Mrs Carol Macleod Parish Rooms
Clerk to the Council Breage
Tel: 01326 574781 Helston
E-mail: TR13 9PD
Present: Cllr R Wyvern Batt (Chairman)
Cllr T Ackland
Cllr A J Best
Cllr Mrs T Board
Cllr S Caddick
Cllr T Coleman
Cllr Mrs P Darby
Cllr Mrs K La Borde
*Cllr C Ralph
Cllr Ms C Rashleigh
*Cllr T Woodhams
Cllr J V Keeling MBE
Mrs C Macleod (Clerk)
7 Members of the Public
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meetingand stated that the meeting would be recorded.
This was read out by the Clerk.
Apologies had been received from HB who was on holiday.
a)Cllr Mrs T Board’s permanent declaration of interest in accordance with LGA 2000: My beneficial interest in Breage Parish Council owned land registered V.G.621 Praa Green, is that my adjoining property has gate access.
b) To note declarations of interest in accordance with LGA 2000 - Members and officers to declare non-registerable interests or disclosable pecuniary interests (including details thereof) in respect of any items on this agenda and unless you have the benefit of a current and relevant dispensation in relation to these items you must:
(i)not participate, or participate further, in any discussions of these items at the meeting;
(ii)not participate in any vote, or further vote, taken on these items at the meeting; and
(iii)remove yourself from the meeting while any discussion or vote takes place on these items, to the extent that you are required to absent yourself in accordance with the Council’s Standing Orders or other procedural rules.
Where a Member has a non-registerable interest in an item that does not benefit from a valid dispensation and that interest only arises from the Member’s participation in or Membership of a body whose objects or purposes are charitable, philanthropic or otherwise for the benefit of the community the Member may, (with the permission of the Chairman of the meeting or until such time as the Chairman directs the Member to stop) address the meeting to provide such information as they reasonably consider might inform the debate and decision to be made before complying with b).
Nothing was declared.
c) To take consideration of written requests for dispensations
There were none.
d) Members to give consideration as to whether their Register of Interest forms are fully up to date
Nothing was declared.
The Chairman led The Councillors through each page of the draft minutes asking for inaccuracies.
No inaccuracies were reported.It was proposed by TA, seconded by TB and resolved that with two abstentions, as the Cllrs had not attended the meeting, the Minutes of the Ordinary Parish Council Meeting 2 August 2016 be signed as a true and correct record.
a)To discuss following comments from a Parishioner
It was explained thata Parishioner had stated, during Public Participation at the August meeting, that they were most upset at the July meeting as a member of the public who spoke during Public Participation and who obviously did not know the format of Public Participation, was constantly badgered by one the Councillors who continuously and rudely demanded his name, which he did not wish to give. It was asked why Councillors did not give their names at the start of each meeting. The Chairman told Council that this should not happen again. She had apologised at the August meeting.
b)To resolve that Councillors either are introduced at the start of Parish Council meetings or/and wear name badges
After discussion, it was proposed by TC, seconded by TA and unanimously resolved that Councillors wear name badges at all future meetings
a)Each member of the public is entitled to speak once only in respect of business itemised on the agenda or in respect of something they wish to bring to the Parish Council’s attention for inclusion on a future agenda and may speak for a period of time which is at the Chairman’s discretion
b)A question asked by a member of the public during this public participation session shall not require a response or debate
c)The Chairman may direct that a response to a question posed by a member of the public be referred to a Councillor for oral response or to the Clerk for a written or oral response
d)A record of the public participation session shall be included on a separate page in the minutes of the meeting
Public Participation was held here from 7.07 to 7.19 p.m.
Cllr Keeling’s report had been circulated to Parish Councillors.
He spoke about traffic calming matters that had been raised. The Godolphin project had been highly commendedand was one of the best submitted.However, nothing ever came to fruition and he found this most disappointing. The Clerk had copied him in on emails regarding speeding on the A394. He had used his Highways budget some years ago to purchase a VAS which is shared with Leedstown. Drivers do get used to it after a while so it is good to move it between Parishes. The Parish Council has agreed to pay for a socket in Breage but Cormac has not yet processed this. Sadly, since 2013 there has been no Highways budget for Divisional Members. Apparently there is Japanese Knotweed on the proposed site for the Breage socket. It would be good to get the Police involved regarding the speeding problems but the Policing for this is not there. Speedwatch can be set up by the Police which involves Parishioners using a speed gun and making records. Cllr Keeling asked that anyone who was interested contact him and he would contact the Police. The rest of the report is given below:
‘August is traditionally the month when most of the Cornwall Councillors take the opportunity to have a break from council work. Nevertheless, there are always issues and matters to take care of and I have been involved in discussions with the Chief Executive Officer and Leader of the Council on a number of issues ranging from the increase in capacity of the senior management team, a cost neutral evolution, which should enhance the relationship Cornwall Council as with its partners delivering services to the public. BREXIT is never far from the agenda and the question remains on how we can pull communities together as we head towards exiting the EU and of course both the advantages and disadvantages of this in due course. One issue is of course the EU funding that Cornwall receives to promote economic growth, a vital part of our future local government funding with the major reduction in direct government funding towards the end of the decade and a reliance on the retention of 100% business rates. I voiced my concerns, at the Bournemouth Conference in July, about how important the continuance of the present EU funding is to Cornwall to the then Minister for Local Communities and Government, Greg Clarke, but I will try to voice the same message to the new Minister at the County Council Network meeting in November. Cornwall Council has been conducting public consultation events called “Who Decides” in the wake of the present electoral review; that is the number of councillors Cornwall Council will have in 2021. This really is about electoral equality (each councillor should represent the same amount of people) but will of course effects the governance arrangements of the council in due course. However, I find it really odd that the leader of the council wishes to debate with local residents the governance models (how we run the council and decision making processes) and what would be most effective for Cornwall Council and the public sector. Call me old fashioned but we have been voted into power to run the council and we should get on with that rather than ask the public how they think we should do it. The public want to see improvements in public services and good outcomes for communities and we need to focus on that at all times.
‘Local issues are keeping me busy with a visit to Elysian Fields, at the owners invitation, to discuss some of the issues the parish council and local people are concerned about including the use of land for stationing of caravans and tents outside the 28 day rule and safety issues concerning the A394. My visit was followed by a visit by an Enforcement Officer to reinforce some of the matters I raised and I will forward this report to Breage Parish Council. Likewise there was an Enforcement report on the Engine House investigation which I will also forward along with a report on Rosemaber Farm and the alleged siting of caravans used by agricultural workers. I visited the LINKS to look at the alleged breach of planning and found that the owner had been clearing the site and put down hard-core but had not carried out any works to construct a dwelling. Footpath and Bridleway signage and other issues were raised throughout the division: bridleway 28 in Sithney parish and footpath 20 in Breage Parish and I asked Countryside access to look into these matters. There are a number of highway issues at Newtown opposite the Fishing shop and I will be meeting with the Highway Steward on site to seek a way forward. Hope to include the overgrown verge and hedges down Pengersick Lane as well. I have made good use of my Community Chest Fund and unfortunately it is now all been spent; though I could have done with twice the amount. The steps at Praa Sands are ongoing and I am pushing for a solution despite it never being easy to find an option that will withstand the forces of nature in the long term whilst not distracting from the natural look of the beach. In the meantime please see the several options put forward by Cormac solutions contained in an email earlier and I will be talking to the project officer Toby Lowe on the preferred option directly. Councillor Best contacted me regarding shoddy highway work and I asked Ben Dickinson, High Steward to look into this issue, any feedback would be useful.’
AB reported that nothing at all had been done regarding the highway work matter he had reported to Cllr Keeling. The drain at Redallon could cause the area to be washed out during flooding and the hedge could collapse. CC would be responsible. TA – there is also speeding in Godolphin and Carleen. For there to be Police presence there has to be a designated safety area and there are no such areas in these villages. Road marking that had faded had been partly renewed and an excellent job had been done up to Trew but Wheal Vor and the bus shelter have still not been done.
The Chairman thanked Cllr Keeling for attending and giving his report.
PA16/06974 - Dr Nigel Holgate – Waverly, Rinsey Croft, Ashton, HELSTON
Conversion of garage to bedroom and en suite with the addition of a porch to join this to the building
This is a former railway carriage and there is no alternative. The garage is not used. It was proposed by CR, seconded by TA and unanimously resolved that the application be supported.
PA16/06892 - National Trust - Godolphin Car Park, Godolphin Estate, Godolphin Cross, HELSTON
Proposed alterations to car park
It was proposed by TC, seconded by TB and unanimously resolved that the application be supported.
PA16/07117 - Mr E Lean - Brooke House, Godolphin Cross, HELSTON TR13 9RE
Application for a non-material amendment in respect of decision notice PA14/09791 (The proposed works involve the conversion of an existing integraldomestic garage into a study and storeroom)
There was no time extension granted for comment on this application. The Officer asked if the Chairman could make a decision but this is not possible. The Clerk therefore submitted ‘no comment‘ from the Parish Council.
PA16/07333 - National Trust - Godolphin House Car Park, Godolphin Estate, Godolphin Cross, HELSTON
Introduction of 2 pay and display machines and related instruction signage
AB supported because if the House and gardens were visited the car parking charge would be taken off the entry fee. KLB said that this applied to the car parks for the house and gardens. She felt that the charges at the car parks used for the Estate and Godolphin Hill walks would help the Estate. This would cause cars to park on the road and it is not the best of roads to park on. SC felt that the public are hosting the NT as much as they are hosting the public. Signs and machines are obtrusive in a sensitive area. This is unsightly and unnecessary. For years the walks have happened with free parking, why suddenly change now? It was proposed by CR, seconded by TA and resolved by 7 votes to 2 that the application be objected to as it appears that if the house and gardens are visited there is no car parking charge but if the estate car parks are used by people using the walks, (who have done this for years), they will now be charged for parking. This sudden change could not be understood. It was felt that cars will now be parked on the road, not a good place to park, because people will not wish to pay. The signs and machines would be intrusive, unsightly and were considered by the Parish Council to be unnecessary.
PA16/07334 - National Trust - Godolphin House Car Park, Godolphin Estate, Godolphin Cross, HELSTON
Advertisement consent to display 2 x instruction signs
It was proposed by TA, seconded by SC and resolved by 7 votes to 2 that the application be objected to as BPC hadf voted to object to the application for introduction of the machines and signage it also objected to display of instruction signs as being intrusive, unsightly and unnecessary.
PA16/07338- Mr G Richards And Mrs W Shallcross – Tregea, Chytodden Terrace, Carleen, Breage, HELSTON
Proposed extension and alterations including rooflights
It was proposed by TA, seconded by KLB and unanimously resolved that the application be supported.
PA16/07689 - Celtic Land Ltd - Penbro Farm Breage Helston Cornwall TR13 9PN
Non material amendment for various minor changes to the internal layout of the new dwellings, making better use of the existing door and window openings in the barns, and minor change to route of internal vehicular access track to PA10/03914
No time extension available for comment on this application. Councillors voted 2 to support, 2 to object and 2 no comment.As there was no clear majority the Clerk posted that: ‘no comment was made by the Parish Council’. The Officer has informed the Parish Council that it was determined that the proposal was not acceptable as a Non Material Amendment as the changes were too significant.
PA16/05063 (Amended) - Mr Malcolm Smitheram - Godolphin House, Godolphin Estate, Godolphin Cross, HELSTON TR13 9RE
Listed building consent for conservation like for like of the walls and roof of the Duck House (formerly known as the Fowl House)
It was proposed by SC, seconded by TC and unanimously resolved that the application be supported.
PA16/07443- Mr & Mrs D Crocker - 11 Hendra Close, Ashton, HELSTON TR13 9SS
Single storey extension and re-roofing of garage
Needs doing otherwise it will soon be derelict. It was proposed by TA, seconded by CR and unanimously resolved that the application be supported.
PA16/07069 – Mr And Mrs Morgan - 5 Trewartha Road, Praa Sands, PENZANCE, Cornwall TR20 9ST
Non-material amendment following grant of planning permission PA15/01044 to allow for updated diagrams showing the orientation of the ancillaryAccommodation
It is simply farther away from the boundary. It was proposed by AB, seconded by TA and unanimously resolved that the application be supported.
PA16/07750- Mr G Moynan - Long Vistas, Main Road, Ashton, HELSTON TR13 9SD
To remove porch and erect new PVCU conservatory
This will not affect neighbours as it is well back on the site. It was proposed by TA, seconded by TC and unanimously resolved that the application be supported.
PA16/07611- Mr And Mrs Christian And Tess Wilson - Sparnon Farm, Tregonning Lane, Carleen, Breage, HELSTON
To install an all weather 20m x 60m sand school suitable for exercising horsesenclosed by post and rail fencing
It was proposed by AB, seconded by TA and unanimously resolved that the application be supported.
09.08.2016 PA16/05479 APPROVED
Applicant: Mr J Salter
Location: Silverbridge Pengersick Lane Praa Sands TR20 9SL
Proposal: Erection of a Replacement Dwelling to highway.
08.08.2016 PA16/06150 APPROVED
Applicant: Mr C Dale
Location: 2 Reppersfield Row Breage TR13 9PG
Proposal: Proposed single storey extension.
18.08.2016 PA16/05397 Granted (Certificate of Appropriate Alternative Development and Lawful Development Certificate for an Existing Use or operation or activity only)
Applicant: Mr Peter Thomasson
Location: Land West Of Godolphin Cottage Pengersick Lane Praa Sands Penzance
Proposal: Certificate of Lawfulness for stationing of two caravans. Use as dwellings both long term and short term.
25.08.2016 PA16/05514 APPROVED
Applicant: Mr And Mrs Glover
Location: Pengerise Helston Road Germoe Penzance Cornwall
Proposal: Construction of Dormer Attic, Extensions, Alterations and Associated Works including rooflights, Juliet balconies and roof terrace
31.08.2016 PA16/07117 APPROVED
Applicant: Mr E Lean
Location: Brooke House Godolphin Cross Helston TR13 9RE
Proposal: Application for a non-material amendment in respect of decision notice PA14/09791 (The proposed works involve the conversion of an existing integral domestic garage into a study and storeroom)