Valencia Community College

MAT 0024C Beginning Algebra

Course Syllabus

Spring Term 2009

Adjunct Instructor: Nelly Marcano Cruz


Office: East Campus

Hours: As an adjunct instructor I do not have an office, but you can contact me by

E-mail and we can meet before or after class.

Location: Math - Lab Phone: TBD

Site Address:

Textbook:Beginning Algebra with Applications and Visualizations (2nd Edition) by

Gary Rockswold and Terry Krieger

Lab Manual: Activity Review Practice for MAT 0024C and MAT 0020C

Notebook: 3-ring binder / 100 sheets of college ruled lined paper / graph paper

Optional: Student’s Solution Manual for Beginning Algebra / calculators

Atlas E-mail: Please note that any notifications of excessive absences or course progress are done through Atlas. Be sure to check your email at least twice a week.

Course Description: Prerequisite: MAT 0012C with a grade of “C” or better, or an appropriate score on the CPT Basic Algebra Placement Test. This course is designed to supplement the algebraic background of students prior to taking certain mathematics courses at the college level. Topics include sets, fundamental operations with polynomials, linear equations and inequalities with applications, factoring and its use in algebra, introduction to graphing of linear equations, introduction to radicals, and use of calculators. This course does not apply toward the mathematics requirements in general education or toward any associate degree. A grade of “C” or higher is needed for entry into MAT 1033C.

Valencia Student Core Competencies: Valencia faculty has defined four interrelation competencies (Think, Value, Communicate, and Act) that prepare students to succeed in the world community. These competencies are outlined in the College Catalog. In this course, through classroom lecture and discussion, group work, and other learning activities, you will further your mastery of those core competencies. Additional information is available in the College Catalog.

State CLAST Skills: The state of Florida desires students to possess and demonstrate

certain skills in reading, writing, language, mathematics, algebra, statistics and

reasoning. In an effort to help you acquire and improve upon your ability to

demonstrate these skills, this course will include activities that require you to:

·  Read for literal comprehension

·  Perform arithmetic operations

·  Use geometry and measurement skills

·  Use algebra skills

·  Use reasoning to operate with sets


The state of Florida and Valencia Community College desire students exiting college

prep mathematics to possess and demonstrate certain competencies. To successfully

complete this course you must demonstrate the following competencies on an

examination administered near the end of the course.

1. Simplify Numeric Expressions

2. Simplify Exponential Expressions

3. Simplify Algebraic Expressions

4. Perform Arithmetic Operations with Polynomials

5. Simplify Square Roots of Monomials

6. Solve Linear Equations

7. Solve Linear Inequalities

8. Graph and Interpret Linear Equations

9. Set up and Solve Word Problems

10. Factor Polynomials

11. Simplify Algebraic Fractions

12. Solve Quadratic Equations

To receive a grade of “C” or better you must pass the state test and perform all other

required assignments in a satisfactory manner.

SPA: (Specialized Prep Area): The SPA is located on the first floor of building 4 in the Math Center. This is where you can receive specialized assistance for your math course. Worksheets are available in addition to tutoring to meet your specific mathematical needs.

Tutoring: Tutoring is available on first floor of building 4 in the Math Center. It is always best to contact your instructor first for any additional help.Our office hours are designed to give students individual assistance whenever needed.

Attendance: Attendance is mandatory and a crucial factor in your success in college. The college requires that I maintain accurate attendance records and that I notify you when you reach a certain number of absences. Any student who is absent more than the allowed number (3) without adequate excuse may result in withdrawal from the course. Students are expected to attend every class, be punctual, and complete all assignments. Students are required to remain in class for the whole period, unless prior permission to leave early has been granted by the instructor, it is disruptive to depart while class is in session. Students are responsible for all work presented when they are absent.

Tardiness: All classes start at the time indicated on your class schedule. Being late to class is a disruption and is discourteous to the professor and the rest of the students. Late arrivals are noted in my grade-book, students who persist on being tardy or leaving early will be dealt with on an individual basis. Five points will be deducted from your overall grade for lateness.You may be withdrawn if you are tardy more than 6 times.

Make-up Test Policies:There are no make-up tests or assignments under any circumstances. A test or assignment can be done in the testing center before the actual scheduled test if a situation occurs and I am notified 2 days in advanced. If a test is missed due to any circumstance, then the lowest test will be replaced by the final exam.

Withdrawal Policy: If you decide to withdraw, you must file the proper paperwork. Students should familiarize themselves with Valencia Community College’s withdrawal policy. If you just stop coming to class, do not complete the proper paperwork, and do not take the final exam, I must assign you an F. Always seek advice and guidance from myself and from your counselor before withdrawing from the class. See your counselor in how doing so impacts any financial aid you may be receiving. The following grade will be given depending on the following:

“W” -This grade will be assigned to students who withdraw or are withdrawn from the course before the withdrawal date established for the term.

“WP”- A withdraw passing grade will be assigned to students that have a class average of at least 60% who withdraw after the withdrawal deadline.

“WF” - A withdraw failing grade will be assigned to students who withdraw after the withdraw deadline and have a class average below a 60%.

Important Dates:

Classes do not meet: January 19th, February 20th, March 9-15 (Spring Break)

Classroom Behavior: Please mute beepers and cell phones before class begins. Be attentive in class. Come prepared. Make sure you have a pencil and paper or notebook. We will be working problems in every class period. Bring your textbook and lab manual. The problems we work are in the text!! Students are encouraged to participate actively and ask pertinent questions during class. Be courteous. Good classroom manners are to be observed at all times. Any action which disrupts another student’s ability to learn is considered disruptive. The only appropriate subject of discussion during class is algebra. Questions about your individual grade or progress must take place outside of class. (Make an appointment or e-mail me!!). Anyone not observing these policies will be asked to leave the classroom.

Labs:Attendance in the lab class is mandatory. Missing more than 3 lab classes may result in withdrawal from the class. Lab will have the same rules that apply to class attendance. THERE ARE NO MAKE-UPS FOR MISSED LABS. Each lab is worth 10 points. Your grade will be derived from the average of the lab assignments, which will consist of activities that support the math concepts studied in class. You must have your lab book on lab day. All labs must be received complete on the due date. You may work together during lab but must turn in your own individual work.

Final Exam Date: The final exam will be comprehensive and is mandatory, if you do not withdraw and do not take the final, then a WF will be assigned regardless of your average in the class.

MAT 0024C – CRN: 22888 à May 2nd (7:00am - 9:30am)

MAT 0024C – CRN: 21977 à May 2nd (10:00am – 12:30pm)

The State Competency Exam is required for all MAT 0024C students. Students must pass this exam with a score of 80% (24 out of 30 questions)

The passing of this test is necessary but not sufficient for passing MAT0024C. You will be given more information later in the semester.

Expected Student Conduct: Valencia Community College is dedicated to not only to the advancement of knowledge and learning, but also are concerned with the development of responsible personal and social conduct. Violation of any classroom or Valencia’s rules may lead to disciplinary action up to and including expulsion from Valencia. Disciplinary action could include being withdrawn from class, disciplinary warning, probation, suspension, expulsion, or other appropriate and authorized actions. You will find the Student Code of Conduct in the current Valencia Student Handbook. In addition, we ask that you follow college policy relating to children on campus. Please make arrangements for childcare outside of classrooms or labs.

Students with disabilities: Those who qualify for academic accommodations must provide a letter from the Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) and discuss specific needs with the professor, preferably during the first two weeks of class. The Office for Students with Disabilities determines accommodations based on appropriate documentation of disabilities.

Academic Honesty: All forms of academic dishonesty are prohibited at Valencia. Including, but not limited to: plagiarism, cheating, furnishing false information, forgery, or misconduct during a testing situation. Violations can result in failure of an assignment or the entire course. Each student is expected to be familiar with the college policy on academic honesty as stated in the Valencia Student Handbook.


State Rule permits only three attempts at Valencia in the same college-preparatory course. Being enrolled in a college-preparatory course beyond the withdrawal deadline counts as an attempt. You will only be allowed to register for a fourth or subsequent attempt at Valencia with approval through an academic appeals process based upon major extenuating circumstances. In accordance with sections 239.117, 239.301, 240.117, and 240.124, Florida Statutes, students enrolled in the same college-preparatory course at Valencia more than two times after July 1997 shall pay the full cost (100%) of instruction except in approved cases of extenuating circumstances or financial hardship. Further information about these procedures is available in the Academic Advising and Counseling Center on each campus.

Note that: All work that is turned in or collected must be done in pencil. All answers on tests, quizzes etc need to be circled or underlined. The course progress sheet on the next page details what your grade is based on.

Not that: The exact dates of the state exam will be announced in class prior to the test.

DISCLAIMER: Changes in the syllabus or Course Calendar may be made at the discretion of the professor. When absent, it is your responsibility to find out what, if any announcements or changes are made to the calendar or syllabus.

WEEK 1– Topic: Introduction to Algebra / Diagnostic Test
Course introduction… Syllabus Review… Begin Sections 1.1 - 1.4,Work on homework

WEEK 2– Topic: Introduction to Algebra

Sections 1.5 - 1.7… Quiz on Chapter 1, Work on homework

WEEK 3 – Topics: Linear Equations and Inequalities

Sections 2.1 – 2.3…Test Chapter 1, Homework is due on the day of each test

WEEK 4 – Topics: Linear Equations and Inequalities

Sections 2.4 – 2.5… Quiz on Chapter 2, Work on homework

WEEK 5– Topics: Polynomials and Exponents

Sections 5.1 – 5.4… Test on Chapter 2, Work on homework

WEEK 6 – Topics: Polynomials, Exponents, and Introduction to Factoring

Sections 5.5 - 5.6… Quiz on Chapter 5, Work on homework

WEEK 7– Topics: Factoring Polynomials and Solving Equations

Sections 6.1 – 6.2… Test on Chapter 5, Work on homework

WEEK 8 – Topics: Factoring Polynomials and Solving Equations

Sections 6.3 – 6.6… Quiz on Chapter 6, Work on homework


WEEK 10- Topic: Rational Expressions

Sections 7.1 – 7.4… Quiz on Chapter 7, Test on Chapter 6 (during Lab), Work on homework

WEEK 11 – Topic: Radical Expressions

Sections 8.1 – 8.4… Quiz on Chapter 8, Work on homework

WEEK 12– Topic: Graphing Equations

Sections 3.1 – 3.4… Quiz on Chapter 3, Test on Chapter 8, Work on State Competency Practice Tests

WEEK 13– Review State Competency Practice Exam / Chapter 3 Test (during Lab)

Review for State Competency Test, an 80% is needed to pass the competency test(24 out of 30)

WEEK 14–Review State Competency Practice Exam

WEEK 15– STATE COMPETENCY EXAM(date and time will be announced)

WEEK 16 – FINAL EXAM(check final exam dates above)

Grading Policy:6 Tests 600A:100 – 90%

7 Quizzes 70B: 89 – 80%

Mid-Term Exam ---- C: 79 – 70%

Labs 50 *D:69 – 60%

Final Exam130 *F: < 60% Total:850 POINTS

*These grades will require you to repeat MAT 0024C before continuing in your mathematics courses.

Course Progress Sheet: Your grade will consist of the following, please keep track of all your scores and know how to compute your average at any time during the progress of the course. Your average can be found by taking your total points and dividing by the total possible points at that time.

Tests (100 pts. Each)(Quizzes10 pts. Each)

Chapter 1 ______Chapter 1 ______

Chapter 2 ______Chapter 2 ______

Chapter 3 ______Chapter 3 ______

Chapter 5 ______Chapter 5 ______

Chapter 6 ______Chapter 6______

Chapter 8 ______Chapter 7 ______

Chapter 8 ______

Your Total Points: ______Your Total Points: ______

Labs (5 pts each) Final Exam (130 pts)

Lab 1 ______Lab 6 ______

Lab 2 ______Lab 7 ______

Lab 3 ______Lab 8 ______

Lab 4 ______Lab 9 ______

Lab 5 ______Lab 10 ______

Your total points: ______(50 total possible)

Your class average: ______(your points/850)

Homework: You will have homework everyday we meet. Completion of homework on a regular basis is crucial to your success in this course. Specific homework problems are assigned for each section to be covered. List will be given during the first week of class. Homework will be due before its corresponding chapter test.