Windermere Elementary Presents:

A Book Pumpkin Decorating Contest: The Battle of the Pumpkins

Decorate your pumpkin as your favorite book!

Entries accepted Monday, October 19th – Monday, October 26th

Entries need to be taken home by Friday October 30th J

1.  Students MUST use artificial pumpkins only. NO REAL PUMPKINS PERMITTEDJ

2.  Pumpkins must be decorated using the theme, main characters or setting of a favorite book. Please have the book that provided inspiration displayed as well. Please keep entries appropriate for our elementary age level.

3.  Participation is completely voluntary. Projects may be done independently or as a class.

4.  Feel free to use paints & glue. We welcome things like fur, sequins, beads, googly eyes, ribbons, yarn, etc. Go wild! Please avoid using any real fur or feathers as these may cause allergies to students and staff. Also avoid using candy or other types of food as this can attract insects.

5.  Bring your decorated pumpkin to the Media Center when completed. They will be displayed in the library until October 30th, when they will be sent home so that you can enjoy it for Halloween.

6.  Each entry must have an entry form so that we know who the masterpiece belongs toJ

7.  Deadline for the entry is Oct. 26th. No late entries accepted. Judging will begin promptly at 9:00 a.m. on October 27th.

8.  Have fun!



Title of Masterpiece ______

Name of Book ______Teacher/Grade level______