For Immediate Release

Contact : {Local Contact Name}

{Phone Number}

{E-Mail Address}



{Subheading here about any special programs, events, or activities at your market}

United States Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack has proclaimed August 4-10, 2013 as National Farmers Market Week. In celebration, {your market name} is {list events/activities such as tasting days, guest chefs, local celebrity/politician appearances, cooking demonstrations, educational events, book signings, etc. Note date and time if applicable}.

By the end of 2012, there were more than 7,800 farmers markets in the U.S—a 10% increase in just one year.The numbers continue to rise as farmers markets become fresh food mainstays for shoppers across all socio-economic, political, and ethnic ranges. Now more than ever, farmers markets serve as anchors across American communities, positively influencing community health and wealth. Markets result in more viable regional economies and local farm businesses, increased access to fresh, nutritious food, and stronger social networks that help keep communities healthy. {State} is home to {number} farmers markets.

The {market name} began in {first year}, and currently has {number of farmers} farmers selling a wide variety of products, including {list some of the products that reflect the uniqueness and diversity at your market}. In the most recent season, {name of market} generated {amount of total annual sales} for these local producers, a valuable economic boost for the region.

{Quote from farmer or market manager}

{Insert any other statistics or points of interest here, such as the amount of produce donation to food banks, whether the market accepts SNAP/EBT, WIC, or Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program, etc.}.

“Farmers markets play a vital role in forming strong, healthy, local food systems.” says Jen O’Brien, Interim Executive Director of the Farmers Market Coalition.“By providing the opportunity for farmers to connect directly with consumers, markets have the benefit of serving as education hubs, small business incubators, and civic centers. National Farmers Market Week is the perfect time to visit your community’s market and learn about the amazing work that America’s small farmers are doing every day.”

{Boilerplate about your organization and its mission, with a link to web site}