I.1 Title of the Project:
“Museum Support Decisional System”
I.2 Description of the Project:
-Activities for which financial support is request:
Quoting the “Culture 2000” Framework Programme Call for Proposals for 2004 (2003/C 195/14) published on Official Journal of the European Union on 19.8.2003, our project fits perfectly the objective number 4.: “….sharing and highlighting, at European level, the common cultural heritage of European significance: disseminating know-how and promoting good practices concerning its conservation and safeguarding…”.
Furthermore our project addresses even the following Culture 2000 general themes: “…New technology/new media addressing creativity …”.
-The purpose of the project:
The project aims to draw up a RISK MATRIX for the museum facilities, as a support tool both for a self-evaluation of the Index of Risk in the museum facility itself, and for an economical resource planning as regards RISK prevention.
-Project objectives:
The project has its main objective in the achievement of a QUANTITATIVE instrument, on a trans-national basis, able to help the Director of the Museum in defining and putting into effect his own choices concerning resource allocation within the ambit of prevention and preservation of RISKS.
-Anticipated results:
To allow an early Index of Risk self-evaluation inside the MUSEUM building. The MATRIX of RISK will be tested/applied with reference to the self-evaluation.
-Approach and methodologies used throughout the implementation of the project:
The Risk Management method is used. It aims to examine and get a specific Index of Risk concerning the following factors:
- Electric Risk
- Fire Risk
- Risk at Work
- Structural Risk
- AnthropicRisk
Such a MATRIX of INDEX should come complete with a Support Decisional System, which should be able to make a cost-effective valuation about the several MUSEUM Directors’ choices.
-Partners involved in the project:
CNR-ITALIA (Italian National Council Research), and several Museums (located in several European countries) have been considered as the best partners to be involved. Their intervention should allow to test effectively the adopted method.
-People, who will benefit from the project:
This project is aimed at giving an operative tool to the Museum Directors, in order to allow them to self-evaluate the RISK in Museum facilities, and to examine both the immediate incidence of management choices and the allocation of resources concerning PREVENTION of RISKS inside the Museum.
-Project locations and timetable for implementation:
The above mentioned project will be executed both at SCHULT’Z ITALIA branch and CNR ITALIA office and at the MUSEUM facilities, as well.
The EU Community funds two kind of projects: annual projects (12 months– deadline 30th October 2003) and multiannual cooperation agreements (minimum of 24 to a maximum of 36 months – deadline 14th November 2003). Our project should last comprehensively 12 months (annual projects hypothesis), but we are open even to the multiannual projects possibility, as well. That means actions must be based on a cooperation agreement between at least five participating countries.
Kontakt: Monica Cavalli,
Tel: ++378 054992750