McArthur/Early Childhood Australia

Early Childhood Leadership Development Scholarship


When completing this form please comply strictly with the guidelines, completing each field.

Closing date for applications: 31July 2016

1. Information about the applicant
Name of applicant
Mailing address
Telephone / Home

Privacy statement

The personal details provided will be used for this purpose only and will not be used for any other purpose and will not be given to any person or institution.

2. Early Childhood Australia membership number (if applicable)
Membership number
3. Early childhood degree qualification

Attach certified copy of degree

Name of degree
Awarding institution
Year awarded
4. Details of workplace
Name of service/preschool/other where currently working
Manager/supervisor name
Manager’s telephone
Manager’s email
5. Outline of leadership potential

Maximum 800 words


a)Examples of how you have made changes or had an impact on your team or setting in the past as evidence of your leadership potential.

b)How you would like to support and enhance the professional growth of other early childhood educators and deliver improved opportunities and outcomes for young children.

6. Proposed program of study or conference attendance

Maximum 1000 words


a)Details of the study program and/or conference.

b)Your goals for the study program and/or conference and their significance for other early childhood educators.

c)A description of the potential outcomes or benefits for you professionally that you expect to gain from the study program and/or conference, and any long-term links that you may establish at a professional level.

d)An outline of how you will share outcomes or learnings with others and how this will potentially benefit the children, families and educators at your workplace.

Please note:The scholarship does not fund capital expenditure,for example, computers and other equipment.

9. Professional referees in support of application

Referees must be able to attest to your leadership and commitment to early childhood.

Please note: Two referees are required as well as a statement of support from your employer (referees must complete this section and attach a written reference each).

First referee

Telephone[JD1] / Home
Relationship to applicant

Second referee

Telephone / Home
Relationship to applicant


Telephone / Home
Relationship to applicant
10. Approvals necessary for proposal to proceed


  1. The recipient of this scholarship is required to provide the Scholarships Committee with two reports. An initial report before the study program/conference which provides finalised details of the study program/conference attendance detailing what is being done and when, and a final report within three months of completing their study at exemplary service/s or attendance at their nominated early childhood conference. This final report will detail what was done as a result of the scholarship. Should these requirements not be able to be met, the committee must be informed in advance of this and a new date for the submission of the report negotiated.
  1. 50 per cent of the scholarship funds will be paid when the winner of the scholarship is announced, with the remainder of the scholarship paid on confirmation of expenditure of funds. Recipients are advised to take out travel and other insurance in the event that they are unable to undertake the nominated study or conference participation detailed in their application.
    If the recipient of the scholarship is not able to meet their responsibilities (i.e. unable to undertake the travel), the full scholarship will be repaid to ECA, less the cost of travel insurance if applicable.
  1. The scholarship recipient is required to present a workshop or seminar at the 20186 ECA National Conference in SydneyDarwin about how their study program or participation in a conference has affected their approach to their work with young children and their leadership capacity, and to write an article for an ECA publication. The purpose of these requirements is to make a contribution to professional knowledge, practice and/or policy as appropriate.
  1. The scholarship recipient is required to present a workshop or seminar to the McArthur staff and/or board about how their study program or participation in a conference has affected their approach to their work with young children and their leadership capacity, and/or to write an article for the McArthur newsletter.
  1. Any publications/workshops/seminars emanating from the scholarship must acknowledge the support of the scholarship.
  1. Any change of name or address during the tenure of the scholarship must be notified to the Scholarships Committee.
  1. It is acknowledged that all work completed by the recipient of the scholarship remains their intellectual property.


If this scholarship application is successful, I agree to observe the conditions and responsibilities as outlined in the information sheet and application form.


If application is submitted electronically, receipt of application will constitute agreement to the above conditions.

Check List
Please ensure your application contains the following:
Completed application form
Answers to all questions
Footer on each page with page numbers and your name
Twowritten references attesting to your leadership and commitment to early childhood
Statement of support from your employer
Only one copy of application (electronic submission)

Please send your completed application to .

McArthur/Early Childhood AustraliaPage 1 of 6
Early Childhood Leadership Development Scholarship

[JD1]Keep it consistent with terms used above.