PTA Meeting: November 13, 2012 7pm

Treasurer report: balance: $8,910

  • were last year’s yearbooks paid for yet? Yes
  • were we able to receive a “break” no
  • was there a balance carried over from last year? Yes…

Motion made to accept the treasurer’s report…motion accepted

WISE team (west islip school enrichment) presentation: Programs consists of 2 specific objectives….discovery enrichment & challenge enrichment.

  • Vivianne Hollinger: explained enrichment program is designed to enhance education through non-traditional methods (i.e. internet). Important to believe all students can succeed. Mrs. Hollinger works with all students & teachers in grades 3-5 throughout the district. Program is approx. 8-10 weeks of problem solving analysis & critical thinking. Either pull out into MST lab or push in to individual classrooms. Lessons are 50 minutes long. Owl pellet dissection, loss of clam population (go out on a boat to analyze the water & use investigative clues to find out why clam pop iis declining), history of West Islip, big foot mystery. Check out Mrs. Hollinger’s eboard for cumulative end of year projects.
  • Theresa Robertson: challenge enrichment. Highly selected k-5 students. Above average ability, creativity & task commitment. See eboard for specific criteria. Discussed appeal eligibility & process. Challenge program is constantly changing. Every year, children are reevaluated by children. Several competitions between enrichment & challlange program (i.e. geography, math, etc). email is the best way to contact either. ?selection criteria made by district? Yes ?i feel it is flawed because there are children that are “phenomenal” in 1 subject only, but are overlooked in lieu of children who are “good” at several subjects? This is something that would be discussed directywith Mrs. Burns…program is evolving. Exceptional in 1 area, but unfortunately they must meet the requirements of eligibility. ?where can we get a copy of our child’s scores? You don’t! Not every child is scored. Very small population of students that will have the GRS performed on them (gifted rating system). ?can you get a copy? No…It is not a test….there is not going to be a GRS for each child. ?can child get any other services (i.e. speech) if they are participating in the program? Of course!!! The need for services in one area would absolutely not discount their achievements in other areas. ?can you request a screening? No…they must be identified by their teacher. The only opportunity to pursue it is through the appeal process, in which case you would receive a letter in June. ?at what age do the selections begin? Prior to entering kindergarten. ***All info always available on eboards***

Principal’s report: It has been a trying 2 weeks post “Sandy”…thank you for coming out tonight. If anyone knows someone within the community that has any needs-emotional, financial, cleanup, etc…please let me know. We want to help!!! Luckily our area (around school) seems fairly ok…trees down. Most damage seems to be south of Montauk. District would like any donations, fundraisers, or events to go through Lionheart foundation…keep all of the $ central & donate as a district vs. individual schools…keep it consistent.

Teacher’s report: great to get back after the storm. Teachers are collecting on behalf of faculty & staff for turkey baskets. Will turn in donations to Susan at the end of the week.

  • ?what is the plan to catch up for the days that were lost due to the storm? There is no plan yet! We are waiting for clarification! Great question!!! Mr. Maniscalco: currently in governor’s office for decision. Such a widespread issue…more info to come. State focus is still recovery from storm.

Secretary: motion to accept minutes….motion accepted

President’s report:

  • Lionheart-donations can be made through PaySchools. They are also looking for donations of services. 7:45pm meeting at High School tomorrow (11/14/12) for Lionheart Foundation.
  • Swirls & Twirls fundraiser Saturday 11/17/12 10a-8p. Bring student id card or report card. Students receive 25% off & council receives 50% of proceeds to go towards scholarship fund.
  • Castle creations: delayed due to storm…expecting delivery later this week. Hopefully orders to go home before Thanksgiving.
  • Monday 11/19 bully awareness meeting.
  • Calendar will be coming home for Nov & Dec.
  • Arts in Ed assembly Dec 19-details to follow.
  • PTA council breakfastDec 12, 7:30am @ Oquenock…all district office, council employees. ?are volunteers needed? Prob should have volunteers…years past have needed additional help. Kristina: bkfst is catered so we really don’t need help. Can decorate the night before. Sue: decorations will be put out by holiday breakfast committee.
  • ?to whom do we make suggestions? Email or drop into pta mailbox. We are here to ensure they have a rewarding elementary experience.

VP Report-Kristina:

  • pies & breads cancelled due to storm. Disappointing!!! We lost an entire fundraiser.
  • Also had poor turnout of the games fundraiser due to the storm. Can still order games online…we need to send out a flyer ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also yahoo & facebook blast to notify everyone fo the games fundraiser! 40% return on all game purchases.
  • ?pies and breads for Christmas? Kristina: We will need to contact white post farms to see if this is an option.
  • ?budget for council breakfast is $50…can we make a motion to increast budget to $75? each school pays $50 towards breakfast. There was an anonymous donation towards decorations!
  • Unfortunately, our indoor recess toys were donated to the hurricane sandy community drive. We need to replenish…if you have anything you would be able to donate, please bring it in asap.
  • We NEED VOLUNTEERS for committees!!!
  • Please…instead of posting on Facebook PLEASE contact a pta member. We want to hear ideas from Westbrook and Oquenock parents!!!
  • As per Kristina: If anyone has an issue with Kristina, please speak with Kristina!!! Mr. Maniscalco: never easy combining groups of parents…we have a really great thing going on here. Need to maintain focus on the kids-regardless of what building your children attended last year. Facebook rants are unacceptable!!! Need to hold ourselves to a higher standard & be a role model to our children. We need to agree to disagree on issues but at the end of the day it is all about the kids!!!!

VP report-Dana:

  • Book fair will be held in the gym: K-2 Thursday & 3-5 Friday. Monday is a makeup day or hold pick up day. ?where can we set up the “hold” books until Monday? Library. ?please remind lead parents of time so they can ensure there are enough of volunteers? Email to Nancy & Kristina to remind lead parents of book fair times.
  • Picture makeup, clubs, cap & gown: November 30, 9-12p. If you need a new picture order form, please ask for one!!!! ?can nurse do a lice check of 5th graders day b4 pictures?Mr. Maniscalco: Sure…shouldn’t be a problem. They do not share caps, but they do share the “gown” that goes over their shoulders. ?can 5th grade girl & boy scouts leader be contacted to have troop’s photo submitted into yearbook or can we ask Lifetouch to take one group shot of all scouts in the school? Great idea! ?can it be all grades or just 5th? We need contact people…Lesley cub scouts & Margaret Dixon for girl scouts.
  • Yearbook meeting 11/28 10-12 @ library conference room B.

VP Report-Nancy:

  • k registration-new date has yet to be decided. Hoping to be after thanksgiving break!
  • Still need a committee chair for beautification committee!!!
  • Arts in ed chair: Karen Charminski
  • ?date for parent conferences? District will send out the date by the end of the week.

Corresponding: nothing

Council: meeting cancelled due to storm.

  • ?how did council do on castle creations/wrapping paper? Not so great….that is why we are doing swirls & twirls

Food drive: list is out. Lots of food already donated. Baskets will be made Friday after school in conjunction with core club in the cafeteria. After baskets are made, we will know how many oquenock families are in need (anyonyously) and the extra baskets go out to the community.

  • ?how are families identified? Work with nurse & social worker.

Membership: 320 members currently. Need to be a member to be a class lead parent and/or chair a committee.

Box tops will be submitted @ end of November…Meeting date to follow. We will need people to count box tops. $434 from last year owed to us…will be paid out at the end of the year. Go to to register for additional box tops points.

Target site: only 40 registered Target cards for Oquenock! It must be a target red credit or debit card & must be registered online to qualify towards their cash back program.

5th grade dance Feb 8. We will have a quick meeting next week.

Variety show: still on schedule for January 18, 2013. We are working on setting up a rehearsal schedule. Have a volunteer for the 5th grade finale: “gangnam style”

  • ?variety show should have been later in the year…new friends, uncomfortable”?

Holiday sale: already shopped for. 12/13 set up & 12/14 sale.

Holiday breakfast is on Saturday 12/15. There is a fee for breakfast! Pancakes & eggs….9&11am seatings. Santa will be here; bring your cameras. There will also be a craft. Instead of letters to Santa, have kids write letters to troop. Have kids donate change and use the change to purchase phone cards…Operation Christmas Child.

  • ?There seems to be A LOT of fundraising…thought is that we are asking for too many small monetary donations. Maybe be a better idea to have a parent social bi-yearly and raise money once vs. multiple times. Baskets, alcohol…? Pick a fundraiser!!! Please do not feel obligated to participate in all fundraisers. Kristina: we only have 4 fundraisers for the whole year.

Newsletter coming soon: We need articles of events, pictures, articles from kids, etc….submissions from each grade…newsletters are posted on the website.

Reflections: new deadline Tuesday November 20th. Photography pictures of the nat guard helping the members of the community

New business: Visable difference of release procedures! Huge differences…thank you!!!!!!!!! Staggered release is much safer. Reminder: please drive slowly & carefully!!! 22 buses are too many for the circle, but release time is getting significantly better!!! Worked with Suffolk County police department to try to get a crossing guard at the school, but they did not identify a large enough need.

  • ?too many buses, can we condense? Busses are not full for a variety of reasons…may seem empty but heads directly to another school after picking up/dropping off here.

?what is the communication method…I am not getting all of the emails that are going out? Yahoo email is the best way to receive updates. Facebook page is also updated with all of the same info as Yahoo.

Motion to adjourn @ 919pm

Next meeting 930 dec18-kindergarten will perform.