DhanyEfita Sari
Accounting Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, UniversitasMuhammadiyah Surakarta
Accounting Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, UniversitasSebelasMaret Surakarta
Accounting Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, UniversitasSebelasMaret Surakarta
The objectives of this research are: (1) to analyze the initial condition and management process of Special Job Market (BKK) of SMK NegeriJatipuro; (2) to develop web-based Special Job Market of SMK NegeriJatipuro; and (3) to analyze the effectiveness of the developed web-based Special Job Market of SMK NegeriJatipurointoimprovingimprove the absorption of its graduates in the working world.
This research used the research and development (R&D) claimed by Borg and Gall,. The data of research during the development were analyzed by using the descriptive analysis, the data of research on the feasibility of the developed web-based Special Job Market were analyzed based on the score criteria, and the prerequisite test on the normality test was done by using the t-test on the pre-test and post-test data (prior to and following the implementation of the web-based Special Job Market.
The results of research are as follows: (1) The Special Job Market (BKK) of SMK NegeriJatipuro has been developed on the website basis, its development procedures are started from model drafting to its validations by website material and media experts., andThethe result of the development shows that the developed web-based Special Job Market is feasible to be implemented; and (2) the developed web-based Special Job Market is effective to be implemented as indicated by the result of operational field testing.
Keywords:Development, Special Job Market, Website
Nowadays, there has beena rapid and massive development of science and information access, particularly those linked to practical, simple, and inexpensive Internet media. Internet media has become a primary requirement in all aspects of the life, leading to the numerous numbers of users from year to year across the country, especially in Indonesia.
Internet turns out to be a major medium in all aspects of life, among other is its significance in the field of education. The utilization of the internet in the educational management can be leveraged including in the process of student registration, teaching and learning activities, and the process of graduates marketing. It is expected that SMK graduates will be prepared to enter theworking world, therefore, every SMK has a Special Job Market (BKK). BKK is one important component to predict the success of education in SMK since it serves as an agency which plays a significant role in optimizing the marketing of SMK graduates and information sources for job seekers. The use of internet media in the implementation of BKK SMK is one way to optimize the distribution of SMK graduates and information sources for job seekers. It is in accordance with the findings reported by Budianto, etal., (2013: 13) in which the Web-based Special Job Market system has assisted students in finding jobs easily and more effectively. In addition, Sukardiand Hargiyarto (2007) explained that the Special Working Exchanges in SMK plays a role in placing graduates to work with a percentage of more than 60%, meaning that the absorption of SMK graduates in the working world is very good, since approximately 30% of graduates have not been employed in the first year.
Despite the significant role of BKK in SMK in providing access for graduates in the workplace, Sudarsono in HarianJoglosemar explained that there were only four BKKs among 25 BKK in SMK in Wonogiri Regency, Central Java Province which actively reported their activities to DinsosnakertransWonogiri Regency. However, most of Special Job Markets in SMK were merely a name since the lack of activities, or in other words, the BKKs in SMKs in Wonogiri Regency, Central Java endured a torpidity (October 8, 2012: 10).
Based on the initial survey that has been done by researchers, the percentage of graduates of SMKN Jatipuro absorbed in the working world through BKK JatiKaryaRaharja in 2015 by 25% of 123 students from all majors. Approximately 20% of graduates prefer to be entrepreneurs, 15% continue their study, 10% work for family or others, and the rest 30% have been employees or seek for a job through other channels. Basically, it can be explained that the role of BKK in SMK is very minimal in an effort to increase the absorption of the graduates from SMKNJatipuro in the working world.
In fact, the school management and teachers design the internet hotspot and network in the SMKN Jatipuroarea is only intended for academic purposes, instead of for accessing social media which is assumed less useful for students and school stakeholders. Based on the facts that have been elaborated, there are several both inhibiting and supporting factors related to the development of web-based BKK in SMKN Jatipuro. The inhibiting factors include the propensity of students to access the internet solely for entertainment, instead for academic and job information purposes. The supporting factors include the provision of internet network even though it is restricted to teachers and staffs.
Based on the background of the problems, the design of job information system through the Special Job Market (BKK) in SMKN Jatipuro is required. It is supported by the internet network provided by schools and it should be a supporting factor in the implementation of education objectives, which is to prepare graduates to work in the working world and to increase the absorption of graduates through the role of Special Job Market (BKK). The design of job information and the distribution of graduates in the working world can be done through the design of web-based BKK of SMKN Jatipuro, and with the sustainable management by the center for BKK SMKN Jatipuro. Based on the explanation, this study aimed to investigate about “THE DEVELOPMENT OF WEB-BASED SPECIAL JOB MARKET (BKK) AT SMKN JATIPURO, KARANGANYAR REGENCY TO INCREASE GRADUATESABSORPTION IN THE WORKING WORLD”.
The formulation of the problemsis devised based on the background of the problem that can be described as follows:
1. What is the initial condition and management process of Special Job Market (BKK) of SMKNJatipuro?
2. How is the development of web-based BKK of SMKNJatipuro?
3. How is the effectiveness of the development of web-based BKK in relation with the absorption of graduates in the working world?
Based on these problems, the purposes of this research are: 1) to determine the initial conditions and management processes of the Special Job Market (BKK) of SMKNJatipuro; 2) to develop a web-based Special Job Market (BKK) of SMKNJatipuro,Karanganyar Regency; 3) to analyze the effectiveness of the developed web-based Special Job Market (BKK) of SMKNJatipuro, KaranganyarRegency in order to increase the absorption of graduates in the working world.
Special Job Market (BKK)
Based on the Decree of the Directorate General of Guidance of Labor Placement KEEP-131/DPPTKDN/XI/2004, a job market is an institution that carries out a placement function to bring together between job seekers and employers. Job seekers are everyone who is looking for a job to get an employment suitable to the respective education, skills, interests and competence expressed through job seeking activities. The employer of workforce is government agencies, State Owned Enterprises (BUMN), Private Owned Enterprises (BUMS), as well as individuals/entrepreneurs. Hermansyah, etal., suggested the Special Job Market (BKK) as the job market in the secondary education unit, the higher education unit and other training institutions that perform activities of providing job market information, job seeker registration, job counseling and guidance as well as the distribution and placement of job seekers (2009: 11).
Website is a collection of pages used to display text, general and motion pictures, animation, sound, and/or combination of information, both static and dynamic, that forms a series of constructions in which each of them is linked to the network pages. The relationship of one web page with another page is called hyperlink, while the text that is used as media intermediate is called hypertext (Hidayat, 2010: 2).
Dewanto (2006: 44) emphasized the criteria of an appropriate website should meet the requirements of: a) usability; b) navigation system; c) graphic design (visual design); d) contents; e) compatibility; f) loading time; g) functionality; h) accessibility; andi) interactivity.
Based on the criteria of an effective website as elaborated above, the steps to build web-based Special Job Market of SMKNJatipuro can be initiated by using the WordPress. It is a web hosting application commonly employed to create websites for free. The design to build web-based Special Job Market of SMKNJatipuro is adjusted to the needs of users and effectiveness is assessed based on several indicators. As a result, it can be used to can be used to retort the hypothesis in the study of the development of web-based Special Job Market of SMKNJatipuro.
The Graduates Absorption in the Working World
The absorption of vocational high school’s graduates in the workforce is the level or percentage of the accomplishment of graduates to enter the work field. It can be determined from two dimensions. Kagaari (2007: 454) in a research entitled Evaluation of the effects of vocational choice and practical training on student’s employability proposed the concept of employability and absorbability, namely: a) manpower employability, the concept explains the capability of the graduates to enter the working world based on the ability of graduate work, which is the employable graduates due to their skills. Employability is a securing the quality and skills of graduates to be employed; b) manpower absorbability, the concept explicates a risk in which the absorbability is the risk of the presence or absence of job opportunities. Employment is determined by available job opportunities
The absorbability of graduates in the working world is a (long-term)outcome that is expected to obtain from the developed web-based Special Job Market of SMKN Jatipuro. Through this website, graduates can simply seek for information about job vacancies, register themselves, and find suitable occupation based on their skills and competencies. In addition, it will help the SMKN Jatipuro to perform tracer study by using the facility of alumni registration as a feature of the website. Subsequently, it is expected that the effectiveness of web-based BKK generated from this development study can be evaluated in relation with the absorption of graduates in the working world, which is one of the outcomes and goals of vocational secondary education.
Design Model of Web-based BKK of SMKNJatipuro
It is a research and development study aimed to develop a web-based Special Job Market (BKK) of Jatipuro Public Vocational High School (SMKN Jatipuro). Borg and Gall (1998) inSugiyono (2015: 28) suggests that, “research and development is the process/method used to validate and develop products”.
The development of the web-based Special Job Market is a form of development to renew or update an existing product, in this case the former Special Job Market possessed by SMKN Jatipuro. It is an attempt to support the more practical, effective, and efficient distribution process of graduates of SMKN Jatipuro in the working world.
The procedure to investigate the development of web-based Special Job Market ofSMKNJatipuroused previous procedure developed by Borg and Gall. In this study, the measures adapted from Borg and Gall consisted of 8 (eight) steps, including:1). Research and information collecting, 2). Planning, 3). Develop preliminary form of product, 4). Preliminary field testing, 5). Main product revision, 6). Main field testing, 7). Operational product revision, and 8). Operational field testing. The step of Final product revision and Dissemination and implementation were not performed by considering this development was not intended to disseminate a product.
The process of design modeling the web-based BKK of SMKN Jatipuro was commenced by conducting interviews and observations on the Principal, BKK Management, and students of SMKN Jatipuro to find potential problems regarding with the former BKK. The findings were examined and analyzed to determine the solutions. Subsequently, the design modeling of web-based BKK of SMKN Jatipuro was started by the determination of website menu content and the order. At this stage, the researcher was assisted by the BKK Management and web-designers to devise the website menu and order in accordance with the needs of BKK of SMKN Jatipuro. The order of contents was sequenced from left to right, i.e., home, profile, alumni registration, alumni list, job vacancy, announcement, list of accepted graduates, and contact person. After designing the menu order of the website, the next step was to input the content of BKK of SMKN Jatipuro. The content of the info menu was designed by using PluginTablePress which contains the name of the company, the position of the required job vacancy, the requirements of the company, the amount of required employee quota, and the button “APPLY HERE” for applying one of the available job vacancies on the website.The button “APPLY HERE” is linked to the page of job registration form created by using PluginVisualFormBuilder. It is a Plugin that allows building and managing various forms of formin website in one page. The created form does not use HTML or PHP program, hence it is expected it will be easier and practical.
The address of the BKK website initially uses the domain of wordpress.com but to facilitate the search for address, the current website uses domain of .com. Currently, the official website of BKK of SMKNJatipurois at
The next step after the website design modeling was to validate the product of the website to assess the feasibility of the product of design. In this step, the validation was based on rational assessment, not a field observation. The design of the developed web-based BKK of SMKN Jatipurowas done by the experts and practitioners. Validation by media expertswas derived from internal tests conducted by supervisors who comprehend the role of the Special Job Market (BKK) as a channeling agency for graduates of SMK in the working world. Meanwhile the validation of practitioners was based on the internal tests conducted by BKK Management who have been accustomed in employing similar products.
The instrument used to validate the developed web-based BKK of SMKN Jatipurowas validation sheet. The validation sheet was the material (content) validation sheet to be filled by BKK Management, and the media validation sheet to be filled by the supervisors. The Likert’s Scale was used in the validation sheet with a score of 1 to 4.
The developed web-based BKK of SMKNJatipurothat has been validated and revised, was feasible for further testing. Trial of the product was done 3 (three) times, namely the preliminary field testing aimed to perform main product revision;the main field testing aimed to perform operational product revision; and the effectiveness of web-based BKK was measured during operational field testing.
Samples tested in the Preliminary field testing were 6 (six) students of the Class XIIAccounting at SMKN Jatipuro for the academic year 2015/2016 and a member of BKK Management. Preliminary field testing of the website model draft was conducted on Saturday, May 7, 2016 at the computer laboratory of SMKN Jatipuro at 09.00—11.00 WIB. Data collection techniques during this testing were observation and interviews. Qualitative data derived from observations and interviews were interactively analyzed, reduced, and presented with the purpose to revise the product.
Samples for the main field testing of the website model draft was carried out by involving 30 students of SMKN Jatipuro specifically 5 (five) students of Class XIIAccounting A, 5 (five) students of Class XIIAccounting B, 4 (four) students of Class XIITKR A, 6 (six) students of Class XIITKR B, 5 (five) students of Class XIITKR C, and 5 (five) students of Class XIIBusanaButik and a member of BKK Management. The testing was conducted on Monday, May 16, 2016 at the computer laboratory room of SMKN Jatipuro at 08.00—10.00 WIB. Data collection techniques were observation and interview. Qualitative data derived from observations and interviews, were interactively analyzed, reduced, and presented with the aim to revise the product.
The Testing for the Effectiveness of Web-based BKK of SMKN Jatipuro (OperationalFieldTesting)
The effectiveness of web-based BKK of SMKN Jatipuro was tested after the revision of the final product was completed, which was at the operational field testing. The samplesinvolved in the testing phase was 57 students of Class XIIof SMKN Jatipurofor academic year 2015/2016, namely 31 students of Class XIITKR, 19 students of Class XIIAccounting, and 7 (seven) students of Class XIIBusanaButik. The sampling technique was proportionate random sampling. Model testing was performed in the computer laboratory room of SMKN Jatipuro on Friday, May 20, 2016. Trial participants with a total of 57 people were divided into two stages. The first stage was conducted with a total of 30 participants while the second stage involved a total of 27 participants. The model testing was done by collecting data derived from the questionnaire provided after the treatment (post-test). Questionnaires were distributed after the students had tested to apply and register as alumni online through the developed web-based BKK. Participants who tested on this model test were the same subjects as those who participated prior to treatment. The pre-test questionnaire (before treatment) had been distributed and filled before the introduction and trial of web-based BKK was implemented, which was on Wednesday, May 4, 2016.