Celebrating 30th year anniversary ofSmokyLakeCounty Rural Crime Watch

History of the SLCRCW by: Marlean Bordian Skoreyko

It all began in Bellis. The Board of Trade with Rick Cherniwchan as President called a meeting in the BellisSchool with according to David Cherniwchan more than100 peoplefrom the SmokyLakeCounty area attended. The community decided it was time to do something about crime. Members were to participate in the Rural Crime Watch program as members of the Range Patrol. On November 22 1983 along with the cooperation of the RCMP anapplicationwas made to form a Society under the Societies Act under the name of “The Smoky Lake County Rural Crime Watch”

Rick Cherniwchan was the first President, Ronald Dombrowsky the first Vice President, Joyce Mahon the first Secretary Treasurer, Boris Danyluk the Director and John Jusypink the Farmer Advocate. The application was witnessed by RCMP Constable Townsend and Don Christensen. The membership cards were signed by Corporal J D Vanderkracht.

The objects of the Society were:

(1) To assist the law enforcement agencies in the execution of their duties generally and in particular to provide organizational, financial and such other assistance to said agencies for the safety of the public and preservation of property in rural areas.

(2) To do such other matters as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the objects and exercise of the powers of the Society as the direction of the Society may from time to time decide.

The Registered office was located at Box 138 Bellis Alberta T0A0J0 and was later changed to Box 784 Smoky Lake Alberta T0A3C0

From November 1983 to December 1984 81 members joined. Each year more members joined and now 30 years later our fan out goes to about 418 people.

The first 81 members in order were Anderson Ernie, Bogdan Nick, Bogdan Jimmy, Cherniwchan William, Cherniwchan Rick, Cherniwchan George, Coates Guy, Cherniwchan Larry, Cherniwchan Leslie, Cherniwchan Metro, Danyluk Boris, Dombrowsky Ronald, Danyluk Jerry, Hecht Armin, Mahon Robert Joyce, Radomsky Ernie, Radomsky Norman, Serafinchon Eddy, Sybulka Albert, Sears Ron, Tchir Bernard, Terry Lawrence, Tkachuk Donald, Worsulak Edward, Wieber Alois, Weich Gordon, Wade Jeff, Wells Randy, Parham Earnest, Rohatynchuk Robert, Rohatynchuk Mike, Carson William, Pawlik Thomas, Carson John, Petryk Donny, Rozak Peter, Wasylechko Willie, Dehod Paul, Losier Francis, Goruk George, Tannas Don, Lewicky Thomas, Cherniwchan Rodney, Cherniwchan David, Russ Randy, Cherniwchan John, Stutz Ernie, VanIderstine Ken, Jusypink John, Greschuk Raymond, Mucha Raymond, Huchulak Del, Huchulak Nick, Dunphy Danny, Danyluk Wilbert, Melowsky Joe, Laszchuk Albert, Christensen Don, Paskevich Ernest, Goruk Peter, Franchuk Michael, Osepchuk Ted, Palichuk Elmer, Bykewich Modest, Tkach Paul, Petrushka William, Repka Nick, Franchuk Andy, Tychkowsky Orest, Feser Pius, Schedel Margaret, Rosenberger Dale, Mumer Allan, Homeniuk Nick, Buyar Bernie, Young John, Habiak Peter, Verenka Edward, Walker Frederick, Czaban Peter, Shapka Mike.

The organization grew and neighbors started watching out for each other and reporting any breaking of the law, which improved crime in the area. The RCW met with other RCW organizations and were instrumental in many Resolutions for change. They became the Eyes and Ears of the Community.

As the organization grew many fundraisers were held. From working at the St Paul Bingos, helping at weddings, selling pins and caps, to being designated drivers at graduations. Then enough money was made to buy a pyrohy roller and the pyrohy making began. My mom Anne Bordian would tell me how they all got together in the Edwand Hall with RCW members, RCMP and Fish and Wildlife and made dozens and dozens of pyrohy for sale. Years later this stopped as there was less members able to help with this large project. The perohu maker was sold. In 2011 the St Paul Bingo closed its doors.The October Pumpkin fest in SmokyLake became a yearly fundraiser having a food booth and helping with the night security. We also help the Rodeo Club and work the Malanka every year. The money from the fundraisers is put back into the community. With bicycle safety programs, school awarness programs, school poster contests, candy cane projects, floats promoting RCW, assisting Fish and Wildlife with putting up signs, attending RCW Zone meetings and AGMs, hosting Zone meetings, and etc. The Smoky Lake County Rural Crime Watch association waschosen several times as the most active of all of the RCWs.2013 thirty years later we have 31 directors mostly active, 4 executives, Glenda MGinnis as President, Marlean Skoreyko as Vice President, Sylvia Hoberg as Treasurer, Gerald Babichuk as Secretary, a RCMP liaison, 2 Fish & Wildlife officers, Vilna C.O.P.S. and a RCMP Sergeant and Detachment that participate and help us when they can.

Some of the Fundraisers and Functions are January- Worked for Malanka Ukrainian dance group ( ticket sales clean up of tables) February- 8 members plus Sergeant and wife attended the Provincial AGM in OldsApril- Attended Redwater Thorhild Zone 5 Spring meeting-----Worked for the RCMP Regimental Ball (ticket sales clean up and lunch set up)----- Sale of Lily Bulbs from Vesey’s PEI for a fundraiserMay- Bought promotional bags for give away-----Crime Prevention Week---- Visited Schools with filled promotional bags.-----Crime Prevention Week---- held an open house afternoon barbeque in Smoky Lake with the help of RCMP and Fish and Wildlife. It was a great success.June- Ordered Jackets with our logo for Directors who wanted them July-Worked for the Rodeo club (sold tickets for food and worked the bar for the dance)---- bought new banners for our SLCRCW-----Participated in the Parades in Smoky Lake, Vilna, Waskatenau, Andrew and StPaul (2 directors offering their horses miniature and large, to pull wagons in some towns and our president offered their large truck in others)August- Held a appreciation barbeque for our directors, executive, RCMP and Fish and Wildlife at Bellis Beach, September-Sale of fall Tulip Bulbs from Vesey’s as a fundraiser---Washed dishes at a wedding as a fundraiser October- Had a booth at the Pumpkin Fest (sold 950 hamburgers) and also did security, ---November till February attended the Fall zone 5 meeting in Barhead, held a Christmas appreciation party, and attended the AGM provincial RCW in Stony Plain----- With all the fundraising we were able to buy a camera and we were also able to buy along with the Smoky Lake Lions Club a” Monty the safety Bear Mascot costume” for the RCMP to be used in schools, at functions and a great tool for working with children. Thank you to all the Executives, Directors, RCMP, Fish & Wildlife, and Members for keeping Smoky Lake County Rural Crime Watch running for 30 years andmany many more. Be Proud and vigilant of what you do. We are the EYES and EARS of the Community.