Beginner_Week9_Class 1

Appearance 1

  1. Students will be able to listen andunderstandthe adjectives of appearance.
  2. Students will be able to ask and answer objects’ appearances.
/ Target Words
big, small, long, short, thick, thin
Target Expressions
Is it big or small?/ It is big.
Lesson Procedure / Teacher Talk
1. WarmUp / Class5”PPT
Show the PPT and get students warmed up for today’s lesson. / Please take a look at this.
(Showing the slide of a big dog and a small dog.) What do you see? A dog which is big and another dog which is small.
Can you guess what we’re learning today?
Make students aware of today’s objective. / Today we are going to learn about how to express some appearance adjectives and how to ask and answer the appearance of objects.
2. Presentation / Class10”PPT & Word cards
Introduce the target words doing actions based on its meaning with PPT file.
Have them repeat after you and mimic the actions. After they get comfortable with the activity, mouth the words as you do the motions. / Big, big, big!
Short, short, short.
Repeat after me doing the same action.
Look at me. (Doing actions) Can you guess the word?
TIP When you present the adjectives, use gestures as well.Big: make a big circular actions above your head with your arms. / Small: make a ball with your hands. Long: stretch your arms.Short: bring your hands close each other. Thick: put your thumb and index finger out. Thin: bring your thumb and index finger close together. Exaggerate the motion as much as possible to energize the activity. Making a contrast leads to a better understanding of appearance.
Sit the students in a circle. Hold up a word card and readthe word while doing the actions based on its meaning.
Pass it to the next student and have him/her read the word while doing different actions from you.
Have him/her pass the card to the next student. / We need to all sit in a circle. I will hold up a card and say the word while doing actions.
Then I will give it to S1 and he should read the word doing differentactions from me.
S1 will give it to S2, and S2 should read the word doing different actions from S1.
We will continue like this going around the circle with all of the flashcards.
TIP You can do variations of this activity to make it more fun. Students can have to do all the actions of the cards that came before them, super speed round, changing direction, whisper game, etc.
3. Practice 1 / Group5”PPT
Show the PPT and have the students guess if the item is big or small. / Look at this dog. Is it big or small?
Have a look at the answer.
Oh, the dog is small. It’s small.
Repeat after me. It’s small.
4. Practice 2 / Group5”PPT
Choose one student from each team and have them come to the TV screen.
Show them a slide presenting two things side by side.
Ask students to answer the questions by pointing to the thing. / One student from each team comes to the front.
Point to the right picture that I say with your finger.
(showing #1 a big dog and a small dog)
Ask me “Is it big or small?”
“It’s big.”
(Students will point to the big one.)
TIP Tell the students to touch the TV screen softly with their fingers by demonstrating how to point to.
5. Production / Pair10”Picture cards
Put up the word cards on the board. Divide the class into two teams and get them to stand in line at opposite ends of the board. One student from each team steps forward and says a sentence matching the card closest to them. If they are correct, they move forward. They keep moving forward and when they finally meet, they play rock-paper-scissors. The loser drops out and the next student on his team starts from the first word. The winner from rock-paper-scissors continues towards the end of the board. Whoever reads the word at the end first, wins. / I need one student from each team to come to the front. You start here. Touch the word card and say the sentence “It is big.” using the word and keep moving forward. I’ll start at the other side and do the same thing. When we meet in the middle, we’ll play rock-paper- scissors.
The winner keeps going forward from the card that rock, paper, scissors was played at. The loser goes back and another student from his team has to come and start from the first word again. Then continue the reading race until one team touches and reads the card at the very end.
TIPEncourage the students to say an exact sentence. Those who don’t will be penalized to move backwards two cards. Come up with fun and creative penalties to make the game more challenging so that students stick to the rules.
6. Consolidation / Individual3”PPT
Point to a picture and ask students to answer your question.Students take turns and practice. / Can you tell me if it is thick or thin?
7. Homework / Class2”
Have students write the target words 3 times. / For homework, I’d like you to write the words 3 times in your notebook.