation to travel, subsistence, judicial attire and incidental expenses in respect of period January to June 2015. Payments may relate to travel in previous years.
The travel and accommodation costs for judges arise from the constitutional requirement that courts sit across the country in each Circuit Court Circuit and District Court District and area. The High Court also sits outside Dublin as required. The level of costs recouped by each judge are a direct reflection of the work, numbers of sittings and the locations he or she is required to attend. Payments are made in accordance with rates agreed by the Department of Justice and Equality and sanctioned by the Department of Finance.
The Supreme Court: Judges normally sit in Dublin.
The Court of Appeal: Judges normally sit in Dublin.
The High Court: Regularly sits outside Dublin.
The Circuit Court: Sits each court day in venues across every part of the country – the circuits are regional in nature and require varying amounts of travel.
The District Court: Sits throughout the year in scores of venues across the country and is the busiest, largest and most geographically dispersed court in the country.
Note:Travel and subsistence expenses incurred by judges while sitting on tribunals / boards of inquiry are recoupable.
Supreme Court
Note 1:The table below may include both retired judges and judges who were appointed during 2015.
Note 2: The table below includes only judges who claimed expenses during 2015.
Note 3: In some instances expenses paid to judges include arrears from previous years.
Supreme Court Judges Expenses 2015Name / Travel / Subsistence / Incidental
Expenses / Total
Euro / Euro / Euro / Euro
Charleton, Peter / 361.98 / 826.34 / - / 1,188.32
Clarke, Frank / 581.19 / 558.17 / - / 1,139.36
Denham, Susan / 243.96 / - / - / 243.96
Dunne, Elizabeth / - / 604.49 / - / 604.49
Hardiman, Adrian / - / 443.00 / - / 443.00
Laffoy, Mary / - / 443.00 / - / 443.00
MacMenamin, John / - / 443.00 / - / 443.00
Mc Kechnie, William M / - / 443.00 / - / 443.00
Murray, John L. / 501.69 / 1,382.28 / - / 1,883.97
O'Donnell, Donal / - / 443.00 / - / 443.00
Total / 1,688.82 / 5,586.28 / - / 7,275.10
Court of Appeal
Note 1: The table below includes only judges who claimed expenses during 2015.
Note 2: In some instances expenses set out below may include expenses paid to judges when they were assigned to another bench.
Court of Appeal Judges Expenses 2015Name / Travel / Subsistence / Incidental
Expenses / Total
Euro / Euro / Euro / Euro
Birmingham, George / - / 127.00 / - / 127.00
Edwards, John / 364.95 / 880.60 / 822.22 / 2,067.77
Kelly, Peter / - / 254.00 / - / 254.00
Total / 364.95 / 1,261.60 / 822.22 / 2,448.77
High Court
Note 1:The table below may include both retired judges and judges who were appointed during 2015.
Note 2:The table below includes only judges who claimed expenses during 2015.
Note 3:In some instances expenses paid to judges include arrears from previous years.
Note 4:Incidental expenses include payments made in relation to Central Criminal Court sittings outside Dublin.
High Court Judges Expenses 2015Name / Travel / Subsistence / Incidental
Expenses / Total
Euro / Euro / Euro / Euro
Abbott, Henry / - / 1,339.00 / - / 1,339.00
Baker, Marie / - / 4,717.00 / - / 4,717.00
Barton, Bernard Joseph / - / 1,339.00 / - / 1,339.00
Binchy, Donald / - / 669.00 / 639.80 / 1,308.80
Butler, Paul / - / 4,133.00 / - / 4,133.00
Carney, Paul / 124.85 / 552.00 / 408.20 / 1,085.05
Costello, Caroline / - / 669.00 / 764.47 / 1,433.47
Cregan, Brian / 169.45 / 2,091.59 / 2,261.04
Cross, Kevin / - / 1,339.00 / - / 1,339.00
Donnelly, Aileen / - / 1,842.00 / - / 1,842.00
Eagar, Robert / 71.13 / 2,049.88 / - / 2,121.01
Faherty, Mary / - / 127.00 / - / 127.00
Fullam, Raymond / - / 940.00 / - / 940.00
Gilligan, Paul / 1,387.98 / 1,489.88 / - / 2,877.86
Hanna, Michael / 384.80 / 3,024.00 / - / 3,408.80
Haughton, Robert / - / 1,339.00 / 1,291.50 / 2,630.50
Hedigan, John / 221.78 / 3,453.00 / - / 3,674.78
Hunt, Tony / 917.78 / 1,008.80 / 14.50 / 1,941.08
Keane, David / - / 2,039.00 / - / 2,039.00
Kearns, Nicholas / - / 1,015.00 / - / 1,015.00
Kennedy, Isobel / - / 1,142.00 / 1,799.50 / 2,941.50
Mac Eochaidh, Colm / 189.20 / 790.29 / - / 979.49
Mc Carthy, Patrick / - / 254.00 / - / 254.00
Mc Dermott, Paul / - / 2,135.00 / 639.80 / 2,774.80
Mc Govern, Brian / 185.36 / 4,245.84 / - / 4,431.20
McMahon, Bryan / 575.62 / 135.55 / 24.00 / 735.17
Moran, Carroll / 709.69 / 618.29 / - / 1,327.98
Moriarty, Michael / - / 3,456.00 / 639.80 / 4,095.80
Murphy, Deirdre Patricia / - / 1,842.00 / - / 1,842.00
Noonan, Seamus / - / 1,400.00 / - / 1,400.00
O’Hanlon, Bronagh / 89.00 / 1,856.98 / - / 1,945.98
O’Malley, Iseult / - / - / 1,410.00 / 1,410.00
Stewart, Carmel / - / 1,339.00 / - / 1,339.00
White, Barry / - / 254.00 / - / 254.00
White, Michael / - / 2,819.00 / 648.60 / 3,467.60
Total / 5,026.64 / 57,845.10 / 8,280.17 / 71,151.91
Circuit Court
Note 1:The table below may include both retired judges and judges who were appointed during 2014.
Note 2:The table below includes only judges who claimed expenses during 2014.
Note 3:In some instances expenses paid to judges include arrears from previous years.
Circuit Court Judges Expenses 2015Name / Travel / Subsistence / Incidental
Expenses / Total
Euro / Euro / Euro / Euro
Berkeley, Sarah / 2,727.17 / 1,368.04 / 128.05 / 4,223.26
Codd, Pauline / 2,024.03 / 2,408.11 / 318.40 / 4,750.54
Comerford, Francis / 2,712.16 / 6,239.59 / - / 8,951.75
Doyle, Alice / 5,024.91 / 7,101.73 / 180.00 / 12,306.64
Enright, Mary N. / 759.94 / 56.48 / - / 816.42
Fergus, Karen / 3,760.50 / 4,013.27 / 305.12 / 8,078.89
Flanagan, Doirbhile / 7,930.93 / 2,495.80 / 121.80 / 10,548.53
Greally, Melanie / 7,122.53 / 3,918.28 / - / 11,040.81
Griffin, Gerard / 4,823.29 / 1,891.52 / 1,454.00 / 8,168.81
Groarke, Raymond / 5,951.73 / 8,893.04 / 74.15 / 14,918.92
Hannan, John / 7,704.68 / 9,134.32 / 175.02 / 17,014.02
Hickson, Barry / 4,831.32 / 1,219.52 / - / 6,050.84
Hogan, Desmond / 4,235.03 / 12,383.43 / - / 16,618.46
Johnson, Keenan / 7,660.85 / 4,328.20 / 949.98 / 12,939.03
Keys, Gerald B. / 6,680.83 / 1,991.76 / 3.80 / 8,676.39
Lyster, William / 3,033.32 / 319.44 / - / 3,352.76
MacCabe, Rory / 6,245.96 / 9,346.24 / - / 15,592.20
McCartan, Patrick / 4,111.74 / 444.20 / - / 4,555.94
McDonagh, Donagh / 6,816.89 / 12,746.24 / 119.60 / 19,682.73
McDonnell, Petria / 4,279.18 / 5,481.46 / 33.40 / 9,794.04
Meghen, Patrick / 2,189.71 / 289.69 / 27.12 / 2,506.52
Moran, Patrick / 112.01 / - / 40.10 / 152.11
Murphy, Catherine A / 1,943.23 / 1,502.89 / 1,162.00 / 4,608.12
Nolan, Martin / 1,601.98 / 571.76 / 40.60 / 2,214.34
O’Brien, Gerard / 6,085.30 / 2,976.39 / 3,486.00 / 12,547.69
O’Connor, Karen / 8,966.01 / 2,981.52 / 1,376.54 / 13,324.07
O’Malley Costello, Mary / 630.63 / 98.84 / 7.20 / 736.67
O'Donnell, Thomas E. / 1,821.87 / 2,255.16 / - / 4,077.03
O'Donohoe, James / 6,486.38 / 11,290.39 / 93.70 / 17,870.47
Ó Donnabháin, Seán / 2,588.24 / 1,766.29 / - / 4,354.53
O'Hagan, John / 5,015.68 / 10,493.99 / - / 15,509.67
O'Kelly, Eugene / 6,318.75 / 8,657.92 / 1,965.13 / 16,941.80
O'Shea, Michael / 3,390.69 / 3,984.61 / - / 7,375.30
O'Sullivan, Terence / 4,093.53 / 8,153.92 / 78.00 / 12,325.45
Reynolds, Leonie / 2,923.07 / 7,918.76 / - / 10,841.83
Riordan, David / 191.41 / 1,096.04 / - / 1,287.45
Ryan, Patricia / 635.89 / - / - / 635.89
Sheahan, Elma / 1,501.54 / 525.92 / 11.40 / 2,038.86
Teehan, Thomas / 7,171.40 / 3,005.56 / - / 10,176.96
Total / 162,104.31 / 163,350.32 / 12,151.11 / 337,605.74
District Court
Note 1:The table below may include both retired judges and judges who were appointed during 2015.
Note 2:The table below includes only judges who claimed expenses during 2015.
Note 3:In some instances expenses paid to judges include arrears from previous years.
District Court Judges Expenses 2015Name / Travel / Subsistence / Incidental
Expenses / Total
Euro / Euro / Euro / Euro
Blake, Victor / 2,605.27 / 2,797.44 / - / 5,402.71
Brennan, Flannan V. / 1,371.01 / 564.8 / - / 1,935.81
Clyne, Patrick / 5,984.65 / 8,460.28 / 149.6 / 14,594.53
Coghlan, Michael / 3,039.58 / 127.08 / 50 / 3,216.66
Collins, Mary / 2,622.74 / 98.51 / - / 2,721.25
Coughlan, John / 6,855.93 / 7,011.80 / 31.9 / 13,899.63
Daly, Colin / 7,539.97 / 2,563.00 / 1,114.00 / 11,216.97
Dempsey, Dermot / 4,800.48 / 1,288.40 / - / 6,088.88
Devins, Mary C. / 4,916.97 / 5,259.92 / - / 10,176.89
Dunne, Cormac / 2,649.82 / - / - / 2,649.82
Durcan, Patrick J.M. / 4,775.60 / 9,658.75 / 1,114.00 / 15,548.35
Early, William / 6,479.47 / 2,775.72 / 19 / 9,274.19
Faughnan, James / 8,661.36 / 8,311.16 / 193.9 / 17,166.42
Finn, Terence / 5,591.71 / 26,222.88 / - / 31,814.59
Furlong, E. Gerard / 10,070.36 / 9,846.48 / 57.5 / 19,974.34
Gearty, Deirdre / 6,102.03 / 9,776.47 / 55.1 / 15,933.60
Gibbons, Conal / 10,653.23 / 3,951.21 / 14.2 / 14,618.64
Halpin, Anthony / 2,658.18 / 74.08 / - / 2,732.26
Hamill, William G. / 3,604.01 / 10,184.25 / 113.4 / 13,901.66
Haughton, Gerard J. / 6,439.63 / 1,254.31 / - / 7,693.94
Horgan, Rosemary / 2,325.00 / - / - / 2,325.00
Hughes, Seamus / 6,105.74 / 16,643.59 / 5.8 / 22,755.13
Keane, Marie / 2,185.63 / 2,146.28 / 1,646.00 / 5,977.91
Kelly, Paul / 4,908.79 / 13,894.48 / - / 18,803.27
Kilrane, Kevin / 8,139.11 / 11,760.42 / - / 19,899.53
King, John / 1,248.74 / 1,148.88 / 1,126.50 / 3,524.12
Larkin, Mary Emer / 7,310.49 / 2,794.44 / 55.2 / 10,160.13
Lindsay, John / 1,604.74 / 1,873.60 / - / 3,478.34
Lucey, Timothy / 4,974.49 / 8,818.66 / - / 13,793.15
MacBride, Sean M. / 2,250.84 / 6,288.88 / - / 8,539.72
MacGrath, Elizabeth / 3,630.54 / 1,661.95 / - / 5,292.49
Malone, Gráinne / 6,867.80 / 1,968.38 / 210 / 9,046.18
Malone, Leo J. / 6,771.67 / 1,725.92 / - / 8,497.59
Malone, Miriam / 247.06 / 78.61 / - / 325.67
Mc Hugh, David / 3,930.53 / 1,412.00 / - / 5,342.53
Mc Loughlin, Denis / 6,876.25 / 11,392.60 / - / 18,268.85
Mc Namara, Patricia / 2,591.07 / - / - / 2,591.07
McCarthy, Aeneas Joseph / 4,258.21 / 6,829.09 / - / 11,087.30
McMahon, Patrick / 211.25 / 28.24 / - / 239.49
McNulty, James / 4,698.71 / 2,722.63 / - / 7,421.34
Mitchell, Alan / 5,892.99 / 10,654.48 / - / 16,547.47
Ní Chondúin, Aingeal / 3,364.62 / 6,765.68 / 84.4 / 10,214.70
Ni Chúlacháin, Sinéad / 604.88 / 1,344.68 / 3.8 / 1,953.36
O’Brien, Eamon / 394.89 / 1,617.92 / - / 2,012.81
O’Connor, John / 2,916.63 / 121.43 / - / 3,038.06
O’Leary, Marian / 8,938.37 / 5,204.04 / 15.2 / 14,157.61
O’Neill, Gráinne / 9,038.09 / 4,686.07 / - / 13,724.16
O'Connor, James / 5,225.09 / 9,683.34 / - / 14,908.43
O'Donnell, Hugh / 2,325.00 / - / - / 2,325.00
O'Leary, Constantine G. / 4,911.14 / 9,383.09 / - / 14,294.23
O'Neill, John J / 7,928.81 / 14,215.40 / 49.4 / 22,193.61
Quirke, Marie / 2,701.07 / 510.1 / - / 3,211.17
Reilly, Bridget / 2,325.00 / - / - / 2,325.00
Ryan, Ann / 2,325.00 / - / - / 2,325.00
Smyth, Bryan / 2,577.48 / - / - / 2,577.48
Staines, Catherine / 6,293.14 / 3,244.87 / 156.5 / 9,694.51
Staunton, Kevin / 2,382.02 / 12,356.44 / - / 14,738.46
Toale, Brendan / 2,629.12 / - / - / 2,629.12
Walsh, Michael / 1,143.03 / 1,467.88 / - / 2,610.91
Watkin, Anne / 2,325.00 / - / - / 2,325.00
Zaidan, Desmond / 3,013.99 / 11,885.88 / - / 14,899.87
Total / 267,814.02 / 296,556.49 / 6,265.40 / 570,635.91