Final 25th March 2011
2011/12 Local Delivery Plan
NHS Grampian/NHS Orkney/NHS Shetland
Non-clinical Partnership Arrangements
In July 2008, Scottish Government Health Directorate asked NHS Grampian, NHS Orkney and NHS Shetland to build on their experience of collaborative working in the provision of clinical services to extend such arrangements to non clinical services. Additional resource was provided to the Island Boards to enter into arrangements with partners to strengthen capability and capacity in areas such as human resources, finance, governance and planning. Dedicated time of a senior Grampian Manager was identified from November 2008 onwards to facilitate and support the development of partnership arrangements for non clinical services. A supporting structure and process to agree the detail of the programmes of work was agreed and is overseen by a Partnership Steering Group involving the three Board Chief Executives. These Partnership Arrangements do not in any way detract from the Partnership Arrangements between the Island NHS Boards and Local Authority Partnerships.
Where a service need is identified by an Island Board then in the first instance its provision is sought from NHS Grampian. Should NHS Grampian not be in a position to respond, then the Island Board can secure this from elsewhere. Partnership agreementsdeveloped since 2008 have taken a variety of forms. These have included:-
- Ongoing partnership input over an extended period of time such as specialist support to Facilities and Estates in Shetland, senior management secondments from NHS Grampian to NHS Orkney (now completed) and Corporate Communications provision from NHS Grampian for NHS Orkney.
- Time limited/one off agreements such as the provision of training courses on IOSH, on undertaking impact assessmentsand assistance with individual human resources issues.
- Peer support/Information/systems sharing. The partnership agreement process has been instrumental in facilitating the development of peer relationships between the Boards. A number of informal links are now in place and there has been considerable sharing of processes, systems and documentation for mutual benefit.
- Strengthening governance and inter Board working through facilitated non-Executive Board Member workshop
In October 2010 a short questionnaire was undertaken to evaluate the benefits being derived from the Partnership Arrangements. All respondents felt that relations between Boards had strengthened as a result of the partnership.
Partnership agreements will continue to be developed on an ongoing basis throughout the life of this Local Delivery Plan. Progress is reviewed quarterly. A position statement as at March 2011 is provided below and further information can be provided on request.
NHS Orkney/NHS GrampianCorporate Communications: Service provided from Grampian since April 2009. Two year agreement in place from November 2009.
Human Resources: Specific support agreed for medical contractual governance and workforce redesign and learning and development. Input to disciplinary/grievance cases as required. Ongoing peer support/sharing.Recent agreement to provide Strategic HR function – detail being discussed.
Health and Safety: 5 day on island ‘Managing Safely' course in July 2010. Fire Risk Specialist Advisor input under consideration. Training and access to Grampian Chemical Management System being progressed. Ongoing peer support/sharing.
Board Development and Governance: Facilitated workshop involving non-executive Board members of the 3 Boards. Further events planned.
Peer support/Information/systems sharing: Ongoing across all parts of organisation.
NHS Shetland/NHS Grampian
Estates and Facilities: 3 year agreement in place commencing November 08.
Optometric Advice:One Optometric Advisor session per month commencing November 2009.
Equality and Diversity: On island training provided.
Board Development and Governance: Facilitated workshop involving non-executive Board members of the 3 Boards. Further events planned. Specific support for Board development to be determined by Board Chairman
Peer support/Information/systems sharing: Ongoing across all parts of organisation.
Supporting Infrastructure
Islands Co-ordinator resource identified from 1st November 2008.