Windorah State School August, 2013 Newsletter

Windorah State School Victoria Street, Windorah Qld 4481

Acting Principal: Mrs Lisa Roach Ph: (07) 4656 3128 Fax: (07) 4656 3120


Windorah School News

We have had an exciting time in recent weeks. This week the Wandering Warriors visited our school. Among others, Frosty, Scotty, Heck and Jacob came to parade, raised the flag, sang the National Anthem with us and then followed us to fitness where Scotty took the kids through some boot camp style fitness and later, some karate moves in Physical Education. They stayed on and helped out in the classroom with reading, journal writing and telling the time in Maths. The students loved their input and the soldiers equally loved the Windorah Kids. We thank them for adding value to our school.

Also this week, Sunrise, the morning show featured our children on Tuesday morning. It was interesting to watch the camera man, sound man and anchor lady, Eddie put the show together from the Outback. The children were filmed at the flag ceremony, climbing on the army rigs, waving the Wandering Warriors forward on their journey to Birdsville and most excitingly, the students displaying their outback skills in cracking their whips! Impressive!

We have been working hard in class to improve our Numeracy and Literacy skills. Thank you to all our parents and families who support their children in reading at home and completing their homework. Families who demonstrate positive values about education at home are the Number One Key to Success for their children’s future.

Speaking of Positive Parent Involvement, Friday Afternoon Sport is held at 2.15 every Friday. The children are always thrilled when their parents turn up for sport and we all have a good laugh at our lack of agility and speed we can blame on our lost youth. Come along and have some fun.

Parents also gathered recently to prepare the grounds for the upcoming 125th Anniversary Celebrations. The gardens are looking great thanks to all the helpers. Thanks to the Anniversary Working Party for coordinating the work.

Windorah SS underwent two Audits on Monday August 12 achieving a rating of HIGH in all domains. Congratulations to Parents (again) for their support.

Teaching and Learning Audit

  1. Effective Teaching Practices
  2. Differentiated Classroom Learning
  3. Systematic Curriculum Delivery
  4. An Expert Teaching Team
  5. Targeted Use of School Resources
  6. A Culture That Promotes Learning
  7. Analysis and Discussion of Data
  8. An Explicit Improvement Agenda

Discipline Audit

  1. Explicit Teaching of Appropriate Behaviour to All Students.
  2. Clear, Consistent Expectations for Behaviour
  3. Data Informed Decision-Making
  4. Parent and Community Engagement
  5. Principal Leadership

This month we have had many exciting visitors who add value to our school. Steve Cavill and Mr and Mr Cowley with very interesting RE lessons, David doing science and Dr Maria teaching us about ears and ear health. Also Paul from Spinal Injuries teaching about Spinal Safety. Thanks for coming!

Looking Forward ……..

Monday Parade–Every Monday morning at 9am we raise the flag, sing the National Anthem, have a visitor speak and give each student an award that celebrates their accomplishments from the previous week.Community members are most welcome to join us. Please feel free to turn up for our little ceremony and support the children here at Windorah School.

Opera at JundahYes, same day as the Yabby Races however it is an experience not to be missed and we will be back in time for the Fun!

We are fitter, stronger, faster and louder after training and practising for the Sir Wally Rae Athletics Carnival on Friday September 13. Windorah SS will be travelling up in the Barcoo Shire Bus the afternoon before and staying overnight.

Prep Starting Age

To enrol in Prep in 2014, children must be born1 July 2008 – 30 June 2009. i.e. they turn 5 by 30 June 2014.

2015 start – born 1 July 2009 – 30 June 2010.

125th Anniversary Celebrations September 28, 2013

pw strive to achieve