Alliance of Baptists

Clergy Recognition

2011 Annual Report

As a Recognized Clergy of the Alliance of Baptists, please complete all pages of this Annual Report and return electronically to before December 31, 2011. Note that clergy who are endorsed by the Alliance to specialized ministry (chaplains and pastoral counselors) do not need to complete this form, but need to complete the Endorsement Annual Report Form.

The completion of this Annual Report is one of four requirements to maintain your clergy recognition with the Alliance. The others include: a minimum annual gift to the Alliance of $150; notification of any change of ministry setting and any legal, ethical, or professional actions filed against the person within one month of the change or action; and attendance at an Alliance gathering at least once every three years.

Please note that this report is confidential but will be shared with the Minister for Leadership Formation and members of the Alliance of Baptists Clergy Recognition Community. Thank you for your ministry and for representing the Alliance in profound and meaningful ways!

Personal & Professional Information


Home Address:

City:State: Zip:



Ministry Setting:

Job Title:

Work Address:

City:State: Zip:



This information has changed since last year.

Professional Certifications:

Professional Leadership Roles:

Questions for Reflection

As you reflect on the following questions, please be thorough as well as brief in your responses.

  1. Share some reflections about any continuing education, professional development, or personal growth from the past year. (While a list of continuing education activities is helpful, we’re more interested in hearing about what you learned, how you changed, what shifted in your professional life.)
  1. Share one or more examples from your work in the past year that affirms for you an ongoing call to ministry.
  1. In what ways have you and are you practicing self-care in your ministry?
  1. Have you had any legal, ethical, or professional actions filed against you in the past year?

No Yes

If yes, please tell about the incident, the current process for resolving the issue, and any outcomes or resolutions that have occurred:

  1. What is the community of faith in which you are currently involved? How is this faith community actively nurturing and supporting your spiritual life as well as your ministry?
  1. One of the requirements for maintaining clergy recognition is to attend some Alliance gathering once every three years. What Alliance of Baptists gathering have you attended in the past 3 years? Did you find it helpful personally, professional, spiritually? If you have not attended an Alliance gathering in 3 years, what are your plans to attend a gathering in the future?
  1. What ideas do you have about how the Alliance might support you as a recognized clergyperson?
  1. Please share any additional news of professional and personal accomplishments, concerns, and celebrations as well as those of your loved ones.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Chris Copeland, Minister for Leadership Formation, at