ND Center for Nursing

Statewide Nurse Preceptor Program Meeting Minutes

September 1, 2015

9:00 – 10:30 AM CST

Project Goal: Develop a process to identify nurse preceptors and to provide

preceptor education to nurses in ND.

Meeting Started: 9:04 Meeting Ended: 10:18 AM

Participants: Kim Weiland, Sara Dvorak, Ashley Dagleberg, Jana Zwilling, Becky Graner, Jane Roggensack, Kate Steinke, Mary Smith, Patricia Moulton


Group Chair: Barbara Diederick and Jane Roggensack

  1. Introductions
  1. Review notes from May Meeting. Check Kim’s spelling on the minutes

May Meeting Notes

  1. Review Final Funding Proposal and plan for final year of Strategic Plan

Final Statewide Nurse Preceptor Program Funding Proposal

Current Leadership Team Workgroup Members

Strategic Planning Survey Link

Becky Graner Consulting Agreement Finalized

  1. Development of a Preceptor Reimbursement Tracking Team as a part of our Advocacy and Legislative Work- there is interest in developing a policy brief to advocate for preceptor reimbursement, especially for APRN preceptors as other states (including SD) have instituted this. Anyone from this group interested in joining? Would meet 2-3 times via teleconference call and then remain on team through next session. Becky Graner would like to work on this.
  1. Strategy: Evaluate APRN program
  • Develop preliminary follow-up online survey for APRN preceptor bureau participants and APRN education program contacts. Completed in May.
  • Collect follow-up survey data and analyze. Develop report that includes data from preceptor bureau applications and webinar evaluations and preliminary follow-up survey data.- Review Draft Report- Becky Graner reviewed the evaluation report. For the 12 preceptors that have signed up for the bureau and the six that have taken the SAGE preceptor course the evaluation is very positive- the tools developed have been useful. For colleges/universities the program has been less successful and they are still having difficulty placing students with APRNs. As the program becomes more widely known and we have more preceptors this may help with availability.

Draft APRN Evaluation Report

Group Discussion:

  • It is such a challenge to place requests. Right now there is a need for 26 APRN preceptors at our facility. It is not that they don’t want to have students, they are exhausted. There isn’t an economical issue with ours, they haven’t had any issue in productivity.
  • The group talked about the role of the gatekeeper which was a comment on the academic survey.
  • The group thought that encouraging employers to connect APRNs with SAGE would be good.
  • The group was wondering about regulation.
  • Pushing it out to employers more to promote to APRN preceptors.
  • Push it out more APRNs through the newsletter and to the member lists- Patricia will do this again.
  • The group thought we should work on: Maybe concentrate on packaging of program and work on pushing it out to employers, more targeted emails and information to APRNs, NPs and CRNAs etc.- to just those. To just academic programs to try and get the information out to employers. Platform to encourage you and your growth as a profession and is viewed as an opportunity for you as a preceptor to grow and as a professional to grow. Good opportunity. Who could be promoting it- the managers would be received better than from others. It would be challenging.
  • Edit APRN preceptor webinar if needed based on evaluation-completed-Becky Graner/Kyle Martin
  • Disseminate report to APRN Preceptor Bureau participants, leadership team, CUNEA, NDNPA and NDANA, NDNA. Anyone else this should be sent to?
  1. Strategy- Develop, implement and evaluation APRN interactive component- discuss at September meeting based on evaluation feedback
  • Examine APRN evaluation report to select one interactive component to pilot- Becky Graner
  • Develop interactive component, pilot test if needed and implement- Becky proposed that we develop short 5 minute PSAs for each APRN education program to encourage preceptors. Group decided to try and repackage the program rather than

A short webinar would be helpful.

  • Evaluate interactive component- Discuss strategy for this
  1. Finish development of preceptor program, implement and evaluate.
  • Survey preceptor program leaders, former preceptors, former preceptees and those that would like to be preceptors to determine needed components for the RN preceptor program. This has been completed.
  • Examine survey results and other feedback to determine components needed for RN preceptor program product.-Completed through small sub-group meeting.
  • Develop draft RN preceptor program product and dissemination plan. Receive feedback from workgroup and CUNEA. Discuss draft, feedback received and next steps. This has been completed.
  • Develop final Undergraduate program product and disseminate- Any final thoughts on product? Will also send a digital version to education programs. Will send to printer after meeting. Number of copies has been determined for programs=1,200 plus copies for Concordia. MSUM will use digital version. Thank you Barb for your help in getting these!

Final Undergraduate Preceptor Flyer

  • Add missing parenthesis on end of first page in the last paragraph
  • The section “Expectations from institution accepting preceptor” doesn’t make sense- could take this part out- the preceptor doesn’t have anything to do with this.- suggested getting rid of this section- the group thought that we should delete this and move up the help the student part at the top of the second page to the first page.
  • Develop Preceptor webinar. Becky Graner and Mary Smith have been working on this. This will go on a new Preceptor Resource Page- Will ask people to fill out an online registration form, if located in ND they will get NDBON contact hour credit until June 2016- pilot. To get contact hours they have to complete the webinar and the evaluation.

Draft Preceptor Concepts Webinar

Nurse Preceptor Roles and Responsibilities Part 2

Nurse Preceptor Assessment Part 2

Group Discussion:

It looks good. Would be good to complete in one part.

Could have the assessment be part of the contact hour application.

Feedback from group by end of September.

  • Develop survey to evaluate preceptor program and determine next steps.- Becky Graner will be working on this after we have fully launched the Undergraduate products in October- December. Anyone interested in helping with this?
  • Collect data and analyze- will be done in December- January.
  1. Develop evaluation report of overall project. Will develop final report in January-March. A lot of these have already been collected as a part of our APRN evaluation. Any thoughts on any of these?

Perceived difficulty in placing students due to preceptor availability, # of preceptors by program, # of preceptors in preceptor program, # of preceptor/program matches, satisfaction and feedback from preceptor bureau participants and programs, RN program evaluation

  1. Communications Plan
  • Market APRN Preceptor Bureau to in-state nurses- Kyle
  • Market APRN Preceptor webinar to out-of-state nurses for a fee- this will happen this fall- $50 to take the class for out-of-state APRNs? Ideas on which states to focus on our how to market this out of state? Last meeting suggestions included finding out where our graduates are going? Minnesota, South Dakota and close compact states for the RN license. Maybe Canada.
  • Market preceptor program- Kyle-

Next meeting is March 4, 2016 from 9:00 AM – 10:30 AM

2015-2016 Workplan- Workgroup Meetings in May 2015, September 2015, March 2016

Strategies / Activities / Month/
Responsible Person(s) / Activity Completion Status
Evaluate APRN program / Develop preliminary follow-up online survey for APRN preceptor bureau participants and APRN education program contacts. / March- May 2015
Consultant / 25% / 50% / 75% / 100%
Collect follow-up survey data and analyze. Develop report that includes data from preceptor bureau applications and webinar evaluations and preliminary follow-up survey data. / June- September 2015
Patricia Moulton / 25% / 50% / 75% / 100%
Edit APRN preceptor webinar if needed based on evaluation. / July-September 2015
Kyle Martin / 25% / 50% / 75% / 100%
Disseminate report to APRN Preceptor Bureau participants, leadership team, CUNEA, NDNPA and NDANA and nurses. / October- December 2015
Patricia Moulton / 25% / 50% / 75% / 100%
Develop, implement and evaluation APRN interactive component / Examine APRN evaluation report to select one interactive component to pilot. / September 2015
Workgroup / 25% / 50% / 75% / 100%
Develop interactive component, pilot test if needed and implement. / October-December 2015
Patricia Moulton / 25% / 50% / 75% / 100%
Evaluate interactive component. / January 2016
Patricia Moulton / 25% / 50% / 75% / 100%
Finish development of undergraduate program, implement and evaluate. / Survey preceptor program leaders, former preceptors, former preceptees and those that would like to be preceptors to determine needed components for the preceptor program. / January-February 2016
Consultant / 25% / 50% / 75% / 100%
Examine survey results and other feedback to determine components needed for preceptor program product. / March 2015
Small workgroup
Patricia Moulton / 25% / 50% / 75% / 100%
Develop draft preceptor program product and dissemination plan. Receive feedback from workgroup and CUNEA. / April- June 2016
Small Workgroup
Patricia Moulton / 25% / 50% / 75% / 100%
Develop final program product and disseminate. / July- September 2015
Kyle Martin
Patricia Moulton / 25% / 50% / 75% / 100%
Develop modified Preceptor webinar for preceptors. / July- September
Kyle Martin
Patricia Moulton / 25% / 50% / 75% / 100%
Develop survey to evaluate preceptor program and determine next steps. / October 2015-March 2016
Patricia Moulton / 25% / 50% / 75% / 100%
Collect data and analyze. / December 2015-January 2016
Patricia Moulton / 25% / 50% / 75% / 100%
Develop evaluation report of overall project. / Write overall evaluation report of project. / January 2016-March 2016
Patricia Moulton / 25% / 50% / 75% / 100%
Review results and provide recommendations for next strategic plan. / March 2016
Workgroup / 25% / 50% / 75% / 100%

2015-2016 Communications Plan for Preceptor Project

Year/Annual Goal / Activities / Month/Responsible Person(s) / Activity Completion Status
Market APRN Preceptor Bureau to in-state nurses. / Develop marketing materials. Disseminate. / July-August 2015
Kyle Martin / 25% / 50% / 75% / 100%
Market APRN Preceptor webinar to out-of-state nurses for a fee. / Develop facebook marketing materials for ad. / September 2015
Kyle Martin / 25% / 50% / 75% / 100%
Design Preceptor Program Product. / Develop draft graphical design for preceptor program product. Finalize and then order copies of product. Finalize webinar. / July-September 2015
Kyle Martin / 25% / 50% / 75% / 100%
Market Preceptor Program. / Develop marketing materials for preceptor program. / October 2015
Kyle Martin / 25% / 50% / 75% / 100%