Dear Vendors, Members, and Friends:

The Hospice & Palliative Care Council of Vermont will hold its 21th Annual Conference on Thursday, June 7, 2012, at the Lake Morey Resort in Fairlee, Vermont. The event is co-sponsored by Vermont Ethics Network, Vermont Assembly of Home Health Agencies, Hospice Education Institute and NEVAHEC. The programming will involve hospice providers from across Vermont and New Hampshire and usually attracts more than 250 attendees. Representatives from regional and national organizations are also expected.

Because of your organization’s interest in hospice and palliative care issues, we want to give you an opportunity to support the conference as well as receive valuable exposure for your products and services.

Support can be offered at the following levels:

  • Star Sponsorship

For a $1,000 contribution, you will be acknowledged as a major sponsor of this conference.

You will be invited to display products and/or services, as well as being our guest for lunch.

  • Exhibitor

For a $500 contribution, you may provide a product/service display, as well as being our guest

for lunch.

  • Break Sponsorship

For a $250 contribution, you will be acknowledged as a sponsor of either morning coffee or afternoon snack break on the day of the conference.

Again this year we will offer our popular silent auction, which benefits our Hospice Partner in Tanzania. Bidding tables will be located in the vendor area. We invite you to donate to our auction as well. A full description of the conference is enclosed.

Our work in palliative and hospice care is vital to the well-being of the citizens of our state and region.

I look forward to your positive response to this opportunity for continued support of our programs and projects.


Angel Means, RN, CHPN


Virginia Fry, MA


Response requested by May 20, 2012.

Checks should be made payable to Hospice & Palliative Care Council of Vermont.

10 Main St., Montpellier, VT 05602


Company Name: ______

Yes, we will be a Star Sponsor of HPCCV’s Annual Conference.

Our exhibit contact person is ______

There will be ____ guests for lunch.

Yes, we wish to display our products/services.

Our exhibit contact person is ______

There will be ____ guests for lunch.

Yes, we wish to sponsor the:

___Morning coffee break

___Afternoon break

Please find our check for $______enclosed.

In addition, we will provide ______for the Silent Auction.

No, we choose to decline this opportunity.

Thank you for your continued support.