PROGRAM PLANNING GUIDE ECE Articulation with Dakota Community & Technical College Fall 2014
Courses highlighted in yellow are offered through SMSU in an online format in the semester(s) indicated.
Courses in italics are matches as listed in the articulation agreement between SMSU and DCTC.
Course / Title / Credits / Sem. / Course / Title / Credits / Sem.Liberal Education Plan/
Minnesota Transfer Curriculum Requirements / Early Childhood Education coursework (cont.)
MATH 110 / College Algebra
MATS 1300 College Algebra / 3
4 / B / ED 275 / Founds: Parent/Child Relationships
ECYD 2570 Working with Diverse Families and Children / 2
3 / B
ENG 151 / Academic Writing
ENGL 1150 Composition I / 4
3 / B / HLTH 290 / Wellness, Safety, & Nutrition
ECYD 1220 Health, Safety, and Nutrition / 3
3 / B
SPCH 110 / Essentials of Speaking & Listening
SPEE 1015 Fundamentals of Public Speaking / 3
3 / B / ED 315 / Play and Creative Activities & Lab
*Pre-Requisites: ED 101 & ED 102
ECYD 2580 Creative Development Learning Experiences (with ECYD 1510 Practicum I lab) / 3
3 / F
ED 318 / Kindergarten Methods & Materials & Lab / 3 / F
ED 330 / Curriculum Methods & Assessment & Lab
*Pre-Requisites: ED 315
ECYD 1340 Curriculum Planning (with ECYD 1510 Practicum I lab) / 3
3 / S
ED 331 / Infants & Toddlers
ECYD 1310 Infant and Toddler Caregiving
ECYD 1410 Infant and Toddler Field Experience / 3
1 / F
Early Childhood Education / SPED 470 / Collaboration in Educational Settings
*Pre-Requisite: SPED 290 and Sophomore status / 3 / F
ED 101 / Introduction to Education & Lab / 3 / B / ED 455 / Leadership Issues in Early Childhood
ECYD 2600 Organizational Leadership and Management / 3
3 / S
ED 102 / Technology: Classroom Applications and Portfolio Development / 2 / B / ED 456 / Practicum in ECE Leadership
*Pre-Requisite: Junior Standing
ECYD 2510 Practicum II / 2
3 / B, Su
ED 220 / ELA Methods & Development
*Pre-Requisites: ED 101 & ED 102
ECYD2560 Language & Literature Learning Experiences / 3
3 / B, Su
ED 251 / Introduction to Child Growth/Develop.
ECYD 1210 Child Growth and Development / 3
3 / B
SPED 290 / Introduction to Special Education & Lab
ECYD 2320 Children with Differing Abilities / 3
3 / B
ED 346 / Children’s Literature
*Pre-Requisites: ED 101 & ED 102 & ED 251 / 2 / B
ED 302 / Dev Read. Methods & Assessment & Lab
*Pre-Requisites: ED 220 / 3 / S
ED 304 / Professional Development & Classroom Applications / 1 / S
ED 312 / Human Relations for Teachers / 3 / B, Su
ED 344 / Social Studies Methods & Lab / 3 / F
ED 361 / Elementary Mathematics: Methods & Lab / 3 / F
ED 363 / Elementary Science: Methods & Lab / 3 / S
ED 402 / Early Literacy & Linguistics / 3 / F
ED 423 / Classroom Management Theories and Practice & Lab / 3 / S
ED 443 / Action Research I / 2 / F
ED 444 / Action Research II / 1 / S
LEP/MnTC and graduation requirements / 45
Early Childhood Education requirements / 75
ED 462 / Student Teaching: ECE / 12 / B / Total credits required / 120
Courses in the shaded area can be taken prior to admission to teacher education
F = Fall S = Spring B = Both F & S SU = Summer f~e = Fall every other even year f~o = Fall every other odd year
*odd/even years are determined by beginning of school year (i.e. 2007-2008 year would offer fo & so; 2008-2009 would offer fe & se)